More like Luke Cuckmaster

More like Luke Cuckmaster

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More like Luke Bullmaster

that is the face of soy products
I seriously doubt this dude has ever had sex

I like how Dundee reacts to the city folk. Shows their lack of good values

Guy's a total cumslut.

>I'm just gonna throw meaningless labels at everything I don't like. This totally isn't going to backfire and work as fuel for the forthcoming ideology revolution

Way to go numale

more like luke skywalker

More like Luke Cuckwalker

let Aus decide

WHOA what a racist last name!

your values aren't good just because you're from a simpler place

More Buckfluffer

Puke Buttmaster

more like luke fudruckers

What kind of Jedi family is this?

More like Luke BucksbackonhiswifesmastersBBC

lmao more like Duke Soymaster

i love how The Guardian always gets their contributors to post their soyface next to their articles so you know exactly what kind of cuckold is writing it.

GQ as well. It's extremely helpful.

The kind that own and breed cuck bucks.

If anyone actually wants to waste their time reading that, at least avoid giving them clicks

>mfw reading the posts ITT

Wonder if he would react the same way if this was the character

I had no clue until this very moment that there was a third Dundee flick. Holy shit.

>an Aussie from some dusty shithole in the middle of nowhere is supposed to act like a San Francisco liberal
Yeah, that's good writing. If anything Crocodile Dundee wasn't racist or sexist enough.

only passive

How much soy do you think this man drinks a day, Sup Forums?

Someone has to die for this

I hate Crocodile Dundee, it's fucking Australian blackface mocking us.
No we do not go "Walkabout" no we don't carry knives around, no we don't say "Shrimp on the barbie" It's a fucking prawn in Australia and why infuck would you BBQ them?
Every time I meet some fucking seppo and they're like "THIS A KNIFE? NO THIS IS A KNIFE" I want to grab their knife and stab them to death.

About as much as your mother drank while pregnant with your faggot ass

he only consumes soy products

doesn't he have abbo friends and shit? Pretty fucking liberal considering.

Who cares retard? It is a movie. I don't watch Robocop and then say "wow I am NOTHING like that wtf. NO Americans are NOT ALL ROBOTIC POLICEMEN I mean ugh"

t. non Australian

All of it.

>the guardian

wow... i didn't realise Australians were so sensitive...

>I hate Crocodile Dundee, it's fucking Australian blackface mocking us
Uh mate, Paul Hogan is Australian, and he more or less played himself.

>No we do not go "Walkabout"
Yeah we do.

>no we don't carry knives around,no we don't carry knives around,
Yeah we do.

>no we don't say "Shrimp on the barbie" It's a fucking prawn in Australia
Well sure, but then they needed to change that bit for yanks.

>and why infuck would you BBQ them?
It brings out more of the flavour.

This is Luke. He writes whiny little articles on the internet for a living. Harden the FUCK up Luke

thanks mate

Moura Queensland 4718. 2 Hour drive to Rockhampton to get groceries.



Pathetic, insecure Australians
>cry about stereotypes
>beg to be taken seriously
>have a retarded accent
>are nowhere near as fun as they are built up to be
>no one wants to be associated with them

Confident, intelligent Irishmen
>see stereotypes for the harmless fun they are
>engage with and laugh at the perceptions people have of them without letting it define them
>are the life and soul of any party
>people around the world trawl through their family trees desperately hoping to find an irish ancestor

Second generation gook?

>Yeah we do.

Aboriginals did at some point but nobody really does anymore.

Also carrying a knife in Australia is like a life sentence if you get caught by the pigs these days.

How accurately does this video portray Australia?

But how was he even racist though? Because he asked his slave driver what tribe he was from?

The virgin Aussie.

The chad Ocker.

>Also carrying a knife in Australia is like a life sentence if you get caught by the pigs these days.
>the pigs
Americunt detected.
Even if they catch you with a knife they can't do shit about it if you declare a legitimate reason for having it. Ie, I was walking down to the shops to buy myself an orange. Plus keep in mind the movie was made like 30 years ago, before laws were even in place.

>Caring about the police.
If anyone I'm descended from ever cared about the police I wouldn't even be in Australia to begin with.

>be Australian
>walk down to the shops to buy an orange
>get stabbed

t. Melbournian

>ginger in Australia
poor guy

>muh rural and suburban retards

>turning "her" down
What a fag.

>Also carrying a knife in Australia is like a life sentence if you get caught by the pigs these days.
Fuck off, I got pulled over 2 days ago with a massive knife sitting in my backseat, the cops asked what is that for, I said gutting sharks, they said fair enough and let me go

Then I went and harnessed my ex's new boyfriend with it for the lols