Is it acceptable to get drunk while watching a movie?

Is it acceptable to get drunk while watching a movie?

I drink 3 beers and a shot of Jameson before I go inside.

sounds bretty good. im not one for shooting whisky but whatever floats your boat

Jut sneak in a flask with rum in it.
Order a large dr.pepper or cola and you're set for the whole movie

>I drink 3 beers and a shot of Jameson before I go inside.
Don't you need to piss then immediately as the film starts? Lay off the beer if you ask me

I hate hard liquor but it gives me buzz quicker. Jameson is smoothest for me.

I have a spacious bladder. And even I get the urge to void, I can hold it until the movie ends.

Liquor while watching the BBC House of Cards is as comfy as you can get.

Necessary for shit movies.

I usually have 3 fingers of whisky and a cigarillo.

>I drink 3 beers and a shot of Jameson before I go inside.
That gets you drunk, you sad manlet?

Netflix House of Cards requires it too but for different reason

Who said I don't bring more drinks inside

wont it hinder your aim m8 once you start firing?

U wot m8. I’d drink you under the table you silly lanklet.

>a shot of jamerson

is this a joke?

Movies Ive seen drunk in theater, cause I ain't some pussy who doesn't bring a flask into the theater

>Gotg 2
>justice league
>star wars 8

Fuck yea man, drink up.

>>justice league
I needed several trips to the bar just to go through the first hour of that movie

you can get served beer at mine, I still sneak my own in though

last movie i saw drunk was "it" and thought it was rather funny. was it actually scary or was i just drunk?

>drinking Jameson

this desu, rum & coke is my go to when i just want to get drunk quickly without puking from drinking it straight too much

yeah that served beer is always three times of it's actual price

>sneak my own in though

Why do niggers do this Sup Forums? Why can't they follow the rules and not be cheap ass niggers?

>being a cuck and paying $15 for a soda

Every movie is good when drunk

All the stuff in this thread sounds decent but when i drink i have to piss every 5 minutes. Not a good condition to watch a movie.

>mixing alchool with anything

cocktails are kino. mixing liquor with soda is a sin

Nah man its not scary

>He doesn't have a fake mag in his m16 that's actually a canteen of rum

Good goy

I literally piss before the movie starts and after the first hour always have to go again. Having a small bladder is a curse.
The worse is when you're trying to hook up at the bar a day you have to excuse yourself like three times in a night

#litty as fuck

Is it acceptable to take amphetamines while watching a movie?

I take 3 Vyvanse and chainsmoke for 20 minutes before I go inside.

I watched the Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the dead, hot fuzz and world's end) all in a row at the cinema and brought in a bottle of Jim beam and can't remember the world's end. It was pretty good experience

Yes, that was mostly what I meant.

Here's a chart of how to drink alchoolic drinks:

>Being patrician
>drinking just to get drunk (aka being a pleb)
>mixing alchool with soda, coca-cola, sprite (aka being barbarian)
>Drinking whisky on the rocks

sure as long as you have a trusted friend to drive you home

Funnily enough being drunk is the only way to make the movies you listed bearable, you chose wisely

garbage list, when you drink solely to combat your depression is when you’ve really figured out alcohol



Whiskey on the rocks is so shit, it just ends up being watered down whiskey if you don't drink it within 3 minutes of pouring it. Room temperature whiskey/hot whiskey is patrician

>Room temperature whiskey is patrician
Well said, my friend

I try my best to hide my "disease"

If you sat near me I'd throw popcorn at you the entire time for reeking like booze.

I don't think its acceptable, but i do it anyway.

Also, do people actually like vodka, or just the fact that it doesn't make them stink of booze?

I never sat beside someone unless their 5 seats away from me. If this isn't possible I just exit the theater

If the theater isn't completely empty I turn 360 degrees and hit the showers desu

>Room temperature whiskey
Yes, the patrician way indeed
>hot whiskey

Cheap & high proof, all it needs for some people
>inb4 those people aren't really people

The trick is to hold it back when you feel it for the first time, that'll have it subside, if you go once it's over

i mean vodka exists to make a drink alcoholic. no one drinks vodka for the "flavor" cause there isn't supposed to be any at all

bring in an empty bottle of gatorade for your troubles

I have a friend who gets high before Marvel movies. I think the bright colours and talking Raccoon make the trip better for him.

Absolutely same, when I go out with my friends and they all get absolutely wasted, they all ask me to dance with them or something like that, but all I do is enjoy the feeling of being slightly less depressed

To be fair it takes some kind of drugs to make marvel movies enjoyable, coffeine at least so you don't fucking fall asleep

Arguable, I've been tasting whiskey a lot for the last few years, so I've developed some skill in tasting alcohol and I can definitely get sweet and sour notes in some lower-proof Vodkas when using a Glencairn and taking my time, but when just taking shots or making cocktails you wouldn't really get that of course

Vodka hands down is best when it comes to mixes and cocktails.

Anyway to those Vodka straight drinkers here you should be drinking vodka near freezing point while eating salty, sour or spicy shitty food

If you're not pregnant, at work, about to drive, or watching a small child it's perfectly acceptable to be drunk always.

You're basically asking to have to puke, Vodka is supposed to distract you from the fact that you're starving because of communism, not make you vomit your precious food

Lol, why wouldn't you drink it within 3 minutes of pouring? Do you only ever sip your drinks like a dainty little crane?

Getting drunk is a waste of a movie.
Getting buzzed is the right choice.

Vodka has more calories per volume than bread. You're supposed to drink it always to make up for the meals you'll miss because of communism.

>precious food
Comrade... In Soviet Russia

>sip your drinks like a dainty little crane
We have a saying here, "you can only enjoy a drink while drinking it", if you drink a good drink fast you can't enjoy the taste

>inb4 "alcohol doesn't taste good, everyone who says so is pretentious"
ok pleb


I actually enjoy the taste of whiskey, I don't gulp it down like some binge-drinking degenerate looking for a quick way to get drunk.

You're a faggot, just so you know

>watch Peaky Blinders
>characters all drink Irish whiskey
>drink scotch

>he hasn't had a comfy hot whiskey on a cold day while sick
You're missing out pal

Phenibut whilst watching 'With Open Gates' is kino.

Best whiskey coming through

>watch mad men
>characters all drink old fashioneds
>drink sazerac

I don't really watch movies while drinking unless it's a western. westerns are the one type of movie that drastically improves under alcohol. with crime movies a close second

>tfw got into an accident driving home drunk after Justice League

Last time i'm drinking for a movie, if that shit wasn't so bad I wouldn't feel the need to get drunk to watch it.

There's a line between gulping and sipping like a crane and that line is two minutes and fifty eight seconds.

Taking a long time to finish your drink doesn't necessarily constitute taking small sips. You can take a decent amount of liquid each time you go in for a drink and still make the drink last long if you savour the taste and wait a while before taking the next sup. There's a reason drinks like whiskey are served in such small amounts, they're meant to be savoured, not rushed.

You can savor, not rush a larger drink as well, but doing so would take much longer than three minutes. If you want a drink that lasts for a whole meal or so then that's what wine or beer or milk liquors or whiskey mixed with soft drink is for.

What is the undisputed kino-enhancing drug?

This. It's winter so it's easy to hide a flask in your jacket pocket.

I prefer watching films half cut

I'm a Jim Beam kinda guy

Yeah I drink like a bottle a week, my roommate buys a shit ton. I wouldn't say I enjoy it, but it's just a solid ass mid tier whiskey. I drink more Jim beam than any other alcohol (maybe sangria idk)

But more to the topic
>at movie theater with then gf
>I have a bottle of whiskey in my jacket
>I'm drinking it during the movie, she doesn't seem to notice. I didn't think she'd care
>She hears it clink and calls me an alcoholic and spent the rest of the evening being mad at me.
biiitch. I just wanted to get drunk so I could stomach 'Home'
So I guess what I'm saying is that it's a good idea, you just have to hide it because apparently it's not socially acceptable. or something

I've done every drug there is and nothing compares the weed for watching movies. Everything else you're too distracted

I had a few cans of cider once when I had to go watch the movie but couldn't really be bothered but had already arranged it.

Adderall is far better for watching movies.

The only time I was drunk in a theater was while watching pic related. I was at a family BBQ earlier and my cousins and brothers wanted to see it. I was still drunk and fell asleep

That seems weak, my man.

I drink 6 shots an hour before and then put another 3 into a bottle of coke and sip to keep the buzz.

Drunk cinema is kino experience.

I always sneak some rum into the kinoplex with my coke bottle.

pfft, thats nothing. i chug 3 handles of everclear before smuggling in a crate of absinthe to sip on during the film

Brah, don't get caught up in it! This is how serious alcoholism starts. Drinking to feel a bit better, then drinking more and more until it's an everyday thing and you can't stand not having a drink. It's a very dangerous path and I'd recommend seeking professional help before it starts seriously impacting your relationships and work.

he may be a fag, but jamo is good stuff

>while drunk
what a retard. either have a DD, taxi/Uber or just watch the shit at home and drink. don’t put others in danger of your retarded actions

>watching movies/series sober

Fuck off. Nothing is more fun than driving drunk. If you live in a first world country and you have a car, then you deserve to die anyways.

Driving drunk is fun as fuck though. My favorite thing to do while drinking. I'll be watching Thor Ragnarok on my phone and floor the gas everytime there's a quip. During fight scenes I pretend i'm in an epic battle against other cars and try to dodge them going 100mph and throw my empty beer bottles at them to attack.

I got busted once for driving "drunk" after having driven actually completely wasted many times before, it was becoming a bad habit.

I was literally one decimal away from having my license revoked. I quit drinking now so I guess it's not a problem anymore anyway.

That's retarded pussy white boy shit. Do a real drug or stay fucking sober.

It's just legalized meth you retarded shitskin

i drink straight vodka all the time. the potato liquor. if it's good enough for james bond, it's good enough for me. try reyka vodka, made out of volcano in iceland. so smooth and no hangover even if you get blasted.