Oh look, a will smith action pleb movie on yify

>oh look, a will smith action pleb movie on yify
>lets see what its about
>watch trailer
>within first minute see he has a white gf and there are niggers outside his house
lmao, stay classy americans

>watching trailers instead of reading the entire wikipedia plot and watching the movie on your phone with subtitles
lmao, stay classy non-americans

Why did Will Smith lie about being a Bright in the end? I thought being a Bright meant you would get a comfy high paying job.

the BRIGHT pleb filter strikes again

everyone would want to target the really special bright I guess plus even more people to have to answer to

>Mr. Smith, could you describe your character in your new film?
>Yeah, yeah, uhhhmm, I play like this dude wiff superhuman strength and genius-level intelligence who doesn't understand why someone asks me to do something, and then I do the thing and save the whole world.

Every movie.

Did Sup Forums not approve of Bright?
I liked it.

Will Smith can't act. In every movie he's just being Will Smith. Except in that movie he did with his son. He was being an expressionless Will Smith in that one.

Was he really a bright?
The wand glowed red in his hand and burned him.
I assumed he wasn't really a bright but managed to accomplish what he did using his force of will and determination as opposed to privileged birthright of the ((((elves))))

If you rate it as an episode of a TV show, it's ok. But as a movie it's extremely meh.

>why does no one else want to be stabbed in the torso with a fork? i liked it.

go away.

>force of Will

>niggers outside his house
I don't get why this is significant?
yeah i get the white girlfriend thing but he lives in ghetto as LA, there are lots of blacks around there.

It's an alright flick. Some critics out there threated it like the worse garbage in history of cinema and some people here threated it like it was Citizen Kane.

Sup Forums thinks its way better than it's tomato score, but it's not kino.

I like that you think I care either way.
I was just surprised.

>white gf and there are niggers outside his house
And he's fighting the other niggers?

That's a strange one.

Not the best Smith movie.
Not even close to pursuit of happiness.

There are no "best" Smith movies, they are all complete and utter garbage.

>In an alternate present, humans live in uneasy peace with orcs, elves, centaurs, dwarves and other races after they fought for thousands of years. In Los Angeles, veteran LAPD police officer Daryl Ward has been involuntarily partnered with Nick Jakoby, the nation's first orcish police officer. Jakoby is ostracized by humans for his race, and by orcs for his position. In addition to the push-back from other officers, Ward is ambivalent towards him after an incident where Ward was shot and Jakoby apparently let the orc assailant get away. During a trip back to the station, an arrested Shield of Light devotee tells Jakoby (in Orcish) that both officers are in a prophecy and that Ward is blessed. While Jakoby is booking the prisoner, Ward is approached by Internal Affairs who say they believe that Jakoby put his ethnic loyalties before his partner. Ward is pressured to try to have Jakoby confess on tape so they will have publicly acceptable grounds for a firing.

What a weird movie..

>not liking MiB
>hating the fresh prince
Did you have a poor childhood?

It's good. It's a movie about orcs and elves. Anyone expecting something substantial of it is kidding themselves

His wife wasn't white, she was (((elvish)))
Also, why wouldn't there be niggers outside his house in a shitty neighborhood in LA?

>Pursuit of Oscarbait

>whos the nigger now orcboi

Being a bright doesn't mean shit without a magic wand. Most brights live and die without knowing they are one. He doesn't have a wand, they're not exactly common either, and people would fuck with him forever if they knew - like wanting to grant a wish or try to kill him and sell his wand (not knowing he doesn't have one) like his cop buddies tried.

>Pursuit of Oscarbait
I thought it was well deserved, that bathroom scene man... right in the feels.

It's more like orcs have been added to whites and blacks. Odd. Really odd.
I never thought i'd see "orcs", "elves" and Los Angeles in the same movie before. I think it's there to make people of all races see different perspectives than they normally would. It's not really blatant left bullshit.. it's just weird.

>Will Smith is the Chosen One

Yeah, nah.

You should watch the whole thing.

It is unironically more anti white than star wars.

his wife was a CUTE

>let's make training but way fucking worse, with elves!

Did they show what happened to the wand at the end? I just remember the building burning down with the wand inside.

>anti white
>the whole movie is subtly calling out that jews run the world and manipulate others into conflict to get them to ignore that
what did he mean by this

It called everyone out not only the jews retards.

>oh look, a will smith action pleb movie on yify
>scroll past it

Okay movie. Thousandth guy to say this but it really would've worked better as a show. This might just be me, but the editing was really weird at some parts. The pacing was also weird in some scenes. And it really should've fleshed out its world a bit more. It also kinda felt like they tried to do a gritty buddy cop movie meets the fantasy genre and kinda fizzled out on both ends. Acting was shit. Worth a watch though.

They also should've toned downed the colors a bit, or maybe done something different with 'em.