Todays the trailer day gentlemen

Todays the trailer day gentlemen.

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No one fucking cares

Get your own fucking board

Christ star wars is to Sup Forums what furfag shit was to Sup Forums. Fuck off

Not going to happen. Screenshot this

got ya covered senpai

wasnt this supposed to happen last week?

>Christ star wars is to Sup Forums what furfag shit was to Sup Forums. Fuck off

pic related perfectly describes the current issue with Sup Forums



no, it's star wars threads of any kind you fucking faggot

Weren't they reshooting scenes fro the trailer, or something less than a week ago?


rip soylo

I'd go see that.

the virgin rant
the chad reply

Nice meta thread faggit

Holy shit. Just watched it. Fucking even worse than we thought.

>The expectations were SO LOW for this movie...
>Looks like Disney never knew the box office would be SO LOW
>SOLO may be a NO GO
>Why SOLO has us saying YOLO

Are you ready for the fucking clickbait headlines? What are some other good ones?

That image is cancerous, you nigger Jew.

>spoiler alert it's awesome
10/10 for effort

The Internet Is Already Nitpicking the SOLO Trailer (And That's a Good Thing)


>When did Interest in white male leads in movies become Solo?

SOLO is a Real Schmo, No?
>by Schlomo Homo

gay nigger

Why the Alt-Right is Boycotting SOLO (and Why You Should Go, Yo)

just filter star wars thread if you are such a triggered cuck

Alright lads, let's hear your predictions for what they'll show in the trailer.

chewbacca hitting han

their great effort to find the perfect actor for solo will really pay off i bet

Harrison Ford is Jewish, what's your point?


At this point they're gonna wait on the superbowl

90% of Hollwood is jewish despite being only 2% of the population... point is... they found him at a bat mitzvah while bypassing other actors far more suited for the role.

only 1/4
(not too shabby, desu)

>earthly avatars of soy and women are their new demographic
>their old male audience hates them or is indifferent
>air their first advert where everyone who’s gearing up to Shit on Star Wars will be congregated
I hope they do this

So? Ford was discovered working on Spielberg's house. There are better targets for Sup Forums than Han Solo.

Hand Poopoh


>Solo PROVES without a doubt that there's no "conspiracy" (as claimed by some alt-right teenagers) that the media is kind to Disney films just because of the brand. The backlash is insane and universal. Clearly in today's era of fighting back against toxic masculinity and rape culture, a film about a wise cracking straight white male who breaks the law and gets the girl isn't what audiences want anymore.
I should do this as a job

They didn't find him for this movie at a bar mitzvah you dumb fuck. He was found at a bar mitzvah years ago and has been in other films since then. This isn't his first movie. He wasn't discovered for this film.

No, Ford was working at George's house.

So Blacks can be a disproportionate percentage of the criminal population but Jews can't be a disproportionate portion of the media population? What's wrong with this world?

>Disney will announce streaming service
>Solo will be available instantly on it

Screen this

>Disney will announce streaming service
They've already announced that
>Solo will be available instantly on it
Nope. It's not scheduled to be available until 2019. There's no way they will be able to get it ready in time. Solo will make a May release, even if it's terrible. Their hands are tied now.

It's be really smart to do this next year some time, maybe a month or two before IX. So people can go, "well that was shit, but we have IX to look forward to". Cant really say that when IX is a full year and half away. It's give us a good break from Star Wars, too.

ew a nigger

When though?

Right now

The only way to save the movie at this point is to just loop the Han Solo Kinect dance for 3 hours.

The day that heralds the beginning of the end of Disney's Star Wars? Thank goodness.

Thats actually pretty good years of pretending to be retard paid off


i love that star wars is ruining Sup Forums, since Sup Forums totally ruined Sup Forums. couldn't be happier.

Sup Forums is still much better than Sup Forums

capeshit flicks killed Sup Forums. i misss my comfy storytimes.

I'm just waiting for the years of chronic masturbation to mongolian moving pictures to pay off
Sup Forums has been pretty solid lately
though I mostly go for Rebirth stuff, though I suppose it's not called Rebirth anymore

>channing tatum as solo
>the rock as lando
it would be kino, you cant tell me otherwise