I haven't seen many horror movies, but enjoy the genre. I want to watch more. What should I check out?

I haven't seen many horror movies, but enjoy the genre. I want to watch more. What should I check out?

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If you're also into asian kino, you should check out The Wailing.

Don't watch soy horror such as the witch, it comes at night, ghost story, etc. People meme them as good horror movies but they aren't anything more than garbage drama

what are your suggestions then?

The Shining, The Exorcist, The Babadook and It Follows

Candyman is pure horror kino.

seconding the REC rec (haha!!!)
REC 2 is quite good as well but 3 and 4 are complete dogshit

any other found footage worth seeing? I love the concept but most are terrible

If you want some kino j-horror i recommend Noroi. It's really fucking good.

>The Shining
>The Exorcist
>The Babadook
100% soycore. The monster isn't even real.
>It Follows
Flawed but still good

It Follows
It Comes At Night
The VVitch
You're Next
The Strangers

I also highly recommend subscribing to r/movies to find out more.

Any gold is appreciated.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Rosemary's Baby
The Thing
The Fly (1986)

Don't Look Now is unironically kino and pleb filter.




the poghkeepsie tapes

I'm guessing you're the guy who posted this the other day, because I've never seen it posted here before then.

I watched it, and it's pretty shit.

Midnight Meat Train


The VVItch

>Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?

I don't really know if they count as horror but some of Lynch's films are pretty terrifying.
Lost Highway especially.

>Dead Ringers
>The Thing

The Shining
The Thing
The Fly
Rosemary's Baby

The Eye. The chinese one, not that turd with Jessica Alba.

>Seen practically every horror movie ever made except those shitty home camera filmed no budget ones that you have nfi even got distributed
>Entire 5000 horror movie lists that people call "insane", ive seen them all and more
>Tfw there are people who have barely got into the genre

I envy you cunts so much.

The news

Start with The Thing (1982)

leave me recs pussy

this is a good list but aliens is an action flick

True. But might as well watch it.

Jacob's Ladder

Sick Girl (the movie, not the tv episode)

Dark water

Naming some I didn't spot.

Event Horizon
In the Mouth of Madness
The Exorcist 3

All the evil dead movies
Child's play
Dead silence
Halloween 3
Freddy vs jason
Wes craven's new nightmare
Ginger snaps

Get Out.

OP, Asia offers some of the best horror, and the two most unsettling Japanese horror movies I've ever seen were produced by the same director:

"The Cure" Kyoshi Kurosawa, 1997

"Kairo" Kyoshi Kurosawa

For actual horror
Juon: the grudge
The thing
Event horizon
VHS 1&2
It Follows

For Campiness
Evil Dead 2
Army of Darkness
Freddy vs Jason

Happy death day. There were a few threads last week about it, and people kept saying it was good/cofmykino so I finally rented it.

Was super good, I’m not super into horror and this was more a thriller (which is what I prefer), but it was really entertaining and enjoyable, which is what I think too many films miss out on these days. If you don’t want thrillers and more straight horror, has it right

Candyman. It also has a fantastic soundtrack.

It follows is not bad good score
Hellraiser 1 and 2 bit dated but cool ideas
It 2017 is a good remake for modern shitema
The shining is TOP NOTCH BABY

Event horizon is well worth a watch if youve never seen it OP

this movie is equal parts repulsive and shocking.

OP here

appreciate all the recs keep them all coming if you remember anything else

The first person scenes where intense good call

>can't even spell his recommendations correctly

Silence of the lambs


OP, there are movies out there that will make you feel as if you're living in a dream as you watch them. You lose touch with reality over the duration of viewing because the movies are so surreal:


Hausu (one of my absolute favorites)

For realism:
"The Seventh Continent" Micheal Haneke


Son of Saul (winner of best foreign language at the 2015 Cannes film fest)

when the movie title appears on screen you know this movie isn't fucking around.


>tfw brainlet brother couldn't understand what the characters were saying without subtitles

spotted the pleb

some hilarious B-movie horrors: Re-Animator, From Beyond

Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Nightmare on Elm Street is comfy eighties horror. Avoid all of Friday the 13th, it's garbage. It would be the equivalent of Paranormal Activity today.

>when you come to a rec thread but already watched everything that's been recommended

Every fucking time.

No you haven't pleb

Here's some stuff I watched recently and enjoyed, OP.

>In The Mouth of Madness
>The Loved Ones
>Cemetery Man



>watching before I wake
>problem could be solved by giving the kid medicinal marijuana which suppresses the ability to dream
Really makes me think


>The Children (2008)

Already a garbage list.

Im seconding event horizon. Very unique and not your standard slasher/monster movie

no one in the history of ever has said that a ghost story is a horror movie. shut the fuck up

>medicinal marijuana which suppresses the ability to dream

That's a myth.

House of the Devil

The House On Sorority Row is one of my favorites. Other options
>Sleepaway Camp
>Cat People
>The Strangers
>The Wicker Man

I smoked almost constantly for 5 years straight and never had any dreams. When I stopped I started having extremely vivid dreams. Eat shit

Why's it one of your favorites?

Your challenge is to watch 1 cumulative hour of gore videos on LiveLeak. Car crashes. Executions. Machete attacks. Electrocution. Animal attacks. 1 hour. That's 60 minutes. There's your horror pham.

This isn't uncommon for a regular Sup Forums user.

>Sleepaway Camp
Are the sequels worth watching?
I can't imagine this film without that ending

Marijuana has rotted your brain, man.
You don't "stop having dreams" on nights that you get baked, you just have a harder time remembering those dreams.
REM rebound is a thing people who suddenly stop smoking marijuana experience.

Some of those are okay for one watch, namely:
The Descent
Drag Me To Hell

1408 is decent.
Rosemary's Baby is must see.
Cube is alright
Event Horizon is alright.
Audition is pretty sweet.
Alien is mandatory watching.
The Shining is mandatory.
The Fly is great.
Silence of the Lambs is good.
Psycho is good.
Te Thing is mandatory.
The Ring is decent.

this, great film
also reccing Ginger Snaps

great movie
also this

>the loved ones

fuck off

also reccing Martyrs (surprised nobody else has) ans Switchblade Romance (but don't read up on it before you watch it)

>Get Out
More of a thriller than horror desu, but still good

If you wanna get into horror you should definitely check these:

>The Thing
>The Evil Dead
>Evil Dead 2
>The Exorcist
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
>Night of the Living Dead
>Dawn of the Dead
>Day of the Dead
>From Beyond

These are all entry level but will give you a good start on horror, you just need to search for the works of some of the directors and actors that made the movies on this list.

IT (2017)

it doesn't take itself too seriously, but also works well as a straight up thriller. nails the vibe of frat/sorority life in the 80s.

The Girl Next Door
A Serbian Film

>be me
>watched thousands of movies
>think I'm hot shit
>go on letterboxd to check how many horror movies I've watched

Fuck you reminded me of I seriousnutly chochopelate nouguys don’t chew this. Anyone have it?

>Fuck you reminded me of I seriousnutly chochopelate nouguys don’t chew this. Anyone have it?

Making a Letterboxd account and listing all the movies I've watched makes me think I never did anything as a kid other than watch movies.

Films are life, though

>Switchblade Romance
or High Tension, whatever

also The Hills Have Eyes remake, it's fucking great

And how does that make you feel?

Serbian Film is boring as fuck.


Just watch the classics and work from there.

>The Exorcist
>The Shining
>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>The Thing
>Night of the Living Dead
>A Nightmare on Elm Street
>Dawn of the Dead
>Evil Dead
>The Fly


also reccing The Boy because it's cool and unusual
and Ouija: Origin of Evil, it's a prequel and i haven't seen the other films, and it starts slow but i thought it was great



Love this, though I was surprised to find it more Wes Anderson-y than psychedelic horror based on the poster

Had a huge crush on the actress who played May as a kid.
May, Brigitte from Ginger Snaps, Lindsay from Freaks and Geeks...fuck, even back then I had a type.


>Lindsay from Freaks and Geeks
She's top wife material now.

watch Get Out it's kino