What are some kino docs?

What are some kino docs?

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Saw one about a master sushi maker a few months ago. It was called "Billy and the Cloneosaurus."



Its about Irish travelers and their family rivalry's

Ken Burns baseball, comfiest doco ever made

it was full of falsehoods

>Assad invented suicide bombing

read a fucking book

Hamilton's Pharmacopeia

>father has 7 kids
>refuses to work flat out
>kids don't even go to school just spend time watching kino then enacting the scenes
>swat raid their flat for weapons even though they are all home made

Pure kino

not that one, that's for sure, Adam Curtis is not my cup of tea, but All Watched Over By Machines was much better than HyperNormalisation.

The Gleaners and I.
New York: A Documentary Film
In The Shadow of The Moon
Secrets of the Tribe
Decline of Western Civilisation Series.

>it's a bunch of self entitled celebrities unit to free some child murderers episode

>>Assad invented suicide bombing
>read a fucking book
Are you saying that's wrong or right?

Im saying it wrong, hypernormalization is garbage absolute utter fucking garbage.


I like all his docs.
This is probably my favourite.

I heard my brother mention "Assad invented suicide bombing" and it sounded retarded to me at the time but I didn't say anything, I didn't know where he got it from. Just googling it now and it seems the only source is from that movie.

It's kino.

But it's all nonsense, like everything he makes.

Still kino.

Man with a movie-camera is the best documentary ever made, and it always will be, that being said:
The Gleaners and I
The Act of Killing
F for Fake
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty

OJ Made in America is not kino but is a 10/10, don't know if thats understandable tho

HN isn't kino, it's a mess.

I forgot, add Sans Soleil to that list, i think thats a pretty good entry level list for kino docs
Only thing people would have trouble with digesting is probably Mekas and maybe Varda

Whats the point of suicide bombing?
Why not just kill someone without killing yourself

Cosmos on Netflix
Inb4 braindead retards

If you don't have an airforce its the only way to get huge bombs on to the target, very effective.

Here's a different source:
>In historic terms, this development is new and unexpected. Suicide bombing has no traditional basis in Islam. As a technique, it was totally absent from the successful Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union. Although suicide bombing as a tool of stateless terrorists was dreamed up a hundred years ago by the European anarchists immortalized in Joseph Conrad’s “Secret Agent,” it became a tool of modern terrorist warfare only in 1983, when Shiite militants blew up the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon.

Did they actually do it?

No it was before that.


Even before that.

I think suicide bombing was invented by russian anarchists in 1860-1870s, but I may be mistaken.

That wasn't against the West.

What difference does that make?

Cosmos isn't entirely that bad but I can't watch it simply due to how much it pales to the original. NDG tries way too hard to be Sagan. comes off weird

>>>Assad invented suicide bombing
The doc doesn't even fucking say this you mouthbreathing fucks, it demonstrates how assad made it a viable politicized weapon not that he fucking invented the concept of suicide bombing, jesus fucking christ how dumb are you people?

You're brother is retarded and didn't pay attention to the docu.

>But it's all nonsense, like everything he makes.
Wrong, century of the self is absolutely spot on and top tier.

>>Assad invented suicide bombing
Again he never says this you fucking stupid cunt.

>Whats the point of suicide bombing?
From a political point of view? you can encourage a partisan offensive with no real identity or name, no group affiliation and extremely hard to defend against, it encourages the acts of individuals and therefore can't be tracked or pigeon holed, it's why assad was successful at pushing the u.s back as he intended and not as this dildos think that he "invented" a suicide bombing, christ on a cuntstick how unbelievably stupid ppl here are.

This, retards here can't understand the difference between inventing something and utilizing something.


Been a while since I watched HyperNormalization but IIRC he never said "Assad invented suicide bombing" but something along the lines that it popularized suicide bombing as a tool against Western forces.

Watch it again he clearly says that Assad unleashed the first suicide bombing or something to that effect.

this was kino

russian guy was funny

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Much lower technological and skill requirement. No need for remote fuses, timers or actual fighting capacity. It also has a mental impact on your enemy and makes it complicated for them as they may not want to shoot a suspicious person.

Most of all muslims believe dying killing for allah grants you immediate access to the highest echelons of heaven. If you believe in it, suicide bombing is the obvious choice.

Assad isn't mentioned in any of these.

Precisely, Assad was nothing to do with it, anyway it is his father not the current Assad.

the devil and daniel johnston
dear zachary
land of silence and darkness (actually every Herzog doc is great but this one i like the most)
the act of seeing with one's own eyes

Don't bother mate, these retards are to dense to even grasp such a basic concept.

Yes the first politicized, state encouraged suicide bombing for partisan reasons. Completely different from inventing the concept.

His father is also assad, no one means the current one ffs.

>Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
This was great

>The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
Fun but really over dramatized and fyi none of the players in this are even in the top 10 scores anymore.

I think your autism is making you take the word "invent" too seriously, you need to calm down.

the imposter

American Movie
Deliver Us From Evil
Dear Zachary
The Red Pill

I think your incompetence made you completely misinterpret the work in a documentary, how stupid would one have to be to think someone was claiming the concept of suicide bombing was invented in the 80s? No deflection for you with buzzwords, forget calm down you need to smarten up.

Any documentaries about (((their))) misdeeds?

this is the best documentary

further more jihad is a known established idea in islam since forever, all assad snr did was utilize it for political reasons to prevent u.s kike aggression/ intervention.

only the ones goebbels made i guess, plenty of books though.

The Power of Nightmares

I haven't even watched your faggy documentary, Adam.
>No deflection for you with buzzwords
That's what you're doing. What's been questioned in this thread is whether it's actually from Assad or not. And no other sources posted here have even mentioned Assad.

>That moment where this faggot gets triggered by an alpha male Trump voter
What a faggot lol.

but this was a fallacy...

Yeah, but that's exactly the claim the movie makes - that suicide martyrdom started in the Iran-Iraq war, as invented by the Ayotola. It was Assad who was the first to direct it against the west.

Also, damn if Iran ain't metal.

I couldn't get through Cameraperson. I watched up to when they interviewing the girl in the abortion clinic and they started leading her answers and dictating what she couldn't say. I continued for 10 more min. but I couldn't get over how unprofessional that was.


this is good but only because the filmmaker got insanely lucky while making it. he's not a great filmmaker. he won't make another good film.

they're called 'criminals'

This was his best work, it's not really a documentary because a lot of his assertions are super spurious and just chosen because they fit the narrative but it's very enjoyable to watch.

watching a pretty good one about South Africa atm

the trap and century of the self are okay.

mayfair set is the best though.

Goldstein please

But "Irish criminals" would be redundant.

Basically /r9k/ the movie

>no "greatest story never told"

10 years at sea

I think you're confusing it with the "$300 Gaijin Pay Now" documentary.


this thread is nothing but obscenely plebeian dogshit taste

Another Adam Curtis film called Bitter Lake has a nice aesthetic.



Defamation is a great documentary about Zionist influence in America and the lying scum at the ADL. It's made by an Israeli Jew too


This, he stumbled unwittingly into the largest scandal in international sports history, that could never happen again

The Color of Pomegranates

Women are truly soulless beings

>made by an Israeli Jew
no thanks

Nah, psycopaths are soulless, get out of your house fat boy

>they stay in the same shitty trailer park their whole lives
What did they mean by this?

Empire of dust non ironically
its about the current colonization of africa from china

Harland County USA
Roger and Me
Anything by Errol Morris.


Kek'd and checked

Fighting an enemy that does not fear death is hard to combat. Most rational people will fight to preserve their life at any cost, and someone who willingly kills themselves and takes others with them offers a much harder dynamic to combat.

This is some bullshit. Yeah Russia got "caught" doping. I bet this documentary doesn't even admit the fact that literally every country is guilty of the same shit.
Putin is exactly right, the whole scandal was just a smear against Russia. If the USA got investigated, I mean really investigated, they would find the exact same doping program going on there.

The USA doping programs are perfectly privatized, unlike those commies.

Erol Morris movies are Kino

agnes varda, benning, akerman have made some good ones

This plus The West in addition to The Civil War as well as The War
Gonna watch baseball kino now user, cheers

world at war
anything by Jonathan Meades
anything by Alan Whicker

Even if you dont like sports most 30for30s are kino

The Russian guy had a great personality even under stress.

>3/5 complains are jews wanting special time off from work

This was reeeeeally great, too highbrow for redditors like you lot.

how come normal people have almost zero interest to stuff like hypernormilization?

I feel like I'm living in a completely different world to them most of the time. if you try to talk about any of that kind of shit people will be like "woah you're being intense bro". fuck you. life is intense

Anything British is too high-brow for me

they have better taste than you I assume, go watch d'est then tell me hypernormalisation is good

You're watching the culimination of 20th Century pop-philosophy. The repressive culture of the 19th Century didn't give way to a more liberated culture, but a culture in which liberation IS a form of repression. Political and philosophical discourse are violently shoved under the rug as a "mood-killer" and you are quickly encouraged to just "have a beer and forget about it".

Slavoj Zizek, IMO has the best interpretation of this phenomenon


I'm not specifically just talking about that documentary just the themes and topics contained in it. People have almost zero context to the world they're living in and it fucking terrifies me.

that's why they're normal

>Dude drawing pictures on walls is revolutionary lmao

I just looked into this. It looks great. I love it when people troll artfags


felt really sorry for gaddafi after watching. Something about adam curtis docs always makes me feel a bit weird.