Delayed almost a year

>delayed almost a year


Shouldn't new mutants be set post Logan and star X-23?

Almost none of the X-Men movies actually have any continuity. It's kind of like they just pick out the characters they want, regardless of what previous movies have done, and then write whatever story they want. So no, there's no obligation to have the young mutants from Logan.

Just when I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN

I thought they said it wasn't going to be pg-13. Bummer.

Why delay it? It can't be as bad as X3 and those Wolverine movies surely?
It's not like Fox cares about these things.

comic wise new mutants is after wolverine joins the xmen (the original xmen were cyclops, jean, iceman, beast, and angel)
but this is movie verse so any continuity is out the window

1 2 and 3 have a very clear continuity though

As do First Class, DoFP and Apocalypse, and the Phoenix movie will fit into that continuity as well.

Reminder PG-13 horror can work, The Ring and Ouija Origin of Evil were kino.

PG-13 horror movie?

Well yes, you can fit some of the movies into nice little trilogies, but not even DoFP and Apocalypse can follow their own teases and cliffhangers. The former ends with Mystique impersonating Stryker and that's suddenly dropped in the next one.


I still haven't seen the trailer, my guess it got delayed for reshoots or something, the X Men are now part of the MCU

there's no way marvel incorporates this mess of a timeline into the mcu, x-men will restart from scratch

>Why delay it?
Apparently it did terrible with focus groups. So they're more than likely reshooting the hell out of it.

it's going to be bad, like fantastic four tier bad, right?

Hopefully. Anything to kill this dumpster fire of a franchise and get Marvel to reboot it.

I'm for the costume free trend.
Costumes are a fashion from the last early century, it became a fancyness in comics and still lasts, but nowadays readers understood that the idea don't work anymore, sometimes they are necessary, like the armor for Iron Man or Dr. Doom, but those are more like devices and weapons, if i would have super powers and if i wanted to fight crime and shit I would wear only a mask or hide my face, and fingerprints, in some way.

I saw the trailer a while back and thought it looked like a ready made flop. Reshoots just might actually save this movie.


I just want Anya on screen with a blonde wig

Logan was set in the future, hence the fact that he was old and his healiong factor wasn't as good as it was in his prime.

>focus groups
when will Hollywood learn

i unironically would rather watch the directors cut of this movie and never watch deadpool2 because it's painfully obvious that will be a disappointment

Dear Disney...

It's not like X-Men is filled with costumes though. I'd understand if they announced "No Superhero Costumes" for the next Avengers film or whatever, but I don't really recall anyone being in a costume in the films I've seen. Though that might be wrong as I do remember Cyclops being given a cringy line about a yellow jumpsuit or something.

Yeah, and then they actually wear it in First Class.

I like how they're flight suits. Plus they've always had group uniforms, but when they're on the run as often as they are,
or caught off guard they'll blend in with their casual civilian clothes. Because that's what anyone wears on any given day.

Reshoots are the best