Mmm Ryan smells nice

>mmm Ryan smells nice

Other urls found in this thread:

>you will never be ryan gosling
Exit bag pls

I want to have a foursome with them

what does replicant pussy smell like?

salty coins of sand

how does he do it? he just seems like an average joe

I don't know who I'd rather be in this picture.
>being the Goose
>touching the Goose.

he may seem like an average joe but in reality he's a special K.

Based Goose keeps hands in pockets. Doesn't fall into the sluts temptations. He knows at home he gets a the best pair of titties in all hollywood.

like real pussy
but you wouldnt know about that....



They are pure.

Extended cut

>please ladies im a happily married man


I'd rather just watch ryan jack off

I want to cuddle Sylvia

>tfw their characters died

>tfw used to be friends with extremely attractive and popular girls throughout teenage years and only when a friendless adult did you realize one of them had a crush on you that had you pursued would have drastically changed your life


If you know this feel you don't belong on Sup Forums

I have been whittling away at my sanity for over a decade on this forum yet managed to escape wizard status, deal with it




>if youre not a humongous virgin loser then you dont belong here
omega cucks actually believe this

>why are these people touching me?
>I wish I could have some milky way bars

Sad that Goose doesn't have the emotional intelligence to understand what's happening to him in that picture.

what is happening to him in that picture?

>you will never be fought over by Ana and Sylvia


At least you're not a leaf.

TFW you will never be interlinked between arms.


this shot even in the movie??? I saw it twice and only remember them sitting in the dark

lot of stuf was cut

>wearing a jean

>there will be no directors cut version

outwards they are all silent, but i guess they all know who is a creep in hollywood and who is a genuine nice dood.

he not only seems like a calm cool guy he probably is and thats why they feel comfortable around him.
atleast thats what i guess

I wish I knew Ryan Gosling.

Is Goose patrician for being a cougar Hunter? He's only been with Sandra Bullock and Eva Mendes as far as I know.

In a way you do know him thorough his kinos.

Is a cuted scene that tnow they used as a 4k wallpaper.

every scene with gosling is a cuted scene