ITT: Pleb Filert

ITT: Pleb Filert


The sys recovery they did on that RH box was legit. The rest of that movie was fucking ridiculous.



the most truest pleb filtrum

>he doesn't know

the ultimate

Show me a single NON-ridiculous hacking scene from a movie or a tv show.

Yep. Even the digits check out.

capeshitters go home

Correct, people who enjoyed it are plebs

>two uzi's

>not understanding cinematic imagery

WarGames has some less than ridiculous hacking (use of social engineering / background research).

thread bump


mannfags are the worst
miami vice
public enemy
and blackhat

are, and always will be, BAD FILMS.


miami vice is good though


collateral is unironically 5/10 as well.

t. homie

Checked they could've done so much and did it so well, they should legitimately remake this movie this year and it would be great.

I really wanted Blackhat to be a good film. It was just an awful experience seeing it the first time because I had hoped it was going to be Mannkino. But it was the same old Mannshit.

Top kek

Baby Driver is the greatest pleb filter out there

>mannfags are the worst
ridleyscott fags are worse

Reddit nig?

Absolutely this.




kino bump