Call Me by Your Name

How could they afford a villa in Italy, as a fucking summer house no less, on professor's wages?

pls respond

Elio was a twink escort.

Was this movie actually good? I might go see it tonight but I don't want to waste the time if it sucks.

It was the 80's.
Even right now if you go to places like Calabria you can live like a king with the regular burgerland professor income.

It's essential middle-upper class pretentious crap. There is some pretty scenery and top quality music. But nothing amazing.

Will easily be forgotten 5 years from now. Beach Rats was another interesting gay movie this year which felt more grounded and gritty.

Besides the fact that their lifestyle seems outlandish given it's supported by a History professor's wage, it's ok.

However, I couldn't immerse myself in the movie because of it. Just another movie made by rich people who don't understand the living standards of regular people.

Maybe it had belonged to their family for generations. Also, professors aren't poor, as much as they would like you to believe otherwise.

It's a your mileage may vary kind of movie. If you gel with the setting and central romance it's probably great, I had some issues with the second half though. The final two scenes are great and make up for the rest of the film in my mind.

Stupid burgers don't seem to understand that living in rural areas in Italy was not cool until the 90's at least.

Im pretty sure going to chill in the Lombardan countryside with some nice Barolo was a shared sentiment for at least a century before this movie not more.

Unless they have some job in the administration of the university then, yes, they are.

>It's essential middle-upper class pretentious crap. There is some pretty scenery and top quality music. But nothing amazing.

I agree. I loved Timothee's performance, but I think the movie could've been shorter. Too many scenes with nothing happening.

>Beach Rats was another interesting gay movie this year which felt more grounded and gritty.
Sounds interesting. I'm gonna check that out.

Fucking idiot, Barolo didn't even exist until the 80's. Actually the wine they made before was pretty forgettable. Learn some history.


its shit biscum meme

>I agree. I loved Timothee's performance, but I think the movie could've been shorter. Too many scenes with nothing happening.

There is this weird contrast between the really straightforward narrative (flirt-->fuck-->breakup-->?) and how slow and carefree it is with telling that story. Like I know where the story has to go next and I'm stuck waiting for another swimming pool scene to end to get there, and at the same time there's all this plot tension in the air preventing me from just relaxing in this swimming pool scene.

They made it a point in the movie.

They're fucking JEWISH

I thought it was excellent, but I can definitely see how some people might find it slow/boring

>They're fucking JEWISH
You wouldn't fuck Jewish? I don't believe you.

Definitely. It did pick up a little after they first fucked, though. I just feel the first half is a bore to sit through.

It's perfectly middlebrow. Nothing to write home about

If they were hollywood jews, banking jews or at least lawyer or specialist medicine jews then it would be believable. History professor jews having a summer villa in a foreign country and servants isn't.

Bullshit. You fell for their propaganda. Better give them a pay increase so they can continue doing their important work like research into English word origins and the role of women in Dante. The world is clamouring for it.

t. barbarian STEM babby who couldn't appreciate culture and arts if they hit him in the face.

>but professor i bypassed the apricot development

I liked the first half more just for the setting and atmosphere. The more they dig into the relationship the more shallow it looks from the older guys perspective.


It was inherited, they talk about it in the movie

The Mom inherited it, it's mentioned in the movie several times.

Even if they inherited it they would've sold it. You know how much 2 full time servants, maintenance, media and taxes cost for this huge house and land?

> media

What did he mean by this?

>Besides the fact that their lifestyle seems outlandish given it's supported by a History professor's wage
How is it outlandish? The house could have been inherited, we know for a fact that they're of italian/french heritage

Water, gas, electricity etc.


The story is nothing groundbreaking. You watch it for the acting, the cinematography and the music, which is the case for Guadagnino's previous film. Also if you want to break the mold of usual Hollywood filmmaking

Is he /ourtwink/?

vile little goblin creature from the misty mountains

Why is he so fucking cute?

>Beach Rats was another interesting gay movie this year which felt more grounded and gritty.

I also liked God's Own Country. Not as good as CMBYN, but still a good film who doesn't use the "gays suffering because they're gay" trope.

>God's Own Country
hello fellow britbong who had the patience to find some obscure cinema showing it

Not taking anything away from beach rats (which is beautifully shot using film too), I just prefer my film to be more extravagant

God's Own Country is great, too bad it's released in the same year as cmbyn and somewhat got overshadowed. If it were not for the chink, I will never had the chance to watch it

They say it in the movie when that crazy Italian couple comes to dinner. The mother inherited it.

It’s actually kino, not just good. Don’t go expecting a plot, it’s more about just life happening one summer.

Why is it shallow? It’s clear he’s really into the twink. His mom even tells him that.

It's a rotten building in the middle of a bumfuck village. As impressive as "Italian villa" must sound, its price would probably be less than an American mcmansion during the real state bubble.

Depends on your taste, if you prefer the feel over plot it's great.

Lulz beach rats is fine but forgettable indie festival stuff.


I'm not a brit, actually. The film probably won't be released in theaters in my country, so I downloaded it.

>too bad it's released in the same year as cmbyn and somewhat got overshadowed

The shitty American distributor didn't even submit it to the Oscars.

The real answer. I'd pay 1000€

I just said it's another gay movie not a better one or best of the year or anything

Gods own country is another interesting one

Is there any literary / socio-historical precedence for the whole you call me by your name and I'll call you by mine idea, or was it just something that Aciman (the author of the book) developed himself?

>God's Own Country

i really hate their first time scene, that wrestling turned to fucking cliche shit

do gays really do that?

For me it was a cute little thing that was exclusive for homosexuals, since it doesn't work with hetero couples.

The kid has the excuse of being a virgin and closeted at best, his puppy love has layers added to it just because he's so young. The other guy is what, 25-30, he's just lusting after a teenager. Which is fine but that's not a complex character arc.

If the idea is about finding your soulmate, specifically meaning the other half of your original being, then you have symposium by Pluto. Or even biblical story about Eve being created from Adam. I may be reaching though

idk if it makes any difference, but Oliver is 23.


That's insane, Armie Hammer is 32. He's great in it but there's such a massive perceived age gap that isn't intended in the film then

It sure made Armie's being aloof and initial reluctance to fuck him more relatable

I agree. It didn't feel like Oliver wanted Elio like that, it was simply lust. I couldn't shake that feeling the whole time I watched it. It was even more painful when he called Elio to tell him he's getting married.

I didn't even know he was that young, I honestly thought he was at least in his mid-30's.

It's flawed from either angle then. I can't get over that though, it's an entirely different film if they're the ages of a freshman and senior in college hooking uop

A mid 30s grad student/research assistant. Ok.

The poor Armie is eating his feelings after the Oscar snub.

The character is 24 and finishing up his doctorate. He’s obviously closeted, he even says at the end of the movie if his dad knew he was with another man he’d have him put in a correctional facility. He’s at a crossroads in his life personally and professionally, he’s got six was in Italy to just sort of relax and coast— and then he falls in love. It’s a little more complicated than you’re giving the story credit for.

I was referring to Armie.

How would I know the answer to this without at one point allowing another man sticking his penis in my mouth or butthole?

Italy is a poor country one of the poorest in the world

>being this insecure

Che cazzo hai appena detto di me, piccola stronza? Ti farò sapere che mi sono diplomato al vertice della mia classe nei Navy Seals, e sono stato coinvolto in numerosi raid segreti su Al-Quaeda, e ho oltre 300 uccisioni confermate. Sono addestrato alla guerra dei gorilla e sono il cecchino più alto di tutte le forze armate statunitensi. Non sei niente per me, ma solo un altro obiettivo. Ti spazzerò via con precisione quel che non è mai stato visto prima su questa Terra, segna le mie fottute parole. Pensi di potertela cavare dicendo che mi cagano su Internet? Pensa di nuovo, stronzo. Mentre parliamo sto contattando la mia rete segreta di spie negli Stati Uniti e il tuo IP viene tracciato proprio ora, quindi è meglio che ti prepari per la tempesta, larva. La tempesta che cancella la patetica piccola cosa che chiami la tua vita. Sei fottutamente morto, ragazzo. Posso essere ovunque, in qualsiasi momento, e posso ucciderti in oltre settecento modi, e questo è solo a mani nude. Non solo sono ampiamente addestrato nel combattimento disarmato, ma ho accesso all'intero arsenale del Corpo dei Marine degli Stati Uniti e lo userò a pieno titolo per ripulire il tuo miserabile culo dalla faccia del continente, piccola merda. Se solo tu potessi sapere quale empia retribuzione il tuo piccolo commento "intelligente" stava per abbatterti, forse avresti tenuto la tua fottuta lingua. Ma non puoi, non l'hai fatto, e ora stai pagando il prezzo, dannazione idiota. Ti cagherò su tutte le furie e tu annegherai dentro. Sei fottutamente morto, ragazzo.

I thought it was boring was fuck. Did nothing for me.

I really wish I learned more Italian than just the hand gestures and the curse words. But that made understanding those tomato slurpers much easier when I lived there.

Quit trying to normalize your blasphemous degeneracy, pervert.

>I thought it was boring was fuck. Did nothing for me.

Considering you can't form basic sentences shows that you probably don't have the attention span, maturity, nor the mental faculties required to appreciate the film in question.

it's mentioned in the book not the movie but I think his grandfather owned the estate and they inherited it after he passed. It was also Italy in the 80s and it's a small town in the countryside. I'm sure you could get just as much in Montana or in the Dakotas for a prof salary.

It's very well made and preformed (outside armie). Timothee will definitely deserve it if he wins the oskar. The movie is a bit slow pace and speeds p at the end but it matches the lazy and relaxed feeling of the setting.
Also the pacing makes since if they think about the fact that, except for the last few scene, the whole movie takes place in only 6 weeks.
Music is prime and it was nice to have a gay movie that wasn't just about aids and homophobia.
Very 80s styled nostalgia about a first summer romance.
The final scene is certain kino

Calm down, Ahmed.

The gay clique in Hollywood really wants that film to win the best picture Oscar.

I just sit out and missed the last screening available to me because I just remembered I still haven't watched Moonlight.

How can you take issue with this when we have no idea what kind of money runs in their family, or how long the house has been in the family's possession