The Shape of Water

Red pill me on this film please, is it kino?
Saw it trending on the #2 spot on Wikipedia.

I heard from flat earth retards once that water cannot bend, so I guess that the shape of water is flat according to them. I don't know jack shit about the movie though.

Sally Hawkins is surprisingly hot.

Don't see what anyone sees in it. Its a pretty basic plot.

Unironically this.

It reminds me of fan fiction.

Is pretty weak. Even the criature seems a carbon copy from Hell Boy. Shannon does a great job and Sally is cute and likeable but there is nothing else.

I just read the plot on jewpedia. It honestly sounds like something a 13 year old girl would write whose parents were insane leftists.
>a mute white woman along with a black woman, a gay man, and a communist spy save a fish man from an evil white heterosexual man
>also the fish man has magical powers
>also the mute white woman fucks the fish man
Beyond awful.

What brings you to this thread? Serious question. You haven't seen the movie yet you have a strong opinion about it.


At least you're not actually trying to defend that hot garbage.

It's a movie by Guillermo del Toro, the dude that made Pan's Labyrinth. I liked Pan's Labyrinth very much, I've read that critics are saying that this movie is even better. Is this true?

Why don't you answer the question? What are some of your favorite movies?

Is this a scene of the movie? Where's that creatures penis?

No it's not. It's not bad but it's really not as great as the critics are larping it is. Still go see it tho.

She fucks a better fish man in Maudie. He probably has a penis.

>Is this a scene of the movie?

No it's from Paddington 2.


Probably things other than the plot, brainlet.

where is its benis?

she has cute tits

That's one lucky fish man.

This is litterally addresed in the film.

she says it comes out

>mfw none of these tiny-dicked landbois can compete with SHAD THUNDERCOD

*flares gills*

I wouldn't say it's as good as Pan's Labyrinth, but I did really enjoy it. At the very least, it felt like it was made by someone who gave a shit, and not the cynical design-by-committee trash I'm used to seeing these days.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's an average movie. Nothing special.

Why has it gotten the praise it has in the press??

What is love?

They have 2 bring scenes together, yet we're supposed to think they're star crossed lovers

It was released the week after a fucking Jumanji reboot. It stands out simply by not being an obvious corporate cash-grab. Plus, with all the homages to the Golden Age of Hollwood in the movie, nominating it for the Academy Awards lets a bunch of dried up industry veterans pretend that the film industry hasn't turned into a complete cesspool for a little longer.

>pulling the curtain around when they've already seen each other naked
I hate this fucking trope.

Its got a slit that it comes out of when aroused
Thanks furry porn

STAHP ittt

politics, unironically
>irredeemably evil white straight guy
>love relationship between a woman and a non-human creature (most likely a reference to interracial relationships)
>white women being friends with gay people and black women
>jewish russian spy being the good guy
>sexual liberation of the main character (female)

I thought it was just ok. Nice movie, never offensive, I forgot about it a day later outside of references to it online. Sally Hawkins is adorable, Jenkins and Shannon do their shtick well. I'd be sick of Stuhlberg's if he wasn't just incredible in Call Me By Your Name. I don't know, it doesn't leave me with anything to think about

It's weird that once the monster learns to talk in sign language he never actually expresses sentient thought. He just gestures for food and "you, me" stuff like a gorilla. She basically just fucks an animal.

I didn't enjoy it as much as Pan's Labyrinth. But I loved Pan's Labyrinth. It was still good though, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

how the fuck she can survive without drowning?

>>love relationship between a woman and a non-human creature (most likely a reference to interracial relationships)
>non-whites are shown as non-human creatures
Are liberals actually racist?

Love finds a way.

Manlets btfo yet once again
This thing was easily 7 feet tall

Unironically the best scene of 2017

no, because nobody thinks the movie is political besides Sup Forums

does a fucking movie need to happen inside the congress or the white house for you to believe it's about politics you brainlet?

Obviously everything is political if you want it to be. The problem is Sup Forums-Sup Forums wants everything to be politics that get them mad

In case you need another reason why the makeup getting snubbed for this film is criminal, the ass shots were of a double and the rest was her in a suit

Now watch Paddington. She's super cute in that too.

then liberals are evil racists who are CONSCIOUSLY comparing fishmen to niggers?

>female protag is a sassy cunt to all the men who are just trying to do their fucking job in a high stakes environment
>instantly melts like butter into submissiveness the instant she wants to fuck something

comedy gold

>a woman falls in love with a monster or supernatural creature
How fucking original.

at no point does the creature even show signs of emotional investment or attachment.

She just feeds it and plays with it like you'd do with a child or a dog and then her little retard mind goes "oh, it must love me, I had better sneak it out and fuck it"

Is it weird that dancing scenes happen to be my favorite parts of good movies?
>The Shape of Water
>Ex Machina
>The Big Lebowski

Del Taco literally made this as Creature From The Black Lagoon fanfic, he really wanted them to fall in love

>t. actual retard.

damn good movie. very well done

an older man lives there. what is the "trope" for not wanting someone to unintentionally see you having sex?

>(most likely a reference to interracial relationships)
clearly it isnt, if you were paying attention to the movie you would know that
>jewish russian spy being the good guy
not a good guy on account of any of those things, hes a scientist and doesnt want this magnificent creature to die. thats it
>sexual liberation of the main character (female)
who gives a fuck? god you sound pathetic

she held her breath

>Ex Machina
fantastic movie all around but that scene was so iconic. it really highlighted the shift of tone and showed us that things were about to get a lot worse

I feel like they're often hacky and done specifically to be standout scenes for Youtube/Twitter clips, but the one in Beau Travail is one of my favorite scenes in any film.

Dat ass.

Wikipedia has trending?

It has pretty much everything:
romance, horror, action, violence, rooting for the little guy, panders to gays, women, blacks and jews and (((current year))) issues, amazing cinematography, sets and costumes, great music, well written and performed dialogue (a lot of it mimed), good pacing, and hot hentai of a fishman fucking a lady. And it's fun.

Michael Shannon is a pretty inspirational villain.

The main actress if both a good actress and hot. The old dude is excellent. Every actor performs great.

I hope it gets the oscars, it's a movie anyone can watch that isn't just a straight fucking current issues/history /sickness/minority bait.

makes more sense at the end

Mexi-Jewish propaganda.