Truman Show

What happened to Truman after he left? Did he become a philosopher king? Did he set off to explore the world?

Find out summer 2020, in Truman Show 2.

Imagine him leaving into an even bigger set, still thinking he was free

He was kidnapped by a super fan

He'll eventually be forgotten just like the reality tv stars of the olden days

Imagine the hysteria this would cause, if let's say Russia kidnapped him. They would take away even more of our rights.

Probably became extremely paranoid and killed himself

Imagine meeting people and not knowing whether or not they're still playing a part or if they're for real, looking for cameras everywhere you go and so on. Plus you're a worldwide celebrity so there's gonna be fans and paparazzis on your ass 24/7 for the rest of your life

I don't know how people would forget a character who was put in a constructed landscape as a baby, growing up with it's fans.

He sat in his parents' basement masturbating to hentai and rambling about a race war online

this kind of reality tv is more real than most reality tv shows in that universe

They need to adapt it as an HBO series. I don't know why they haven't desu

>Imagine if the Truman Show continued.
>The year is 2018
>Writers coup as SJW's demanded more feminism
>At the writer's circle
>How are we going to get Truman to have a sex change

This would potentially create a civil war.

>>How are we going to get Truman to have a sex change
>suddenly everyone in Truman's town starts commenting on how feminine he is and how bad being a guy is
>Doctors make limited one-time only deal for cheap SRS

>It's a Truman gets shamed for being homophobic episode

Considering he lived in a utopia free from crime and poverty I wouldn't doubt he's suffered from culture shock at the first inner city he visited.

Truman is the only man in the film. The rest are angels and demons. Cristoff is Lucifer / the devil (note: the medieval understanding is that the devil's rule extends from the moon downwards, and he has no power above the moon). The love interest is in fact his guardian angel. All those characters in the dome with him are demons trying to keep him enslaved to his false reality. The people on the outside cheering for him are angels in heaven. The last scene where he walks through the sky represents his salvation and entrance into heaven. The penultimate scene of crossing the ocean is symbolic of baptism / Moses marching through the red sea.

he went to FUCKING FIJI


>What happened to Truman after he left? Did he become a philosopher king? Did he set off to explore the world?
Probably immediately murdered by the production company a short while after (it's probably cheaper to pay a fall guy than 40 years of back residuals on an internationally syndicated 24 hour television show)

With what money?

Even if the movie company cheaped him out of a salary, he would probably have a cult following offering him money all the time

He probably lived as a hermit off studio money. They'd probably set him up for life just to keep him from suing or something.

>They'd probably set him up for life just to keep him from suing or something.
>Even if the movie company cheaped him out of a salary, he would probably have a cult following offering him money all the time
and how long would that last? Would we see truman signing autographs in his old age like those movie stars from the 60's who go to comic con today?

He wouldn't be signing autographs. He symbolically works his way from the shadows in the cave to a new world on the other side. He wouldn't be just another actor, but an international icon. I would hope he would become some sort of character along the lines of MLK or Gahndi

i just watched this for first time few nights ago, and i wondered the same thing, how is he going to manage in the real world when confronted with assholes, thiefs and black people?

Probably put a book out and do a tour of shitty "motivational speeches".
Briefly marry that one chick and then get divorced after she realizes that she doesn't really like him all that much when he's not a celebrity or her little pity project.
I bet he'd kill himself after 10 years or so.