How much influence did the Plinkett reviews have on the perception of the Star Wars prequels...

How much influence did the Plinkett reviews have on the perception of the Star Wars prequels? How much influence did they have on the current direction of the franchise under Disney?

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*whips you*
move nigger!

He just introduced people to useful catchphrases like "poetry" and "it's so dense".

Otherwise seeing Clones in the theater was the nail in the coffin for most people.

Before, you could defend the prequels and have a leg to stand on. After, the prequels were exposed and defending them made you seem like an insane fanboy. Some of Plinkett's observations have been canonized as unofficial Star Wars rules, like not overusing lightsabers, focusing on characters and not political drama, etc. Today, the origin of these criticisms is forgotten, the reviews are a decade old at this point, but the points themselves live on and even high level executives have internalized them.

>focusing on characters and not political drama
Yeah instead just shoehorn real world politics into it, that worked well

I don't nkow if he was influential or if he was just in the right place at the right time to point out how dumb the prequels were to the generation that grew up liking them cuz starwars

The empire were in many ways just nazis in space, so it's not surprising the first order is basically the knock off version of that. The bigger problem is the enemy faction is just a knock off in the first place

Nigger, the OT was very Vietnam-war era heavy with Richard Nixon as the inspiration for Sheev.

The Empire was the British Empire in space and the Rebels were fighting for Americanism, it was never some anti fascist message.
They were Nazis in aesthetic only

The specific policies of the empire were always vague as fuck, but I wouldn't disregard the aesthetic, though they used British actors. Honestly the only super nazi thing they ever did that I can think of is searching that tree house during the "life day" special which is a questionable thing to reference


Yes you leftist retard, prove otherwise

looks live we've got a Sup Forumsack here

No it wasn't. People liked them. Fuck your revisions you 21 year old faggot.

If you were about 7 or 8 when Clones came out I could get it, I was 11 and it was the first noticeably bad movie I'd ever seen in a theater. My friends all hated it to.

Are you ever going to prove the post wrong?

What's there to prove? The empire doesn't really have any colonialism themes, while they were clearly going for fascist ones, and the only thing American about the rebels is the accents. I'm not going to bother looking for a quote or anything though

Sheev is nothing like Nixon though.

The Empire doesn't have any racial purity or concentration camp themes either so how are they Nazis?

Many watched TPM and did not even show up for AotC
I was there when happened.

Oh look, it's another Star Wars fan gets triggered on the internet episode.

>How much influence did the Plinkett reviews have on the perception of the Star Wars prequels?
not a lot i would say.

the reason the reviews are so popular in the first place is because the videos went in detail why very popular movies were bad that were already generally disliked.

it's like listening to a schoolmate talk crap about someone you hate. this wouldnt have worked for LOTR for ecample which is similarily popular, but actually good