Make Alien

>make Alien
>make Blade Runner
>direct nothing but hack shit the rest of your career

What happened to this guy? Legend was an admirable clusterfuck, but everything after was nothing but Hollywood hack drivel. Black Rain sucked. Thelma & Louise is a crime against humanity. Nobody remembers anything else he did in the 90s. He had kind of a comeback with Gladiator and Black Hawk Down, but after that, again, nothing but shit. He can't even do pretty colors anymore.

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lacks a non hack writer

>direct nothing but hack shit the rest of your career

Outside of the magic black nerd, I thought The Martian wasn't that bad

He directed that?
Damn. Add that to the list.

eh, there was a little too much conforming, it was no where near as funny as it wanted to be and matt damon was the lead.

I don't hate it as much as most people on here willl say they do, but it's very forgetable and entirely skippable

I acknowledged he had kind of a comeback with it, but it never reached the heights of Alien or BR, and it started a really bad trend of grimdark sword/sandal epics.

Kingdom of Heaven Directors Cut is kino

>a really bad trend of grimdark sword/sandal epics.
that was a trend?

I can only remember 300, which is an entirely different movie and then several B-Movies which I don't really count

>Black Rain sucked

ignoring the rest of your post, which is garbage, fuck you

Kingdom of heaven is perfect you fucking mongoloid op

>he's never seen the kingdom of heaven director's cut
>he's never seen american gangster

how much better is the ..kingdom of heaven director's cut?

A fuck ton better

I wouldn't call any movie from the year 2005 that demonizes Christianity while at the same time propping Muslims up as noble warriors as kino or perfect, desu. It's a Hollywood liberal propaganda movie.

what aspects about it make it so much better
and how good is the movie at that? what rating average would you give?

A criminally underrated masterpiece

I liked Legend.

thats the 3rd thing he's done that was good
everything after it is pure sewage

there'S still very few directors that have made 3 movies that were that good

kingdom of heaven sucks but it has some good bits

>Thelma & Louise is a crime against humanity.

why do you hate women user?

yeah, but we dont pretend those directors are great

I have a hard time believing ridley scott is a great director when his batting average is like 3/14
he made prometheus and alien covenent, and were fine with them

Thelma & Louise is one of the roots of third wave feminism. I dislike it and people like Oprah because of what they did to society 20+ years ago, but that doesn't mean I hate women. The stupid ones have just been misled with victim bullshit.

Rapid brain deterioration. It happens to everyone

it seems to happen to all directors when they pass 50 years old, except stanley kubrick and few others

look at spielberg, once he crossed 50, it was all downhill

>Thelma & Louise is one of the roots of third wave feminism

I guess there is no cure for clinical retardation

I think Spielberg's brain broke after making Schindler's List and it had nothing to do with age. Even the "fun" movies he made like The Lost World or Catch Me If You Can were dark as shit compared to his early work.

You underestimate how popular that movie was with women in the 90s and how it played into their resurrected victimhood complex. It's THE iconic feminist movie.

>drops mad redpills about how stupid fighting over Jerusalem is
>liberal propaganda
I'm from Sup Forums too, and we don't want you there.

>Kingdom of Heaven is redpilled

Said no historian ever. Enjoy the cinematography and music.

>victimhood complex

the protagonists escape and choose death over returning to normality. Where the fuck is the victimhood?

His brother did some great shit IMO.

Munich, but yeah he has definitely gone into a phase after Crystal Skull. The Post felt closer to Hidden Figures, I.E. it felt like a Disney movie, than anything else.

Troy, Immortals, Clash of Titans, Alexander, Kingdom of Heaven.. etc

>Black Rain sucked. Thelma & Louise is a crime against humanity. Nobody remembers anything else he did in the 90s

also Duellists is kino

Alien, blade runner AND Gladiator!
What happened?
Hired shit writters.

That was girl power in the 90s. Marry a loser, get away, go on a crime spree, then kill yourself.

>There are people in this thread right now who think Gladiator was good
He's still decently consistent, American Gangster and Matchstick Men were great. All The Money in the World is in that same vein.
At least he's not a Ridley wanna-be like Venezuala or Nolan.

Gladiator was awful by the way. Almost worse than Crash.

you said victimhood. Where is the victimhood?

And have you ever seen life through the perspective of a woman?

The Counselor is one of the best films of this decade you fucking videogame mind riddled pleb

I wanted to scratch my eyes out of their sockets over how bored I was watching American Gangster.

Thelma & Louise is his best work

Don't worry, his Blade Runner sequel will blow everything he's ever made out of the water!

Only Troy, KoH and Alexander count, everything since 300 is Snyder's fault.

>but it never reached the heights of Alien

If you think alien is a better movie than gladiator you need to rethink your life

>>direct nothing but hack shit the rest of your career
The Martian?

This. If you get screen writers like John Logan or David Lindelof you might as well be swimming in the Los Angeles Harbor.

I'm not the one who interpreted it that way - they did, so ask them. All I see is a movie about two women who go on a crime spree and finally kill themselves, and it turned out to be an iconic movie for feminism.

>And have you ever seen life through the perspective of a woman?


>tfw he was working on a spiritual successor set in the same universe with Tony

>If you think alien is a better movie than gladiator you need to rethink your life

Thought about it. I'm right. Alien is better than Gladiator.

>hack shit
>Black Rain
>1492: Conquest of Paradise
>Black Hawk Down
>American Gangster

Even the grossly overrated Gladiator and The Martian aren't exactly hack shit.


avoiding the question?

I like how the only result for Tony was this, because Tony Scott was the literally the Neanderthal ancestor of cinematic ass cancer like Michael Bay.

Ofcourse, Tony Scott directing Blade Runner should make any rational person quite upset.

Avoiding the question about seeing life through the perspective of a woman? Through decades of false flagging about second class citizenship and the myth of the pay gap? That rape culture is a thing despite the fact that rape will land you a state sentence and that rapists are considered scum? No, I haven't.

legend is visually the most impressive movie of the pre-cgi era.

his original blade runner 2 script was unironically awful and I'm glad he never got to direct it

Tony Scott had an incredible string of movies compared to Ridley. He took one look at the smokey Rachel interrogation scene in Blade Runner and decided he'd make that work for the rest of his life, and it did. Then he jumped off a bridge and became a meme.

>No, I haven't.

yes it figures

also calm down and imagine living the life of your mom. A simple thing. Would you like to live the life of your mom? You don't have to answer me.

he's not a script guy

he's always been hit and miss and it's always been down to the script, not his direction

>God Tier
Blade Runner

>Great Tier
All the Invisible Children

>Good Tier
Thelma & Louise
Black Hawk Down
Matchstick Men
American Gangster
All the Money in the World

>OK Tier
The Duellists
1492: Conquest of Paradise
Kingdom of Heaven
Body of Lies
Exodus: Gods and Kings
Alien: Covenant

I'll answer you. I wouldn't like to live the life of my mom since she's my mom and I don't want my dad to fuck me.

Hannibal is one of those movies I wish was great. The Italy scenes are indeed great. Everything else falls completely flat.

I knew he was a hack as soon as I saw the Director's Cut of Bladerunner.

No Gladiator?


Replace Blade Runner with The Martian.

Tony doesn't have one incredible movie, let alone a string.

They suck

very clever

if only you could use that genius to get a higher learning degree

>the biggest reddit movie since guardians of the galaxy
>god tier
Go back you ape

kingdom of heaven directors cut

>Great Tier
The Last Boy Scout

>Good Tier
Loving Memory
The Hunger
True Romance
Spy Game
Man on Fire

>OK Tier
Top Gun
Beverly Hills Cop II
Days of Thunder
Crimson Tide
The Fan
Beat the Devil
Deja Vu

Legend is fantasy kino


Say Black Hawk Down was good or you're a nignog

>ishish war

You could make this argument against almost any director. When was the last time Spielberg made something good? Or James Cameron? Or Scorsese? Or Carpenter?

The only "famous" director who has a somewhat reliable record is Clint Eastwood.

same but it was probably more the genius of a few producers / designers than ridley

spielberg has only made 2 good movies

duel and jaws

Jesus, Eastwood is the most boring director alive. Even the second rate films of those others you mentioned blow his shit out.

high plains drifter is better than alien

What about A Good Year?


Scorsese made a kino in 2016

I have a theory that Ridley Scott is like George Lucas in that their classic films were produced at points in their career where they had less control over the films. When given complete control over the films because of their newfound name recognition, like the prequels for Lucas, and basically everything post-Gladiator for Scott, they produce bizarre pieces of expensive shit. When kept in check by others with creative input they produce cinema classics.

Blade runner is the most overrated movie i've ever seen. Alien was blown away by its sequel.

Ridley Scott is a hack

Aliens was good but it's not god tier like Alien

aliens is amerifat trash

>ok tier
>the duelists
Spotted the pleb. The Duelists is better than anything on that list.

>James Cameron
Avatar was good you redditor.

The Martian is one of those movies where the book ISN'T better. It wasn't bad like "Ready Player One bad" but it was insultingly amateurish.

Poor man's Barry Lyndon

are you fucking serious?
i dont like him that much either but come on dude at least know what youre talking about