The Florida Project

So after thinking about it for a couple of days, I've come to the conclusion that this is truly a masterpiece and that in Sean Baker, we have a master director on our hands. Just the subtle way that the characters are developed throughout the film shows that he is completely in control of the medium. The film is Capra-esque and it conjures up shades of Italian neorealism in a way that I haven't seen done properly in years. It should have won best picture and Defoe certainly deserves to win for his supporting performance. Literal 10/10.

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Was anyone else fucking crushed in the end when she cried?

>I c-c-can't say it
She was doing that breathy crying that children do and I could feel in my chest how that used to feel and yeah... fuck.

Not nominated for best picture what the fuck

>The Hackademy
>Doing anything right
I think that awarding films that are good is important but its more important at a film festival level now.

oscars hate white trash

The girl was hot.

I sorta wanna live that life for a year or two

It's like Gummo part two except on Easy Difficulty and we're cruising downhill riding the clutch.

I mean yeah, if you're an idiot

Is proper film discussion going to come back to this board ever?

t. soyboy

t. Starshit eater, Marvelshit pooer, DcCuck



how about you discuss my balls with ur tongue lmao



>the children don't get eaten by alligators or taken into the Disney sex trafficking underworld
Shit film made by a brainlet, my man.

>tfw I live 20 mins away from this shit hole
no you don't, a half day would be enough

How close did they get to the mood and atmosphere?

u dumb af

seems fairly accurate I guess. I've seen white trash retards put themselves in shitty situations (lose their job, housing, welfare, etc.) by making dumb decisions occasionally but this movie obviously had to make the mom look like a total fuck up to make it a bit more entertaining. I'm glad they peeked into her neighbors lives a little because that's a more accurate representation of the average person living in those motels (maybe add a few more crazies with mental health issues). atmosphere was pretty accurate, hard not to be when it was filmed in the middle of that shit hole. I don't know much about prostitution and scamming tourists down there but it seemed a little unrealistic or maybe just uncommon. I've never seen people selling perfume and shit in front of a resort, they usually just ask you for money. I tend to stay downtown away from the parks though, it was great seeing this movie in a nice independent theater.



That moment is what pushed it over for me from a good movie to a great movie

>I'm glad they peeked into her neighbors lives a little because that's a more accurate representation of the average person living in those motels (maybe add a few more crazies with mental health issues)
Is it as racially mixed as it came over in the film or is it mainly trash whites?

where is she running to?

Shes just trying to get a soda

I feel like whites and maybe blacks are more inclined to live in the hotels but I don't know for sure. I feel hispanics would rather live with 20 family members in the same house than in some shit hole motel.

Thanks bro

Which one of you was this?

This was such a brilliant sequence. Absolutely cemented my belief in Baker.

It's my favorite of all the "awards" films these year - such a shame it didn't even get a best picture nomination.

The best thing about it is how fucking real it is. We all know these types of people, and they're total pieces of shit, and it doesn't shy away from that, while still showing they're people too. A lesser movie would make these characters either irredeemable or too sympathetic, but it doesn't and it's so great as a result.

it's probably the most intense scene I saw this year, and there's not a gun or spooky monster in sight

i cant for the life of me find a way to watch his first movie, the one where he went around filming a chinese take out delivery fellow

Sean Baker is a legit kinographer, Tangerine is amazing as well.

I was watching it with my gf and had to get up and leave for a bit so I wouldn't cry like a beta cuck in front of her.

>and there's not a gun or spooky monster in sight
This is what I was thinking as well. Its so tense but the power dynamic between the characters is based just on how they're interacting in the world. So effective.

Tangerine is really something. I wish I could track down some of his other films.

he just wanted a soda. he did nothing wrong.

>tfw I was drinking soda in the theater
Really made me think

Any other Florida anons who were amazed at the sound design?
>the frogs croaking at night
>the palm trees smacking in the wind
Idk if they literally just used the audio they got on scene but whatever they did fucking pulled me right in

Easily best movie of the year

ughhh the mis-en-scene was all off for me

utterly distracting

fucking so much this
i live in orlando and the movie was basically a fucking documentary

Unacceptable that its not up for BP, there should be some kind of tribunal we could take the academy to

Why don't we have Sup Forums awards

Meant for

This. Sup Forums is doing their shitty award show for years, a Sup Forums one could be cool to kill some time.

Is this cunny kino?

Yeah, the child actors in this film were absolutely incredible. I don't know who wrote the dialogue and coached these kids, but they are miracle workers.

Only misstep was maybe the first scene where they're spitting on the car and casually throwing out expletives, and then after that, we don't really see that brand of trashy dialogue again from the kids. Seemed like something that was written early on and kept in even if they slid the tone a bit for the rest of the film.

How does Sup Forums organize it?
Just a board-wide

>I don't know who wrote the dialogue and coached these kids,
I'm guessing nobody did
The majority of it felt too real
My money is on the kids just being themselves and then having a few scenes that actually mattered with scripted dialog

How would you get a kid to 'just act naturally and riff' in front of a camera? I'm really curious how they shot this film.

100% agree best movie I saw all year

>The best thing about it is how fucking real it is. We all know these types of people, and they're total pieces of shit, and it doesn't shy away from that, while still showing they're people too. A lesser movie would make these characters
That’s kind of why I almost don’t want to see this movie. I used to work with someone who was stuck living with their mother and her boyfriend who both didn’t work so they could be on welfare, and the three of them just lived in motels or squatted in foreclosed houses for almost two years.

>the work in behavioral health with kids

This movie hit home and made me not want to go back to work it was so real

Kids can come from fucked up places and it really messes them up

A good example I think is the scene where they burn the abandoneds down
Most likely everything you saw there was the kids actually reacting to the house and what was in it
Of course when plot called they gave Moonee a line to say.

single mother epidemic

Read an article where Dafoe said this is literally what Baker had the kids do. He said they weren't acting scenes it was more like he set them up to have "structured play" and just filmed the results.

So he probably just told them where he wanted them to run around and maybe gave them some ideas for games.

Very interesting reading about how it was made the whole crew thought Baker was insane he wanted to do the perfume selling stuff for real and just film random people's actual reactions.

Who was the article for, do you have a link?

It is cunny kino, isn't it?

Keep this shit out of my thread thanks


>Working with children wasn’t a problem either. “I don’t even remember how I worked with them because it all was so natural,” he says. “We had to take care of them, and we had to make them comfortable. So, really, you had to give them lots of room, because Sean set them up in a way where they weren’t being reflective, they were just being human. He was setting them up to play. They aren’t thinking about performances, they aren’t thinking about acting, they aren’t thinking even about the movie. They’re just thinking about being in this situation with these adults in this kind of structured play scenario, and Sean set that up beautifully.

This one Baker talks about how he never worked with so much professional crew before and they thought he was nuts.

this movie is a perfect example of film that speaks to the heart instead of the head. It isnt smart or complex but that doesnt matter since it doesnt speak to that, it tries to evoke emotions instead. A very emotional experience.

Good movie, will keep an eye on that director. Probably my favourite movie of 2017. Growing up in relative poverty myself probably helped.

It's pretty nice.

the A24 studios make the best films, been keeping my eye on them since Ex Machina

Queen of the trailer people

Nice body for a 6 years old.

Thanks user.

>they thought he was nuts.
Pretty great video talking about the casting mainly. Bria Vinaite apparently thought she was being pranked. Based Sean.

She's so cute and her skin looks so soft, I want to hug her!

Kind of a dumb question. Why did they live in a hotel? Wouldn't like a cheap apartment be beter? They were paying like 40 a day right (1200 a month)?

Very nice. She reminds me of child porn star BabyJ who was the same age.

why did they have willem dafoe character say the washing machine fixing line at the end? it was like they wrote him as too much of a perfect good guy and they sloppily threw in something negative at the end

RLM shat on the ending cause they didnt built up to Disneyland

> but in the back of her mind she always knew she was to poor to even go there and bring it up will just cost her pain

I took it as he didn't really owe them anything, it was just his job but iirc correctly he says that line and then looks back over his shoulder at where he just came from. So he's trying to detach himself from the grimness of what he's just seen by telling himself he just needs to get on with business but he just can't.

Fuck, she really does.

whats your intent here soda man AKA charlie cokesman if your living NJ what are you going in Florida


A landlord won't sign a lease with you if they have reason to believe they're just going to be evicting you in a few months. And there's no such thing as a cheap apartment in places like Orlando.

Not until we get /film/ and /cel/.

just finish that goign into this what to expect

im on a poor people binge whats next

Bicycle Thieves I guess?

they're kinda right but i still get the idea of it

Pretty much all of Harmony Korine's movies.

I mean the switch to guerilla cam was kind of jarring, but it somewhat worked because it was obvious that nothing literal was being depicted and we were switching into a symbolism from the mind of a child.

I just don't know why they thought they had to be so incognito. People are filming their family's in Disney World all the time. I have to think there was at least a degree of intentionality to using such coarse footage.

They weren't wrong
If I was in charge of the ending I would have shown the two girls just running into the horizon on one last adventure
Don't specify where they go, just show them running away from a still shot and then cut to black

They used 35mm film to make the movie
Try sneaking that in past security
Also the director is still high off his last movie which was filmed entirely on an iPhone

I didn't say sneak a 35mm camera into the park, but there is a middle ground between professional cameras and iPhones.

Like I said, the guy got a lot of street cred for making a movie with an iPhone
Yeah he could have used a Blackmagic pocket cinema camera or something but it's kind of a callback I presume

I feel like it was a comment on happy endings, like here we're given a happy ending but it feels jarring and strange and we've been enjoying ourselves in the much grimmer real world. Also fuck you Mouse.


>brother and I grew up in florida
>single father, still training in the sherriff's office academy so he has jack shit for money
>when he does graduate the 12 hour shifts mean he has to hire babysitters for us
>family was pretty fucking poor until i was around 12

If I watch this film, is it going to break me down?


Alright, I guess you chucklefucks have convinced me to watch it.

High, or sober? Am I going to be sad either way?

Sober, user
One of the few films that deserves it

It would be fun but no one here is that dedicated.

Why do people think children are so dumb?

They were dumb kids themselves