Do you guys think that Gremlins 3 is actually going to ever happen? I loved the first two ever since I was a child...

Do you guys think that Gremlins 3 is actually going to ever happen? I loved the first two ever since I was a child, but I am skeptical if they will make a new one, and if they do, that'll it'll be either shit, or a shit "reboot".

Zach Galligan said quote "Gremlins 3 Is Happening, Actor Zach Galligan Says, Reiterating Sequel Won't Be a Remake. Gremlins 3 is still happening, according to Zach Galligan, 51, who played main star Billy Peltzer in the first two movies of the cult horror-comedy franchise. "It's not going to be a reboot", but that was in 2015, and he's getting rather old.

What do you lads think? Have you heard any rumors? Do you have any opinions, hopes, or worries?

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>he wants a Gremlins 3
>in the current year

I figure just leave it alone at this point.

Hopefully not, it would be shit. Gremlins 1 was kino and 2 wasn't bad but they would fuck it up now.

The first Gremlins was an allegory about how niggers move into a neighborhood and then destroy it.

Who could even do it justice?

Fuck off Sup Forums the white women are ours now

I suppose you're right... It's not like anything good from the 80's has been properly done in the current years.


It would be nice to have at least one beloved franchise not ruined by current year politics. Just leave it alone.

The second one was aswell, especially when the smart Gremlin goes on the TV and starts saying how they want civilization etc, and then it cuts to the bar and all the Gremlins are going crazy. It's an allegory how they always get a smart nigger to go on TV to call for integration etc but the masses of niggers are wild animals.


As much as I'd love a well made Gremlins 3 I have to agree. It would never be good with being made in this climate.

They would use all CGI, it'd be fucked from the beginning. Better to let it RIP in pieces.

>Chris Columbus confirms that the script for Gremlins 3 is finished and that the film will have a dark, twisted tone — reminiscent more of the original

New Gremlins AND Critters AND Robocop AND Crocodile Dundee and, as the cherry on top, a Duke Nukem movie.

What a time to be alive!

gremlins 2 is perfect, no need for (((them))) to fuck up something else

Already happened its called small soldiers

>Since its release, some people have criticized Gremlins as being culturally insensitive. Jonathan Rosenbaum argued that the film presents gremlins as African Americans.[17] In Ceramic Uncles & Celluloid Mammies, Patricia Turner writes that the gremlins "reflect negative African-American stereotypes" in their dress and behavior. They are shown "devouring fried chicken with their hands", listening to black music, breakdancing, and wearing sunglasses after dark and newsboy caps, a style common among African American males in the 1980s.

>devouring fried chicken with their hands

How else would you devour fried chicken? With a knife and fork like the Queen of England?

A jew made gremlins retard MAGApede


how bout everyone here gets to design they own gremlin?

Oh dear me, just look at that last name. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

Based Star Magic Jackson Jr.

Joe Dante was the director. Not jewish.

I'm glad Dante, Columbus and Galligan have made their intentions for 3 clear, having practical puppetry and making a true sequel instead of a remake/reimagining.
Posted this before, it's an outline for a reboot written by the Freddy vs Jason guys.


>Only one mogwai inside. Holy shit.
th-this is real?

A new Critters, fuck yeah.


Should be a prequel set in ww2 times with the shopkeeper bringing them over from some asian jungle.

I really like this idea.
too good to be true, though.

big if true

hows the weather in tel aviv?