Hi I'm Mike Rowe and this is my JUST

Hi I'm Mike Rowe and this is my JUST

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Brown Pill me on this situation, who wants him fired and for what?

>1950's McCarthy invesitgates Hollywood for being communists

>2010's if you aren't a communist you are blacklisted from working in Hollywood

Fired from what? What's he doing right now?

>hi im mike rowe make sure you work like a slave for jews because dude value of hard work lmao


>Hi I'm a faggot and I think I should live like a king without doing anything

Thats not what his show is about at all

>Mike Rowe
>he's macro


Mike Rowe is invincible like Mel.

There is no JUST.

But we give up a third of our day every day for 40 years just to have a functional shower and a bed. No one living like a king is doing hard work.

>A third

If you're lucky.

>fucking entitled shits, not wanting to work 6 days, 40+ hours per week to pay for their one bedroom apartment

start a business.


>dude why work hard that never accomplished anything and why show up on time for work who cares lmao

It's just so easy.

Yes. Communism has been a Jewish favorite for years. Ever heard of Marxism?

then dont complain like a little bitch about working for someone else who had the balls to start a business

Lmao. Ever heard of amazon faggot?

>The S.L.A.V.E. Promise

>wags finger about muh hard work
>has never done a day of real work in his life, is famous for basically hosting a minstrel show about immigrants who slave for 12 hours a day wading through toxic sludge
I remember one of my friends got a letter from him when he was awarded Eagle Scout and it was just a bunch of "this is nothing, you better prepare to work even harder" and passive-aggressively shitting on non-Eagles

>hurr rich people owning businesses don't work, we do all the work and get squat!
>>So start your own business
>no it's too much work

>being fired for having an opinion
When will it end...

>had the balls to start a business
You mean was born into one.


Everyone who has succeeded spends their free time laughing at you.

Oh, you must be American.

stop making excuses

>drives around town to all the businesses that have operated for 20+ years even though amazon exists
>businesses don't begin, they just are and have always been. that flower shop down the road? it has always been there. it wasn't built there. it is eternal


Ya god damn right.

Brick-and-mortar stores are flash in the pan.

how many excuses you got, senpai?

Start a business doing what

>signed the C.U.C.K. pledge months ago
>still a loser
This fucked conned me

if someone is handed control of a business that they don't have the skills to run, then it will collapse. If it hasn't collapsed then they know what they're doing and are thus more deserving of it than you. Quit bitching and get back to work, I'm not paying you to post on Sup Forums.

Right because the universe shits out businesses. But yeah man you being a NEET is really sticking it to the man.

>working when you can get neetbux

Something you love to do and do it better than anyone else.

Uh, I'm not making any claims about the viability of starting your own business. You have to prove yourself right, first.
Only an idiot would choose to be a wage slave over being their own boss, right?

I like to think there's a middle ground between realizing it takes a significant amount of work to start a successful business, and see shit like as the sham that it is

>dude why work hard there's no point lmao
You've got excuses out the ass but you can admit it and retain some of your dignity.

Watching tv and playing video games are the only things I like and I don't even like them really.

How do I start a masturbation business?

How's that business of yours going?

That critic is a huge faggot

literally who?

This is me desu. I hate when people ask me what I like to do because it boils down to movies, video games, masturbate, and browse Sup Forums

You don’t understand the JUST meme. This is him just defending why he’s not anti-science or anti-education. It’s a bunch of nothing directed at a random lady who wrote hatemail. Are you really this much of a drama HOMO?

>being this young

>I-I don't care!
Sure, buddy

I imagine all you need a camera and a reason anyone would want to see you naked

become a cam model, plenty of people do it.
Thirsty men love to watch other dudes jack off.

weak men always afraid to fail, pity

In that guys defense I didn't recognize him at first since he looks like shit now

Stopped reading after the first line.

Gosh, being alive is so awesome, the greatest lottery!!!!

Honestly kys at this point.
If all you're going to do is complain and envy people that have it better than you for the rest of your life, you might as well and it now. That's not a life worth living

>since he looks like shit now
No, he just isn't 42 like he was when Dirty Jobs came on anymore. You'll be lucky to make it to 55, much less look like that.

That all seems perfectly reasonable to me, what's the problem?

Are you saying you'd rather be dead because that's what it sounds like you're saying.

You're right, he meant to say Marxist.

Triggers lefties because hard work and responsibility are too much to ask for.

It does seem reasonable to someone who has corporate jew cock in their mouth, yes.

>says the commie cock puppet

Not him but I sure would

This is like what people who join the army believe. Until they get their dick blown off.

Literally Stockholm Syndrome: the list. Good goy, keep working hard so Israel can get another 30 billion dollar handout paid with your tax dollars while the CEO of your company buys his fifth house.

The only ones that are really bad are swearing off debt and complaining. Debt is double edged, but kind of useful if not essential for actually starting a business for many people. Complaining is basically another way of phrasing asking for a raise or promotion as well as pointing out unsafe working conditions. He also seems to imply going to the library is the same as the kind of education you would put on a resume, which is retarded, but otherwise it's mostly just straddling the line between wageslave and good work ethic. It's largely just part of a mentality that's completely fucked in terms of upward mobility

What does Israel have to do with how well you do your job of cleaning toilets user?

Not a commie, I'm a nationalist. You are delusional if you think mega corporations have the best interest of America in mind. All they care about is earning more shekels, if that means flooding the country with more illegals for cheap labor then they have no qualms in doing it.

>Complaining is basically another way of phrasing asking for a raise or promotion

What? No, I did not get that at all.
And he's an advocate for blue collar rights. I seriously doubt he would promote not seeking proper compensation


I don't envy anyone, I just set realistic expectations for myself. Failed entrepreneurs who put in too much to back out say shit like this as a coping mechanism.
>y-you're just jealous. at least I tried
I won't fault anyone for trying, but you're trying to convince me that I'm a miserable slob because I'm not willing to gamble my life savings for something that has a low chance of going anywhere.

>Not a commie, I'm a nationalist

Is that seriously supposed to make your opinion any more legitimate? Because it's not working.

I'm against illegals as well, so I won't disagree with you there

>to make it to 55

Literally my worst nightmare

>tfw reddit/pol say you're a cuck for not liking this
>yes good goy follow all the rules, make sure you get to work on time and work extremely hard! maybe you'll get a raise maybe.

Why are you against illegals? They take the Sweat pledge to the next level. That’s why they’re called SWEAT shops you fucking hypocrite

Do you guys just not work or what

>I don't envy anyone, I just set realistic expectations for myself

I don't believe it for a second. If you weren't envious you wouldn't be suspect or complaining if someone was born into a large business. Like you did you original post.
You'd simply acknowledge it and move on, because that has nothing to do with you

>Is that seriously supposed to make your opinion any more legitimate? Because it's not working.

You're the one who brought my political views up, you fucking moron. I was only correcting you.

Nobody who wrote that list is an advocate for worker's rights. He's probably a spokesperson for some because he had a show where he did shitty jobs, but anything else is just him lying out his ass

>They take the Sweat pledge to the next level.
Because having good work ethic doesn't mean working under sweat shop conditions. Moron

This. I make 50 dollars an hour updating css bullshit. I get in at 10am and leave at four sometimes. If you’re working hard you’re probably just stupid.

I've worked in manual labor, which is exactly why I dislike his pledge

In your case probably sucking cocks for ass fucks and beer foam

>Nobody who wrote that list is an advocate for worker's rights.

So quick to assume. Go read up on him then. How is advocating for better work ethic against workers rights? It isn't. Most blue collar workers probably shit all over your lazy ass.

Bruh that shower is a fucking marvel of engineering, the system that brings the water to you on demand, literally requiring millions of manhours to develop and maintain

You dont get that for free

Sounds like you’re just a pussy who doesn’t want to work that hard. Only the amount of work that I deem acceptable is hard work! Waaah you’re full of shit and you’d cry after one day of real work doing anything.

When you think of it as half your waking life then it's especially depressing. Sorry about that, family.

I think the main issue with that listen and everything about his mindset is not about "just working" its about asking yourself why you work and what you can gain from working. The list he holds is definitely filled with terrible reasons on why anyone should be a wage slave. Sup Forums used to literally shit on you if you were a wage slave, now its the BEST WAY TO DO IT. Being a wage slave is ok, trying your best to improve is OK. The list Mike Rowe likes to jerk off is how he discusses how hes a GETS SHIT DONE/ BLUE COLLAR GUY when in reality in has a degree in communications and hosted a show before dirty jobs. (Worst Case Scenario) he latches on to this persona of "WE NEED TO WORK HARD, AMERICA LOST ITS WORK ETHIC" america never lost its ethic, we lost the reasoning behind the ethic. People work too hard and make little, we attempt to start business only to have them rundown a year later due to mega corporations. businesses that were started because someone was there first. The list is cucky and extremely defeatist, its parody of itself. have good work ethic, but strive for a balanced and just playing field. Not just a WELL I GOTTA WORK CUZ THE BOSS SAYS I GOTTA.

>Sup Forums leftypol

Those guys aren't lifting a finger aside living their privileged north American be at lives

>Debt is double edged, but kind of useful if not essential for actually starting a business for many people.
Right, but he's not talking about that kind of debt when he says "I would rather live in a tent and eat beans than borrow money to pay for a lifestyle I can't afford."

>Complaining is basically another way of phrasing asking for a raise or promotion as well as pointing out unsafe working conditions.
I don't think he's talking about that either, he's talking about that guy who brings down morale by constantly complaining about things that can't change and he points out that personal safety is ultimately your responsibility and "compliance" doesn't guarantee your safety. Which is objectively true, the only real solution to a job you don't like or feel is unsafe is to find a new job.

Everyone can't be the boss. This is trivially true.

>Most blue collar workers probably shit all over your lazy ass.
But I am one

>doesn't believe in black holes

Eat shit.

>have good work ethic, but strive for a balanced and just playing field
I wholly agree with this.
But I'm going to disagree with you on one thing, millenials have shit work ethic. Plain and simple, the majority have grown up taking things for granted. That's probably one of the downsides with growing up with the internet

>never seen a black hole
>only heard about phenomenon that MIGHT be explained by a blackhole
>believes in black holes anyway though

His people really really tried to make him a thing on reddit, never took a shame hes actually a top bloke.

>when in reality in has a degree in communications and hosted a show before dirty jobs.
He was actually a trained opera singer before all of that, and he didn't come from money either. Why not tell the whole story