What does /tv think of Get Out?

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I really liked it.

This film really proves just how fucked in the head white leftists are. This film is racist as fuck. It's legitimately a black supremacist, anti-white movie, which isn't the worst thing in the world on its own merits, but the fact that white leftists are fawning over it in droves is fucking sick. These are people who would flip their shit of a white filmmaker made any film showing even half of this level of hostility towards a non-white ethnicity.

Just to put things in perspective: In this film about all of the subtle manifestations of white liberal racism against black people, such as saying you'd vote for Obama again and saying you know Tiger Woods and all that shit and how creepy it allegedly is, there is a scene in which our black protagonist singles out another black dude at a party full of not-black people and says he's relieved to see him there. And it's portrayed straight, as if there's nothing wrong with that. In a movie in which any white person saying anything vaguely awkwardly nice is creepy and racist, a black dude is expected to not have any obligation to try and be comfortable around whites, at fucking all. And white leftists swallow this shit like it's candy.

There is no such thing as a black left. It's just black racial identity politics. They're not expected to, and don't actually examine their own behavior. They only ever critically examine and judge the behavior of whites.


Was alright. Generic Blumhouse meets Stepford Wives + Guess Who's Coming To Dinner.

The critical and awards overreaction to it is ironic, given the film mocks that weird pandering racism of upper class white liberals.

That's not even counting the most amazing racist idea in this flick, that white people have no souls. I mean literally wtf, this film openly states that whites have no souls and no-one so much as MENTIONS this, much less criticizes it.

The beginning scene literally spoiled one of the best scares in the movie, also to add insult to injury they remind the audience of who the kidnapped black guy is by having the 2 main characters explain to the dumb-dumb audience who he is

>I don't mind politics being incorporated into my multi-million dollar Hollywood movies
>it's when posters on Sup Forums respond to said politics that I get upset

I enjoyed it. It wasn't the "amazing film of the century" everyone peddles it to be, a lot of the imagery/symbolism was really blatant and in-your-face, but it was a good time killer. Of course, if you don't praise it to high heaven, you're a fucking racist.

I only saw the screenshot where Dave Chappelle is sitting down looking scared thinking "word?".
Is this better than Block Party?


Really entertaining, funny at times, and original. To me, at least. Really exciting and different.

Nigger movie

a year ago i thought it was a pretty entertaining movie

now i think it's one of the most heinously over praised pieces of garbage out there

dude white people are racist even if they aren't racist: the movie

Its a decent movie. I dont understand why it gets so much praise. But really I guess I do :/

this, the only people who praise it are the people it mocks. strange times.

you must not now any nogs

I see what you're trying to say, but you sound so butthurt and are trying to sound so intellectual and "Woke" it sounds retarded.
Yes the movie makes fun of people who find find black people as allies. More importantly it makes fun of white people or anyone that seem to think of blacks as a lesser race that needs to be pampered. The scene with the black guy going "Glad to see you around here" is just how people talk when they are around different norms and a change in society. Its portrayed straight because thats how a change in culture is, not because its BLACK SUPREMACY. Not only that but you pair this change in culture with "White liberal racism" and try to pair them together, when they indeed totally different. The movie pokes fun at all sides which is why people like it. You sound like a butthurt white person who has never experienced a social setting where there is diversity. The film isnt Racist, and not racist how you see it. It shows that race is has its own norms and settings that others may assume i.e. black people have better music, art, athetlic skills, sexual skills, than others. you make no sense and you are really trying too hard. I wouldnt be surprised if you just replied to this by just saying a word one reply

I wish the movie had more Caleb Landry Jones. That scene at the dinner table was really good.

>The movie pokes fun at all sides
How does it do this? It's non-stop 'creepy white suburban liberals', and when it's not that it's racist white cops. It's the paranoid fantasy of a black Hollywood millionaire who has outright said that the film reflects the fact that he's a victim of racism on a daily basis, apparently in spite of being wealthy as fuck and living a far more comfortable life than the average white person. And this goes back to my point: There is no such thing as black leftism.

Jordan Peele wants to be a victim while being a millionaire with a celebrated career in Hollywod at the same time. Leftism allows him to do this, so he adopts it. But this film is allegedly all about hidden racism while spitting venom at the white people who look at their own race and tear apart every little subtlety that might possibly be racist, and yet Jordan Peele doesn't have the self-awareness or the interest in doing the same thing himself.

I wish Sup Forums would 'Get Out' of the gene pool

And yet white liberals are the ones extinguishing themselves through sheer birthrates.

Kill yourself nigger lover

>being rich makes you invulnerable to racial discrimination because reasons

You are a moron. Kill yourself

trite and derivitive

The fact that a black millionaire can bemoan and pity himself in public and be applauded for it, and yet can only examine the subtle racism of white people while allegedly being #woke on race is fucking disgusting.

>this film openly states that whites have no souls
Why does Sup Forums always lie?

Oh yeah im sure he's being discriminated against in hollywood lol or anywhere in general

>extinguishing themselves
>by making a colored baby
>literally thinking this is a negative trait
Sup Forums needs to be removed from society because they actually possess negative traits to society. Like the Republican disease

Yea man no one would ever call him nigger or say he is inferior because of his skin tone XD

Why do you? White people have their souls transferred in the movie.

it's fine, but WAY overhyped

Oh no the horror if he a millionaire ever found out was being typed on a Indonesian mud drying forum

You reasons is so wrong its hilarious. Like this poster said. Kill yourself if you think that. Having all the money in the world means jack shit. You can be a black millionaire and you will still be considered a nigger by a lower white person i.e. you.
Peele does not make himself a victim, the casual racism shown by the white characters is what he is trying to show. It's little things like "I would vote for obama a third time" Shit like that DOES NOT MATTER, peele is trying to tell the audience "Why would he say that to a black person" the point is, it doesnt, the white person is trying to help someone who doesnt need help. Nobody gives a fuck about obama.
There are literally videos, hardcore evidence of district attorneys, black millionaires in BMWs getting pulled over and harassed by police officers daily. I know it's hard for you to take your head out of your sand because of the political climate but the movie isnt as narrow as you think it is. Yes you are correct at some points, but its a clever movie, thats why PEOPLE LIKE IT.

>some working class white dude calls a black millionaire a mean name on the internet
I'm sure he feels really bad crying himself to sleep in his mansion.

>Having all the money in the world means jack shit. You can be a black millionaire and you will still be considered a nigger by a lower white person i.e. you.
This is how victimized black people in America have actually been conditioned to feel. Holy fucking shit.

Remember user, awkwardly trying to be nice is a hate crime. Truly these are dark times in Drumpfs Amerikkka.

How terrible his life must be. Someone could call him a bad word.

But? its true? How many times have we seen black movie stars on Sup Forums get shitted on for no reason? Hell we had a black president and people shitted on him for wearing a brown tuxedo. The paradigm shifted is what you're too young to understand. When we had a black president being EDGY was saying nigger and how much the government and how political correct terms were shit. Now we're on the opposite side, being edgy and insane is saying "hey maybe black people are ok" and "Fuck the president." You can talk about victimization all you want but that is how society is. you can't even think of a proper response you just create a broad strawman "FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE THINK LIKE THIS NOW WOW." Its ok. debates are fine, i know this election was your first.

It's not that bad. However, it only gets awards and accolades because it's black and people don't want to be called a racist for not giving black people enough awards. If it weren't a black person movie, it would have been forgotten by now.

>it doesn't matter how successful you might be, some retard on 9gag might say a no no

Race is a part of the movie. To say it wouldn't be good without it an element is like saying Indiana Jones wouldn't be good without the adventure.

>Now we're on the opposite side, being edgy and insane is saying "hey maybe black people are ok"
Yes, all those universities and mainstream news outlets are regularly regurgitating Daily Stormer rhetoric about how niggers are inferior, you butthurt black bitch.

I'm not even black but i can tell u mad as hell.

This movie is literally "Tusk", but instead of a walrus there are black people


Every race gets shit on for no reason because racism is not something exclusive to blacks. For instance, Trump gets shat on all the time for having orange skin. People are always going to find excuses to be mean to each other and the irony of having to explain this to someone on Sup Forums is very rich indeed.

True, but you could also do a movie about race without it being black people, and movies certainly have done this.

>How many times have we seen black movie stars on Sup Forums get shitted on for no reason?
Only shit actors get shit on or if they are shoehorned in because some fuck bitch white dude wanted to pat himself on the back for being diverse.

Honestly? by reading this thread and reading each post slowly you can see why people still jerk off this movie. its clever, it says something about race relations, the acting isnt shit, the writing isnt shit, it's like steak and macaroni and cheese. nothing crazy special but people will argue about it about why it sucks and why its good.

It doesn’t make sense, no white people want to be black

How can they have their souls transferred if they don’t have souls?

>How many times have we seen black movie stars on Sup Forums get shitted on for no reason?
Honestly, what the fuck does it matter?
Is Sup Forums shitposting really your argument?

>who is rachel dolezal

Actually you sound butthurt, the person you’re responding sounded reasonable and makes sense.

To be fair, this is a half truth. Only some whites have no souls.

I just looked her up, lol Holy fuck I can’t even believe. Well fuck my ass

When people in this very thread are stupid as fuck enough to say blacks aren't discriminated against, ever, then yes people feel the need to point out obvious examples

>Who is Talcum X


The point is that certain black people being Hollywood millionaires and still believing that they're special victims of society is beyond grotesque, dude.

>When people in this very thread are stupid as fuck enough to say blacks aren't discriminated against
Noone is saying that, well save for you.

welcome to 21st century america

How is it grotesque when its fucking real, dude. Black people have been and are victims in certain aspects of their life in America. Are you really this stupid or are you being disingenuous

>or anywhere in general

>racebait: the film

Who is Sean King

See, white people don't feel sorry for white millionaires who whine about how hard their life is, so you might want to try a different tactic, because they're sure as fuck not going to feel sorry for black millionaires unless they're already a complete cuck, either.

Everyone is a victim my guy.

>Thinking every action taken against you is an act of racism no matter the circumstances
>not grotesque

It must be hell to think every time you're being pulled over, questioned or investigated is alway because your brown, even when it isnt.

Why do they choose to live like this?

The fuck are you even talking about retard. Who the fuck is talking about feeling sorry for anyone. Pointing out you're a victim is asking for people to feel sorry for you.
White people don't face racial discrimination in America.
Black people, all black people, do. It doesn't matter if you're a millionaire or the fucking president. People hate you, treat you differently, because you're black. They are literally a victim of racial discrimination. How is that hard to understand.

Yea but some people in America are victims for meaningless things they cant change, like being black.
Imagine that.

>White people don't face racial discrimination in America.

Yes we do.


pretty funny movie

Black people have been conditioned to believe they face discrimination in America to the point where they honestly believe that someone like Jordan Peele can still be a victim above and beyond some white truck driver or janitor, and they don't see how fucking insane that is. I bet you even think fucking Obama was a victim because someone called him a nigger on the internet.

Legitimately, the black victim complex in America is fucking insane in a way that nothing else is.

...but they are racist

As a white person, its nice thinking like that. Because cops don't pull me over because I'm white
But when you're black, wow, they do pull you over because solely because youre black, so its kinda hard to tell in situations

>are victims for meaningless things they cant change

Like being born in trailer park. I'm glad you agree.

Let me ask you a serious question: What do white people gain from cops pulling over blacks just because they're black like you claim? Is there ANY actual benefit? Because if not, why in the fuck would it happen in a society where white people are told from the time that they're in diapers that racism is the worst sin in existence?

>having money doesn't mean youre a victim of racial discrimination
Are you really going with this? Repeat it back to me and ill stop trying to convince you of anything because you are beyond repair.

>White people don't face racial discrimination in America.
Bold statement that I'm sure you have proof of.
>They are literally a victim of racial discrimination.
people get shit on all the time for nonsense reasons like being short, fat, hairy, ugly, stupid, clumsy, retarded, poor, etc...

Everyone is a fucking victim, black just think they are special.

Wow, you sure showed him.

Nothing, they have nothing to gain. They just do it because of internal biases. Look up new York stop and frisk laws. Blacks were overwhelmingly stopped more than any other race, and 85% (85% was also the average across all races) of the time did nothing wrong.

So I guess we're dropping the #woke definition of racism where it equals privilege plus power now? Because blacks call white people mean words on the internet all the time, you little bitch, so by your own fucking definition they're victims of racial discrimination too.

Yea that would suck. I would feel sympathy for that person, same as I do for black people
Wow consistency

Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime m8.

I'm glad you agree.

>when a cop sees a crime perpetrated by a white guy he thinks "thank god! I don't have to actually DO anything about that, lemme go find a black dude to harass."
You are the white people portrayed in this overrated movie.

White Liberals want to be black, yet secretly plot against blacks. Accurate as fuck, and overall entertaining movie.

>new york stop and frisk laws
>blacks stopped more than white people
>these stops don't lead to more black arrests than whites
>this isn't a racist problem

>muh stop and frisk
and crime dropped like a stone because it fucking worked.

Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime everywhere in America.

They are special, because the North Carolina government was, according to courts, "surgically targeting blacks from voting"
Wow dae le dumb nigger

Was the free labor worth all this shit?

It exceeded my expectations and I enjoyed it.
typical case of misleading trailers,
kinda like American Ultra, i hesitated to watch it because it was marketed as DUDE WEED LMAO xdd, but ended up being enteretaining action movie and not a stoner flick.
I thought this would be a comedy for black people a la "scary movie" with silly situations.
It was actually a lot better than I expected.

That said it's nothing too special, and has no rewatchability value except to fap watching my jawfu

And Google is currently being sued for systematically discriminating against white employees.

Who the fuck are you strawmanning

I just finished watching this on HBO. Hadn't seen it yet but well aware of the hype. Was able to watch it through the lens of knowing it was nominated for best picture, best actor, best screenplay, best director.

Oh boy this has to be one of the most overhyped moves in a VERY long time. It's so transparent why it got all those nominations.

My favorite part of the movie was how Peele snuck in a wealthy Asian among the wealthy whites just to remind everyone blacks are the most oppressed minorities. Wonder if he's aware the biggest lynching in American history was done to Chinese people.

It was a mediocre B movie. An overly long Black Mirror episode.
