Cleopatra 1963

If you are a fan of HBO Rome, if you are a fan of Roman history, if you have a mind for high art and quality acting and impeccable dialogue, then you simply must watch this movie.

There are no two ways about it. I give it 9 out of 10 simply magnificent dialogue, costumes, sets, acting, purely brilliant.

Rex Harrison as Caesar, Dick Burton as Antony, Liz Taylor as Cleopatra, the cast is incomparable.

Is this about to get a re-release or some shit?

Rumors about another remake

No, or at least not that I'm aware of. I just had a bunch of wine and started digging through my old movie collection and found it and started watching it and by the living Christ it's fucking masterful.

You can just download it from online for free

Isn't it over 4 hours long? Is that like watchmen/LOTR extended cut 4 hours or Gone With The Wind 4 hours? Does it feel long?

It is one of those movies that if you sit and watch it with the fact in mind that they had no aide from modern technology/computers to make it your jaw will drop at certain parts. If they were to make it today, in the same way they made it in back in 1963 it would cost a billion dollars.

SHould I watch the theatrical or directors cut?!?!

The boat alone would cost more than any capeshit movie.

Yeah, it's four hours, eight minutes long. I have never been able to sit all the way through it.

There were actually critics who complained when it came out that it was too short, and that it should have been six hours long. People must have been nuts in the 60s.

Absolutely. The scene where Cleopatra comes out in that Parade on the giant Sphinx or whatever, if you think about the fact that this occurred in 19 59 or so it boggles the god-damned mind. Plus the actor that plays Augustus does a good job as well though I forget his name at the moment

No it didn't live in the Modern Age of instant every goddamn thing and could appreciate a well made product. Nowadays if something is over an hour and a half long people bail, and even complain.

The world I growed up in is GONE.

Either or, you can't go wrong. Or get an ice cream bucket and watch both

Looks great, and I have a Cleopatra fetish. Thanks, OP.

You have to remember that movies were really an event back then. They weren't a dime a dozen coming out in an endless stream that people could watch whenever they wanted like they are today. There weren't ten new movies to choose from every weekend and an endless stream of home video releases to watch whenever you wanted.

That being said, if I had a Saturday to myself with nothing else to do I'd have no problem watching a six hour movie, as I've watched consecutive episodes of tv series for longer than that in one sitting. You couldn't pay me to sit in a movie theater that long though.

they should just make a ridiculous non historically accurate cleopatra movie where she's a nudist

It is as of nothing, my friend.

Why don't you just watch some Egyptian themed porn. XHamster is your friend.

People were used to sitting in the theatre for that long, not only for films (not only were 4 hour epics not that uncommon back then, it was also still the era of the double-feature, and just past the end of the era when a typical feature would be preceded by a short and a newsreel), but for plays, opera, etc.

Also, just as with multi-act plays, there was an intermission.

Japan already did it, albeit animated.

For me it's generally Egyptian fashion, clothing, makeup etc.. not just Cleopatra.
Too bad apart several mummy movies and various Cleopatra portrayal, there is almost none good stuff.

Not him but porn is shit
"Realistic" erotica is where it's at

Wasn't a youngCarroll O'Connor in this to as Casca or something?

>there was an intermission.

Is anyone else here old enough to remember double features? What ever happened to those?

am him and I agree porn is dull and obnoxious

>Let's turn Cleopatra into a bawdy comedy/sci-fi mash-up
Based Osamu Tezuka


Nips don't understand anything outside of the borders are there shity little Islands. They should keep their bullshit to themselves

I remember watching this years ago and it was completely batshit insane.

There's so many great lines in this movie 2 but I still use IRL to this day




>Queen Cleopatra of Egypt experiences both triumph and tragedy as she attempts to resist the imperial ambitions of Rome
This sounds really boring, does she even have superpowers?

it depends if you would consider egypt a superpower

Cleopatra is an interesting study in contradictions, as both a dud that won five Oscars and a lavish production that wastes most of its time on scenes of talking heads. Unfortunately, it's also not a 246-minute movie that breezes by; any modern viewer brave enough to sit through its four hours will feel the passage of every minute, with little ultimate reward for the time spent. The leads all acquit themselves admirably, especially Rex Harrison as Caesar, but viewers better acquainted with these characters through Shakespeare's lyrical language will lament the all-too-ordinary and sometimes anachronistic dialogue that comprises Joseph L. Mankiewicz's film. Elizabeth Taylor shines like the star she was, jumping in and out of dozens of ornate costumes, many of which hug her figure tightly, in a way that was provocative at the time. But she's a little too petulant and melodramatic to ultimately be taken seriously. The truly puzzling thing about this film, which is probably what left viewers cold, is that the 60-million-dollar budget goes mostly into window dressing: decorative scenery and costumes, a few elaborate parades and dance numbers, and one sophisticated battle sequence. Very little of it is in direct service of the plot, and the long scenes of one-on-one dialogue, strung together one after another, sap much of the grandiosity from the production. Cleopatra is left feeling more like a filmed play than the type of modern movie its budget and stars promised it would be.

She actually played Cleopatra, but in 2002. Asterix comedy movie. And she was boner inducting fapmaterial there.

I liked the sequel series better.


She already did with Asterix and Obelisk.

I liked the one with Vivian Leigh and Claude Rains but haven't seen this. Worth watching?

This movie killed the era of epics in film

Did it bomb at the box office?