Cast him

One punch man movie casting.

Danny Devito as Saitama

Idris Elba

John Babonga

john boyega as saitama
donald glover as genos
lupita nyongo as tatsumaki

Paul Dano

>not casting a white girl to get blacked
You won't make it as a Jewish producer

Unironically Elijah Wood

Raimi Malek. He’s got the right energy for the part.

Classic Paul Dano

Tom Cruise saitama

Idris elba genos

Daisey Ridley tatsumaki

Why do you idiots want to see everything as a movie?

Inspired choice actually

Stay mad animelover!! I hope Hollywood destroys all your animes!! Weeb!!


Good choice!

karl pilkington

If I can use a time machine, Bruce Willis.

You know this will happen so might as well have some fun speculating.

Johnny Sins

They would make Dwayne Saitma and you all know it. He'd probably even do a people's elbow

That guy whose gonna be in Young Han Solo, hear he's a great actor.

Yes, I'd pay to watch it.