Meeting Celebs Stories

I was an extra on the Hobbit (I know, they were dreadful) and spent a lot of time killing time with and around the cast. Pic related was absolute bro-tier. Martin Freeman was a cunt.

Oh and Orlando Bloom was surprisingly based. Miranda Kerr came to set once or twice and although I never talked to her, she came across like a stuck-up bitch.

Dish on Martin Freeman. How was he a cunt?

Cool. Im surprised Elijah wasn't a cunt too.

>Martin Freeman was a cunt.
Did he flip you off?

I heard will ferrell is an real asshole

I think some user with his wife met him and he told him how much he liked him in tha movies and suddenly ferrell started talking about how anons wife is hot and that he wanted to fuck her and other shit and user was about to punch him but his wife stopped him

Not surprised, Elijah Wood always struck me as a cool guy, same with Tobey Maguire
Too bad their careers are dead, Elijah fucked himself by speaking out against Pedowood

user I made all that up, it was a lie.

Always acted like he was too cool for the room. Was only pleasant to anyone if they were a hot chick.

Wood is in indie movies, idk if he still DJs on the side too

I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

I once saw goose pick up a coin off the sidewalk. He looked at it after he picked it up and smiled a little bit.

Well, I heard that Tom Cruise is an asshole.
Really tight ass fag who avoids anyone non-celeb as much as he can, even fans unless it's for promoting his movie.
There was a thread about it some time ago, here on Sup Forums.
Some user met him, and some machine infeterens or some shit.

I met JonBenet Ramsey once. All I remember is she screams really loud, but not loud enough.

manlets are usually either exceedingly kind or exceedingly vain out of necessity due to being seen as an oddity through their adolescence and adult hood.

Plus Evangeline Lilly was an absolute sweetheart.
Ian Mckellen was nice but a little in love with himself.
The old guy who played Radagast was cool as hell.
Andy Serkis was pretty awesome too.

Elijah seems like a bro in all the behind the scenes stuff in LOTR, all the cast and peter jackson can't praise him enough

>The Hobbit
>10 seconds of elijah
Nice story you got there. You must have spent hours with him day in day out.

I met Tom Holland many times. I have different stories for each time.

He popped in to hang out on set one day, not to film his scene.

You don't know how filming works, do you? Just because someone has a 10 second cameo doesn't mean they simply walk on the set, bang it out in one take, and leave within 5 minutes. (Unless it's supposed to be a secret or something)

Maybe Martin Freeman is shy. I’ve recently learned that everyone thinks I’m an asshole because of my shyness

>Evangeline Lilly was an absolute sweetheart

Not him, butt his is kinda' nice to hear. Lily's always struck me as the kind of girl you want to like, and it's nice to hear that she is.

Maybe. I'm probably drawing a bit too much from my very very limited interaction with him

>The old guy who played Radagast
His name is Sylvester McCoy, he was the seventh Doctor in Doctor Who

Did someone in his past tell him to smile with his mouth closed or something? Shit's creepy.

>Claims to be shy
>Suddenly becomes unshy to talk to hot girls
Nah, nah, nah. At best it's Woody Allen tier timid arrogance.

Did you meet Christopher Lee? Was he nice?

I liked Wilfred

Shut up nerd

Unfortunately not

how is it possible to meet a celeb so many times?

I actually sat next to Elijah wood on a flight from Newark to LAX on Christmas day. He was friendly but I didn't want to bug him too much. I didn't even say how much I loved him in Harry Potter.

I unfortunately didn't meet him I mean.

I knew Aziz "not sorry" was a dick after working on an episode of MON before the #metoo thing. It didn't surprise me at all when I found out.

Cynthia Nixon is a weirdo and pretty much steamrolled the cast and director for an indie I worked on. Really had to try not to laugh at her porno level acting.

I was raped by Peter Stormare and I LOVED it

Elijah still has a career

I met Scott Bakula and Peter Weller in the span of 2 days. they were both pretty chill dudes. I was at work so I didn't make a big deal about knowing who they were and I think they appreciated that

they call it stalking

Are you an alien? What the fuck.

I worked tech on pic related, and got to meet Viggo.

Of course this was pre-LOTR fame so he wasn't really a AAA actor who everyone lined up to meet and greet. He would often eat lunch in varied places and he ate with the tech crew once or twice.

He was very kind, very down-to-earth in that almost fatherly way. You always got the feeling that everything was going to be okay, and that everything was going to work itself out as long as he was around.

Genuinely nice guy.

I want to habeeb

I talked to Clint Howard about potholes while walking down the street.

>Martin Freeman was a cunt
pls elaborate

You don't know how filming works, do you? Just because someone is doing another project and agrees to record a cameo, doesn't meant he sticks around long enough like the main actor of the movie.

On Sup Forums if you aren't in a capeshit film, 2 other standalone blockbusters and nominated for an Oscar in a year, you have literally no career.

KStew came twice to the coffee place I was working at in Soho some 2 years ago. I came in her mocha the second time. She said thanks and I saw her eat the topping with the plastic spoon.

Does "Tugboat" Maguire still have a career?

Did you ask him how many Jew producers raped him?



Conan O Brien was nice but kind of sad/quiet
Seth Green is very cool and friendly
Nathan Lane is a bit of a prick and also hilarious
Rob Corddry is awesome
Eric Andre is polite and very reserved in comparison to his show
John Goodman is very quiet and seemed absolutely miserable. glad to see he's doing better nowadays

>I actually sat next to Elijah wood on a flight from Newark to LAX on Christmas day. He was friendly but I didn't want to bug him too much. I didn't even say how much I loved him in Harry Potter.
go the fuck back

I stayed over at one of Julia-Louis Dreyfus's houses one summer since one of my relatives was renting it from her and she stopped by to show her friends around the place. She said hi but got back to her friends right after.

Michael Shannon is a fucking drunk, I saw him stumbling around a bar in Chicago and asked the bartender about him and apparently he was in there all the time and always left hammered

Where do you people live

I lied and told a girl I met Vince Vaughn to impress her. Didn't work. Fuck you, Vince.

Everyone except Martin Freeman and slightly Samwise were nice as fuck for LOTR and The Hobbit. Must of been a dream to work on the Set of LOTR with Peter Jackson and Viggo

>Conan O Brien was nice but kind of sad/quiet
Thats what happens when you sell your soul to the Jew

Did he have interesting and/or controversial opinions about them?

I met Matt LeBlanc once. It was before he was really famous, but he came into our restaurant and was so excited because he could order something hot to eat.

I met Peter Stormare at this Swedish Christmas festival in LA. All I did was shake his hand and said hello but he seemed like a really happy guy. I saw him several times later walking around the area chatting with people, he looked almost giddy.

Edward Furlong gave me the fingerguns and said rock'n'roll a few years back.

Must have been a shitty bar for the bartender to admit they let one of their patrons get hammered all the time. It's illegal to serve people until they are drunk.

You should get yourself checked out.

Pic related is as cool and chill as you imagine he is.

Eric Roberts is a gentleman when his wife is on set. The days she's not there he gropes girls and treats everyone else like garbage - including the women that pull back from his groping. 20 years of cocaine abuse really did him in.

Most days Billy Bob Thorton eats with the cast and crew, not in in his trailer. He also goes out of his way to say hello to each background actor because that's how he started out.

Sarah Paulson is the complete opposite. She's a fucking nightmare to work with and treats crew and BG like absolute shit. Won't look them in the eye and always refers to them as "those people".

Jamie Lee Curtis knows the name of every cast and crew member as well as their spouses, children, family, and what's going on in their personal lives. Down to the g and e guys. She's great.

Kourtney Kardashian is REALLY fucking nice and acknowledges everyone in the room in a non-fake way. Biggest surprise for me so far.

Did he recognise you? He doesn't look happy next to you, only in the top left pic.

>It's illegal to serve people until they are drunk
t. has never been to a bar

ty based redirector

pic related is your reward

I got licensed to serve and it is illegal. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but for them to do it consistently and openly admit it?

I used to work at a semi nice restaurant called Sam Sneads Tavern next to an airport and Kaitlin Olson (girl from always sunny) came in to eat and was a massive cunt that complained constantly. She ordered a bottle of wine and after drinking a glass decided she didnt like it so demanded another and tried to refuse to pay for the first. She also complained about the food constantly and kept demanding free shit because she didnt like what she ordered.

On the other hand apparently Danny Devito is one of the nicest and most humble guys you would ever meet if very socially awkward although I cant personally verify this.

Met Gary Sinise in Iraq during a USO, literally just ran in to him.

I walked right into him headed into the internet cafe after a week at a COP, and he took a good two minutes talking with me. Only ended because his handlers said it was time to move on, heading to the airfield.

A sincerely nice guy, and I'll always see him and respect him as much.

Illiterate bartender, how rare.

When I was 12 met Dolly Parton at Dollywood. She put her arms around me and my cousin.

Also I lived in the same neighborhood as rapper J Cole when he was a kid, I was friends with his older brother

Lol so Olson is just like Sweet Dee, that's bad.

>It's illegal to serve people until they are drunk.
how does that work

I've met Gary Oldman, Bill Paxton and Arnold Schwarzenegger. All of them were great guys who shook my hand and dutifully said thanks after I said I liked them in whatever movie.

Even if Gosling was acting weird like that, if he turned and winked at me I'd swoon.

I guess it's different in America
I mean like dead stinking drunk. They are suppose to cut you off. At least where I live.

RIP Bill

I waited on Rob and Kaitlin and they were very very nice. Not saying you're lying, just adding my experience.

I'll cut you off, fucker.

this is one of the least surprising one of these that ive read. She has a bitchy face

What do you mean by this

That reminds me of a comment I vaguely remember one of the It's Always Sunny guys (I think Glenn Howerton) making during an interview about how they exaggerated a lot of Kaitlin Olson's actual traits when writing Sweet Dee after the first season or so.

Technically you are mandated by law to "cut off" a customer who you as the bartender deem either approaching drunk, or already too drunk to continue serving.

If the customer hurts himself or others in drunken rage, there is a very slight technical chance the bartender can be held partially responsible, which is where the "I'm taking your keys because you're too drunk to drive"-thing comes from.

>t. 3 years experience as bartender

>Sam Snead's
Nice try nigger

What we have here is a failure of communication

I once saw Danny Devito arguing with an usher at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. He was apparently trying to sneak 3 bottles of wine into the concert and wasn't doing a very good job of it.

Try using the word "when" instead of "until"

I saw Kevin Bacon driving in Park City at Sundance.

I also got drunk for the first time in my life at a party at sundance where paris hilton and andre 3000 were in attendance. Then me and this chick I was with (both 16) started making out gratuitously and no joke knocked over this table in doing so. A waiter came by quickly and picked it up. She gave me a handy outside later that night.

I'm a manlet and yet since I'm so magnificent and special I don't fit into the categories of pic related, but I do find it real funni.

Why would he need to sneak it in? They let you bring food and wine there.

formerly chucks

bartenders on Sup Forums are retarded

Until works though. I just didn't explain the level of drunkenness appropriately so my bad.

You've got some good arguments there user

It's illegal to reply to me until you've replied to me.

fucking classic copypasta matey

>It's illegal to serve people until they are drunk
This means that you cannot serve a person unless they are drunk you fuckstick