What killed late night television?

What killed late night television?

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Trigerred alt-right manbabies.

>Conan almost dead last


Lack of merit in who gets chosen. Pretty sure Chris Hardwick has a Polaroid of some high level entertainment executives fucking kids or something because they just inexplicably toss opportunities at that guy like no one else.

It really is depressing.

nobody watches TV anymore

Instead of merely commenting on the day's events in a humorous manner, late night shows all became soapboxes for denouncing the host's political rivals.




The internet. Only old people watch TV anymore.

why indeed

Didn't Fallon get shit on by SJWs for not being political enough? I mean he's still a shit host but at least he's not at TWO SCOOPS level

Conan was great on Late Night, after the whole Tonight Show debacle though something about him as a comedian diminished imo.

That's a lot of people getting paid to shit-talk Trump every single goddamned night.

and yet you get triggered for free


I seriously had no idea they had so little viewers.

Better off just putting your shit on youtube with 299k

*of himself with high level executives


>he went to Haiti
>now that automatically makes him a terrible late night talk show host

Sup Forums is cancer. Please stop.

This. In the past you watched late night shows because they were the only thing on with watching, and they were the only place to get content like comfy actor interviews and topical jokes. Now, you can see that shit everywhere, at anytime.

no dave

Unfunny liberal shit heads took over.

>Larry Wilmore
>Chris Hardwick

How old is this chart?

Hati IS a shithole. I have no idea why he's so insistent on hiding that fact, but whatever.

Stop replying to it 24/7 you annoying faggot.

>hitching on the anti-trump bandwagon instead of being actually funny

that's exactly what makes all of these talk shows so insufferable, yes
stay triggered

that haiti shit was an embarrassment. he deserves any shit he gets for that.

Really frustrating, he's so much funnier than all of the rest

trump derangement syndrome

watching television used to mean something, even as a family activity, i'm not saying it was great but it was a bit more social than your cellphone and pc.
anyway theres no way back and the old formats will die one day or another

Im not even american and its insufferable how you Americans keep pissing your pants about trump every 5 minutes. Seeing it in entertainment is just a broken record. We get it. Get some new fucking material.

Where is Bee?

Noah politics and humour is on point tho, no wonder Sup Forums goes great lenghts to never mention his shows

Don't even remind them what Based Mel said about Trump.


dude wypeepo amirite


>carson daly
I watched one of his 'late night talk show' episodes and he is showing up announcing a clip and gone. that show is not like any other, the guests are video clips everything is edited and nothing is happening at the same time, not recorded live, no audience.

he's so fucking feminine

>Fallon in first
Clearly the public is now completely retarded...

>he talks about the current president
>OMG that isn't possible, how could he do that?

that's an old pic, colbert is first now.



Well he said he wasnt for hillary either...

I wonder if the overall numbers keep going down

Mel was always a faggot, fuck him.


Sup Forums doesn't mention him because no one mentions him because he's irrelevant.

Somehow, that's even worse.

One word: Politics. People want to tune in to watch something comfy, not a full hour of someone who hasn't gotten over the fact that Trump is president. Love him or hate him, you gotta admit that schtick has gotten old really fast.

Actually I enjoy when people find new ways to shit on Trump, it never gets old.

>Im not even german and its insufferable how you Germans keep pissing your pants about hitler every 5 minutes. Seeing it in entertainment is just a broken record. We get it. Get some new fucking material.

Thus would of been you 80 years ago

Netflix and Youtube

He had Trump on his show during the election and actually treated him like a human being instead of just peppering him with insults, so obviously millenials shit their pants and started saying things like Fallon was humanizing literally-Hitler

Netflix, YouTube, internet, the list writes itself.


You're doing the thing. You're pissing your pants about trump again.

>both niggers saw significant drops
What did the USA mean by this?!

how can people actually watch seth meyers?

he turned into a huge cuck faggot after the failed tonight show

I remember when he used to have Triumph on, that would get him banned today

Obama they had nothing to make fun of for 8 years

Colbert is far more talented than anyone else on that list. he slowly worked his way up and ultimately succeeded because of his sheer genius. try to imagine any of the other late night hosts being capable of this level of comedic performance:


>I remember when he used to have Triumph on
those were the days. now he's just a half dead sell out

are you ok user


Not surprised post-Ferguson show is up, Ferguson was patrician. Same to a lesser extent with Letterman and Colbert.


kys trumpcuck


Shit, I guess it's been so long since I watched actual television, I don't know who half those people are, and the other half I didn't know were doing late night tv shows.

Honestly after Carson & Letterman, they should have retired that format. It's a really fucking weird type of tv show to have 12 of. I could see it back when there were only a handful of channels and the whole country was tuning in to see them, & they'd cover the days news as punchlines to jokes and then have funny witty skits and shit til everyone fucked off and the channels went to static for the night, but now none of that is true, and by the end of letterman, it was just this strange awkward stand-up routine full of unfunny references to shit everyone was tired of hearing about, and actors promoting movies. Maybe he'd make the dumbest actors look stupid, or Craig ferguson would perv on the actresses or whatever, & what the fuck was all that with the puppet horse & half of a robot head.... What's the fucking point of any of it? It was mindless as hell.

I can't believe someone thought Chris hardwick should be on tv again. He always looked completely uncomfortable being on camera on MTV.

>trumpcuck reading comprehension


>i-if you don't like Trump , you're a bandwagoner
I hate to be the one to tell you this but the overwhelming majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle react to Trump with disgust and embarrassment. He's a bully and a braggart with a sensitive ego. These are not desired or respected traits in a person

I'm thinking this right now. Any time Germany is somehow news-worthy these TV hosts will make a hitler joke, it's hilariously funny.
>norm macdonald makes hiter jokes in his most recent standup
jesus fucking christ get some new material.

>is on a literally who network compared to most of his competitors
>most of his target demographic watches his show online or watches clips on YouTube instead of tuning in

Oh jesus, I forgot how funny this was.

>hate to be the one to tell you this but the overwhelming majority of Americans
just want to be about to put a roof over their head and feed their family.

ferguson made fun of trump before trump got even elected, true patrician taste there bro.

This. Go on twitter sometime, rural and suburban retards.

Yeah for about a decade there that dude was the funniest fuckin... no one has ever trolled the power elite as hard as he did in this country. Like Brass Ring in Bongistan, I don't know how he's not in a prison getting some of them to say such insane shit on camera.

Im more fuckin pol than you and im here tomsay youre doing it wrong, nigger. Your shitty demeanor and lack of sense of humor makes the rest of "us" look bad.

That quote about how real idiots comemin thinking they found new company is apt here

Ferguson avoided politics, it was always a great day for america

Holy fuck

>rural and suburban retards

Heh, they aren't cool and hip like me and my friends that live downtown and have that black guy that nods at us.

>overwhelming majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle react to Trump with disgust and embarrassment
source? must be a pretty good one to represent the opinion of > 200 000 000 people.

You all stand out like sore thumbs everywhere yo go off /pol, and you all sound like dipshits convinced of your own bullshit.

Diversity of entertainment options. People no longer have just 10 channels on one idiot box, we now have millions of YouTube channels on the Idiotnet

>its a polacks bait the thread with antipolack posting and tv falls for it

He was already the biggest during 90-early 10's. Cut the guy some slack.


yeah, trump had nothing to do with politics, he just made fun of him, isn't that right, Geoff?

>OMG that isn't possible, how could he do that?

This defense doesn't work faggot. He has over 1,000 videos about Trump. His show has been around for only 2 years and obviously isn't on on weekends. So that's 2 or 3 videos about Trump EVERY SHOW.

>imagine being this triggered

I've been promised a fascist regime under Trump for two years now, where is it? I'm disappointed.

If you want the REAL answer it's Saturday Night Live.

>colbert overtakes fallon by harping on trump incessantly
>other hosts take note
>writing quality tanks as everyone goes for the low-hanging fruit that CNN reported the day before
>shows become even more indistingushably mediocre

but blomph is ebul guys

I think even libs are embarrassed by him at this point.

This. USA used to be a global entertainment powerhouse. No wonder rest of the globe isn't tuning in anymore when it's just "GLUMPFH!!" 24/7. It really isn't good entertainment for long.

Colbert is actually funny and no amount of BLUMPFF posting is gonna change that.