He ain’t wrong

He ain’t wrong.

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How are they supposed to get attention & pity then?

He usually isn't.

Evan Rachel Woods go to the police!


I hate that cunt.

But everyone wants to be a professional victim!!

His name is Marilyn, that's a girls name


>Telling victimbux seeking attention whores not to attention whore

>month old

The worst thing is, as if it wasn't obvious they are acting like attention seeking children, the very phrase "Me Too" is what small children yell when they want something. It's literally childish in every way.

It'll be relevant again after the Oscars when new allegations come up against whoever needs to have their winning moment ruined.

People have certainly lost work from it, but has anyone actually gained work from it yet?

The Joker


Oh, and Captain America is the jock that the bitch kisses first.

Who would hire somebody that's going to sue them for looking at them?

Since there's a thread about this, would anyone give me a quick rundown on what this "metoo" thing is? Some kind of twitter tag for a political opinion, or just a general meme for agreeing with something?

based manson poster

Rose McGowan who had no career now has a show. Shrek, who created the hashtag, is getting dragged along to a ton of events and treated to freeshit. But overall the thing to understand about professional victim-hood is that the biggest payoff is it allows them to blame all their failures on someone else. "I fail at my career and at relationships and at life in general because once upon a time someone asked me out on a date or hugged me or said some cringy shit, and wasn't hot. How do you expect me to not be a broken shadow on a human being?"

That kind of the punchline to all of this, which I feel wont really be delivered until someone does some sort of "Where are they now?" article 10 years from now

They want to get all men out of hollywood so that the tv landscape is all women, prepping the next elections so that a woman can actually win this time. So, they used an actual rape scandal where women sold themselves for fame to a man that would rape you one way or the other, to invent tons and tons of fake rape allegiations and drive men out the scene. Just look at the leader of the #metoo movement: not a woman, not a black woman, but by far the ugliest black woman on the planet.

It's been almost 15 years, where is Phantasmagoria you goth fag? I want to see that promised genuine lesbian sex scene between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

>tfw he has a long string of what would now be considered dubious behavior
>Couldn't even put out his short film because of what he did in it
>Was boning Rose McGowan

Manson's afraid.

You couldn't have a worse crazy ex girlfriend. Same for Robert Rodriguez.

why is marilyn monroe such a faggot?
I really wished he died during that concert a while ago.

Harvery smashed that in it's prime.


Spectacular shitter back in the day though.

I mean manson, not monroe, she's already dead.

Ironically not the people who came forward. Rose McGowan and Asia Argento got nothing.

Meanwhile the people who told them to shut up, like Meryl Streep, are killing it from the publicity boost.

I don't feel like I understand. What are they saying "metoo" about? Is it supposedly women claiming to have been raped?

It's an opportunity for women to speak out about sexual harassment they've received in order to raise awareness about the how prevalent it is, yet often unmentioned or unreported out of fear of retaliation or shame.

Sup Forums and pol/-lite (also known as Sup Forums) will tell you it's about women seeking attention by falsely accusing men because feminism. Then you get articles like the OP's which is a picture of a headline and not the actual content of the article where Marilyn Manson says he'd talk to police first and then press, not that he'd never tell the press, that he doesn't want scandal to bring down the artistry within hollywood, and that he thinks the police are better at handling allegations rather than bringing people to the court of public opinion first.

They join in via social media or interviews, claim that person raped them by saying hello or asking their number or by literally having consensual sex yet "not taking non-verbal clues", and they have them chased away with pitchforks.

Thanks, user. That sounds like a decent summary. Sounds about as boring as I'd imagined, thankfully.

well duh it's for Not Another Teen Movie

Why don't you just take 15 seconds and Google it you sub verbal australopithecine.

Shut the fuck up soyboy

Scorpios are always based.

I mean you say this like it isn't true but Weinstein literally blacklisted actresses who didn't bend to his will

Like that's straight up corroborated by other directors in the industry

It's being abused by women who want to either receive 15 minutes or fame, or most usually, extend their 15 minutes as 90% of the accusers are in their 40's, realizing that their value as human beings is now virtually null, desperately want publicity again.

If any of these high profile actresses were serious, they'd return all awards and career opportunities received because they were perfectly happy to exploit the system when they were young and hot.


what a whiny faggot, kys

She hit the wall hard. I would become a feminist too in her position.

I really wish he died

reminder only redditors talk about Sup Forums outside of it

which one?

Yes, the phrase "me, too" is used to express that the speaker identifies with the subject being discussed. It's been used fairly commonly for a long time.

Shit. When Manson is the voice of reason you know there's something wrong. Good for him.


what the fuck is this post

Yeah but if they do the right thing the publicity wont help their careers

>Shit. When Manson is the voice of reason you know there's something wrong. Good for him.
Shit. When Manson is the voice of reason you know there's something wrong. Good for him.Shit. When Manson is the voice of reason you know there's something wrong. Good for him.Shit. When Manson is the voice of reason you know there's something wrong. Good for him.Shit. When Manson is the voice of reason you know there's something wrong. Good for him.

Have all of my upvotes!


When you trivialize rape with this bullshit the real rape victims suffer more since they aren't taken seriously. Fuck this movement and fuck attentionwhores.

Based Manson

The dubbening

If you're sexually assaulted in a way that causes "trauma", like all these 'victims' proclaim and didn't immediately go to the police I don't believe you.

And I'm certainly not punishing a man on your word alone with no evidence

Manson for the most part is pretty based. Argue how degenerate his music is all you want, his actual personality isn't too bad.

Thank god our awareness has been raised.

why did you respond to me with basically the same thing

he makes a good point

You can bet some book deals have already been signed.

How new are you fuck boy?

go back to your subreddit faggot

What did your mum do to you, you sad little cunt?

finally someone said it.
you can do both you know


Yeah, the >muh rape accusations usually are bullshit, the problem is not them per se but the very specific kind of hollywood corruption.

Got me again user

*gives gold*

This thread is blessed by dubs guy.

You need something to back up your claims usually

Yes, just how conservatism is being abused by /pol cucks.

aww, are you two faggots friends now

Imagine going to the police to file a report about "sexual terrorism" that happened 40 years ago

you seem angry redditor

Why should anyone care that hollywood requires actresses blow somebody?
Just blow the dude or go find something else to do.

on reddit you can only respond to one post at a time
like you just did
i responded to two
you're reddit

pretty ironic considering he studied journalism

Sounds like you belong back there.

The idea is to build solidarity around sharing the experience and victimhood with each other. I guess ideally with the goal of using that coalition to enforce change? Except the goals seem awful because the mechanics of the movement are "believe women without proof." It's a system that's just begging to be abused, like these "whisper networks" I keep hearing about.


to be fair they probably get stupider reports all the time

can you imagine how many ufo sightings get reported to local police