movies like clerks?

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clerks 2

Clerks 2

Clerks would have made a better tv show (Not the shitty live action friends rip off pilot) on like HBO or something

Randall and Dante are episodic characters not movie characters

clerks is the most overrated student film ever

Slacker which is what inspired Kevin Smith. Then there's Clerks 2.
I don't agree. Clerks and Clerks 2 said nearly all that could be said about being lost 20 and 30 year olds.
Nah that's probably Reservoir Dogs.

Well it's got the alarm clock intro and black and white down. What other boxes does it check?

in a row?

I tried rewatching clerks a few weeks ago, first time I'd seen it since highschool, and let me tell you it does not hold up. As young 20 somethings, Dante and Randall come off as arrogant punks with no sympathetic qualities. They mock their customers while having barely any life experience themselves. Their jabs just seem too mean spirited to be funny.

Clerks 2 on the other hand is hilarious. Dante and Randall become much more pathetic now that they're 30 year olds working at a fast food chain, and therefore more sympathetic and likeable. Life has beaten them down and now there's actual meaning behind their ribbing.

>As young 20 somethings, Dante and Randall come off as arrogant punks with no sympathetic qualities. They mock their customers while having barely any life experience themselves
Randall: You sound like an asshole. Whose
choice was it to be here today?
Nobody twisted your arm. You're
here today of your own violation,
my friend. But you'd like to
believe that the weight of the
world rests on your shoulders-that
the store would crumble if Dante
wasn't here. Well, I got news for
you, jerk: This store would survive
without you. Without me either. All
you do is overcompensate for having
what's basically a monkey's job:
You push fucking buttons. Any moron
can waltz in here and do our jobs,
but you're obsessed with making it
seem so much more fucking important,
so much more epic than it really is.
You work in a convenience store,
Dante. And badly, I might add. And
I work in a shitty video store.
Badly, as well.
You know, that guy Jay's got it
right-he has no delusions about
what he does. Us? We like to make
ourselves seem so much better than
the people that come in here, just
looking to pick up a paper or-God
forbid-cigarettes. We look down on
them, as it we're so advanced.
Well, if we're so fucking advanced,
then what are we doing working here?

better question

movies with that 90s rundown slacker hipster vibe like Clerks?

Mall Rats

ok I get that it's the whole point of the movie, but it's still hard to get through.

>As young 20 somethings, Dante and Randall come off as arrogant punks with no sympathetic qualities.
I'm pretty sure that's kind of the point, though. They act superior to the customer, but they're still convenience store workers with little prospect for the future. I mean, the plot mostly revolves around Dante's girlfriend trying to get him to go back to college so he can actually do something with his life instead of a wage monkey that always complains about how unfair his life is.

That's also what makes Clerks 2 work; it's kind of the logical conclusion for characters like that. They didn't have ambition, so they ended up middle aged fast food workers. Dane is ashamed, but Randall still acts the same because pretending he's better than the customers is all he has.

>but Randall still acts the same because pretending he's better than the customers is all he has.
That would be an interesting take on the character, but Randall is just genuinely happy with whatever he does as long as he has Dante as his best friend.

I love you.

Clerks 2 is fucking great

>I got to watch movies all day, fuck with assholes and hang out with my best friend all day. Is there a better way to make a living?
>...I don't want to sit around and rag on customers while eating free food, that's what you want to do.
I don't know, what I got out of that was shitting on customers was one of the few things he enjoyed in life, and being able to do that with his friend was the only thing in his life that made him happy. But maybe that's because I've known a lot of people like Randall. I get where you're coming from, and you're not wrong, but I always saw that extra layer of depth there, too.

I've watched the first 10 minutes of this garbage and it's quintessential Reddit: the flick.

Cringy 90s crap

It DID make a better TV-show, a PG animated show on ABC no less.

What did it do better than the film, which is pretty much perfect?

La Haine for some aspects is similar. Totally different genre, but has similar vibes

You sound like a gigantic faggot