Could a CIA spy beat up a UFC fighter?

Could a CIA spy beat up a UFC fighter?

I mean if they were allowed to fight dirty to the death yeah probably

CIA spies are just recruited pawns from other countries typically. Nothing particularly special about them. The people who recruit them though which is what people usually think of when they think of "CIA spies" and who are affiliated with the U.S. also aren't especially deadly, but they are extremely charismatic and manipulative. So the "spy" would probably lose to the UFC fighter as would the operations officer, however the latter would never fight the UFC fighter to begin with and would instead infiltrate the organization and have a string of "unfortunate events" take place in the UFC fighter's personal and professional life that drives him to suicide or reckless behavior that results in incarceration.

>one of those evil billionaires hires a retired UFC fighter as a bodyguard
>30 minutes in, protagonist starts beating people down
>gets taken down and put in a rear naked choke
>movie ends with brutal ground and pound on his unconscious body
when we finally get realismkino?

No. There are no magic bullets in fighting. Gouging and nut shots are not reliable fight enders, nor are they high percentage attacks, and the UFC fighter would have a better chance to pull them off anyway.

An athlete training in multiple pressure-tested martial arts as a career will beat whoever you put in front of him 9 timed out of 10.


Thats cute, to answer OP yes we can beat a UFC fighter and even kill him if it comes to that.

UFC fighters never fight for their life, our lives are in danger 24/7, think about that, while im taking my morning shit I have to keep an eye on my 22 and under the door for any shadows,etc.

Many wont like my answer but thats not my problem im telling you basically the primordial difference between the two mindsets.

I imagine an agent like you're thinking of wouldn't really put himself in a position to have to fight UFC fighter...

no, tim kennedy got his ass beat by a fat mexican

Had a buddy in my platoon (who was amature MMA),publicly defeat a JSOC fellow (think he was a Army Special Forces (green berets/reserve)).

JSOC guy won according to the referee, but the crowd where are platoon was just a small segment felt otherwise.

Thought I had videos or images of the match, but not finding them immediately.

CQC specialist "CIA spy" operatives train in moves that UFC fighters might not. Things like strikes to the neck/throat, top/back of the head, etc. might be alien to a UFC fighter. The key word here is "might", because most competition orientated martial arts also teach some form of self-defense. Also, the UFC fighter doesn't train outside his weight class. On the other hand, A CIA operative relies more on stealth, weapons, explosives, hacking, etc. Most CIA don't really train to be able to beat the shit out of any guy they come across. With trained fighters in a 1v1 to the death with no weapons, it should come down to weight class and who has the positional and strategic advantages of stealth and the high ground.

Nigger what do yo think CIA guys do? CIA Agents are all retarded Pakis/norks/brits that we have dirt on and operatives are nerdy pencil pushers that blackmail foreigners into doing shit

CIA have nanomachines in their blood if you beat them in a fight that's because they threw the fight

>what do CIA guys do?
CIA has 2 types of agents: Intelligence and operatives. Intelligence are the "nerdy pencil pushers" who pretend to be other people. Operatives are people the USA sneak into foreign countries to hide in a house and then occasionally do all that cool spy shit you see in the movies when they are told to.

Considering CIA spies are a pathetic joke, a UFC fighter could defiantly beat them

fuuuck fund it please

John Wick 2 had some BJJ moments

The spy that stands out as extremely charismatic is a completely god awful spy.

You're actually fucking stupid. You actually think real life is like a movie.

CIA has 2 types of agents: hot chicks that bribe betas, and guys that sift through meta data.

life imitates art.

In what way is anything I said "like a movie?" Do you actually think a CIA guy could beat a UFC guy?

pew pew pew

no, cia just manipulates people into doing their dirty work for them. some criminal manipulated by a cia spy might be able to stick a knife in a ufc fighters back but thats about it

Nigger are you fucking dumb? The only thing that CIA agents do is gather intel and recruit assets. The actual operating is done by either spec-ops or assets.

whatever faggot

another Sup Forums thread babysat