Hank Hill:

Hank Hill:

>Blew up the Megalo mart
>Killed Buckley
>Killed Debby
>Abused his son
>Torched a parking lot full of SUVs
>Stole boomhauers car
>Stole a TANK
>Committed multiple assaults
>Aided and abetted multiple counts of fraud

Why isn't he in jail?

GET t t t
IN n n n

Because he's a model citizen and everybody likes him.

>donated to clinton foundation

Because he's actually a government agent assigned to keep tabs on our guy.

quite simply, white privilege.

That's Boomhauer you giblet head.

You mean the Arlen flooder?

What? The only ones he actually did were
>Stole boomhauers car
Boomhauer didn't want to press charges, so obviously he wouldn't get in trouble
>Committed multiple assaults
Fair point although his "victims" were already guilty of a comparable if not worse crime. Feel free to prove me wrong because I might be forgetting some
>Aided and abetted multiple counts of fraud
Either unintentionally or it was Buck who did it

You forgot accidentally mugging that guy, by the way

Dallas salad

He's also an illegal Mexican immigrant.

Also it's fair to assume season 1 is pretty much non canon

he also ran a prostitution racket out of his house

Worse. He's a New Yorker.


John Redcorn
>jill stein




Because he lives in the land of the free


How you reckon that makes any sense?

I'm guessing because he's dead.

He's dead

Also the dog voted for Clinton too

Gotcha. But I'm still not sure why Khan and Minh would vote for Trump, unless that's just another joke that's gone past me.


Didn't you see the episode where Connie was the victim of positive discrimination for being an overachieving asian?

Other than best Korea and China who I'm pretty sure all other Asians hate, has Trump gone after any Asians?

Not to mention he pimped out a girl living under his roof for a time