ITT: in-name-only versions of established characters


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Kek, I remember hearing all about this. What a disaster. Thank God it didn't get greenlit.

This costume actually isn't half bad; what is this from?

I have no idea what this is.

It's the current Nickelodeon cartoon's version be Alopex from the IDW!TMNT comics, though her backstory, personality and design are 100% different.

Literally every character in that show.

There is no definitive version of Turtles, never was. You choose the one you like the most, and let other people have theirs.




I actually liked these two, but they fare better as OCs.

Best version of Slade, desu

Most of them weren't so completely divergent from previous incarnations. And it's more interesting if they try to do their own things with them.

But the Alopex redesign is pretty nonsensical, given she's named after the arctic fox genus but clearly isn't an arctic fox any more. That's just stupid.

Maybe she just thought it sounded cool.

Compared to Arrow's Deathstroke and Arkham Origins Deathstroke, I say this one is the most accurate version, as it gets accross his concept as an anti-Batman mastermind type and his unhealthy obsession/connection with Titans.

Also it can't be in name only since they changed his name because "we can't say DEATH on a kids show!"

Better than original. Morrison is a good writer, but he writes TERRIBLE villains. Original Pyg was just bunch of cliched "psycho killer" cliches put together for cheap creepy factor.

>But the Alopex redesign is pretty nonsensical, given she's named after the arctic fox genus but clearly isn't an arctic fox any more.

Iunno, I chose to reserve judgment purely because arctic fox fur changes with the season. Were her episode to have been set in a wintry backdrop and she still had the red fur then I would have called shenanigans on her being named as such.



>I say this one is the most accurate version

Nah. The Arkham and Injustice versions are the most accurate, while actually giving Slade a semblance of character and personality, unlike TT Slade's FOR DA EVULZ mentality.

It's not my favorite version of Deathstroke, but the one from Beware the Batman is pretty close to that. A mastermind villain that's played as an evil counterpart to Batman, though he has daddy issues instead of his obsession to the Teen Titans.

Pyg stands out in comparison of, say, Zsasz because of how uniquely weird and psychotic he was. It's not just the fact that he killed and tortured people, but specifically turning them into Dollotrons and his speech patterns that made him unique.

Though Pyg isn't made to be a recurring villain, though. You can only ride on the Pygmalion references for so long.

This was actually my first introduction to Gozilla in film at least. I like the design and the cast. The toys and TV show were great. I have a toy where you pull the spike and you can hear the roar still, after all these years. That being said I understand all the hate, and that he isn't even consider Godzilla just a Kaiju named Zilla that resembles Godzilla. In the end he was fun.

Canceled Wonder Woman TV show

>His name is LITERALLY fucking Robin
>Not Dick, Tim, Jason or Damian
Imagine if at the end of the Nolan trilogy they'd reveal that Bruce's true name was Bruce Batman Wayne all alonge

>But the Alopex redesign is pretty nonsensical, given she's named after the arctic fox genus but clearly isn't an arctic fox any more
Nigga Artic foxes aren't white year-round, she's in her Summer coat.


ITT: Casual

Not to mention he's an actual, honest-to-God Mary Sue. Like, he's textbook.


Actually the writers confirmed she is NOT an actual arctic fox in the cartooon, just a normal red fox.


Bishop and Hun got it worse, desu.

Deathstroke is a stupid name, anyway.

Good joke.

Granted but what kind of shit lord assassin uses his real name

The tranny writer changed her too much too quickly.
Not to mention the incredibly forced "romance" if you can even call it that.
Hope they take it another direction

Was Bishop that different? I haven't read any IDW that have him.
I will say Baxter Stockman is pretty disrespected. Considering he's the second major villain the Turtles fight in the comics. He got handled better in the 2003 series. Bit arrogant, but still a little scary in that if you irritate him he'll set 10 mousers on you. This series and in this current season he's only character trait isn't "I'm a maniacle genius". It's "I'm a fly and also a genius.

>that feeling when you've got the liberal Something Awful mentality of "I'm sure they're just a bad writer, and their trans identity is just dug up to throw dirt at them"
>that feeling when it keeps fucking happening, and you start wondering if the chicken or the egg really did come first

Yeah they're a shit writer in some aspects but good in others. I just don't like forced shit

The show is trying to take the best of the original tv show which had Stockman as a humorous character and the comics.

The same way Splinter was a person in the original show and this one.

Yes, sometimes people are just bad writers.

But trannies good writers or not will write trash to push their agenda, and tons of them aren't good in the first place and are just diversity or nepotism hires

He's more friendly with the Turtles compared to others, and they also made him an Utrom, which made his quest to protect humanity pretty weird and missed the point.

Not to mention he's using the template for generic Kraang goons, only using shades.


It's like they were trying to do the thing bond did with moneypenny and fucked it up.

Wheeljack in Transformers Prime, AKA "Drift with a more marketable name".

>you will never get to sleep in her fur

Quite literally, in-universe, he is Megatron in name only

His real name is Wilson Stroke

>she will never pounce on your body

She is really not attractive.

Ross/"Sophie" Campbell is Gabbie Rivera tier in terms of writing ability.

But I think it stems primarily from Campbell not even being a fucking writer to begin with. He's an artist. He's trying to force his way into the writing side at IDW so he can have more control over the stories and characters, likely to push a trans agenda later on.

Unfortunately, they're giving him the writing powers when he should just be drawing.

She's underage, so I'd hope not.

>She's underage
But she's not?

You mean like this:

No pouncing Exactly the problem. Anyway, Alopex as a character is horrible. She has no personality does she? Went from bland "Yes Master" minion to Valley Girl that talks like this "Like totally Best Friends Forever Angel!" Honest to fucking god, this character serves no purpose in the stories.

The best female IDW ever created was Sally Pride who has a defined role and isn't defined by shipping romance crap

The dialogue between Angel and Alopex in the Toad Baron arc was some of the most amateurish shit I'd ever read. Like, if they didn't constantly tell each other that they were best friends, the audience wouldn't have been able to figure it out.

That's why writers are writers and artists are artists. When you give the writing duties to an artist, they have no more of an idea what to do than if you gave the art duties to the writer.

Problem with that is....Angel and Alopex do NOT spend time together for readers to be convinced that they're friends, much less "Best Friends Forever tee hee!" They really don't have chemistry. It takes Alopex's character being warped into a Peppy Totally Spies type of personality to lazily stick with Angel. The whole Alopex/Angel duo feels like:

Left Over Characters Being Stuck Together For The Sake Of It.

And Campbell has other bad ideas on the horizon...

1) He wants to make a Yellow Colored Female Turtle to add in the core group of TMNT.

2) He wants to mutate Raphael's pet dinosaur Pepperoni.

This guy is the single biggest flaw in IDW TMNT. And for what it's worth, if I was in charge of Alopex's writing? The role I would give her is be Karai's Recon Companion. That way Alopex stays away from Raphael.

Campbell just needs to draw what he's told and not have any plot or story input. I'd be perfectly fine with that.