How come comics&cartoons are nowhere near as popular with black people as manga&anime are?

How come comics&cartoons are nowhere near as popular with black people as manga&anime are?

What gives?

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Niggers can't read, but they can admire animu shit since it's light on plot.

Because Woolie isn't in them.

Because anime characters aren't white.

because manga and anime have better action scenes

Fuck OP, this is now a Woolie thread.

Because wu-tang and carl douglas.

Because Cartoons and Comics are for fucking children and Anime/Manga are for adults!

There's a 30+ old black guy in my warehouse that watches DBZ while he works.

I'm counting it as a cartoon because I've never seen him watch anything but DBZ and superheroes.

Hahaha. Get a load of this kid.

Was visiting New York to see a friend. Went to the subway and heard a middle aged black guy say "Man, how you gonna have Infinity War without Adam Warlock?"


Get out more. Most of the comics nerds I've met are black, and I mean hardcore comic book nerds.

Also, nice Sup Forums-bait, faggot

>Cartoons and comics are for children

You don't read many comics do you?

Weebs in general are probably more prevalent than regular comic fans.
So obviously there are more Black Weebs than black comic readers.
You just notice them more because memes and confirmation bias.

Sup Forums is down the hallway, faggot.


Same reason Kung Fu movies were: they're a huge media industry that isn't made by The White Man, so there's not all these fucking hang ups about consuming it.

>Implying Woolie is black

Because nothing screams "I'M AN ADULT" more than an autistic boy constantly yelling he wants to be king of the ninjas.

The /tg/ thread we had was good, but Sup Forums is Sup Forums's current treehouse, so nothing good will come of this.

Dude, Woolie is a cool guy.

If I have one legitimate complaint, he's kinda childish

>It's a "woolie talks about frame data" episode

>in my warehouse
You're a good master to him for letting him watch that.

Oh, sure. He really is a big old manchild, but I'm not going to judge the guy. Pat, Matt, and Woolie all act childish, but I find their immaturity has a sort of naive charm.

tell that to alan moore

He's still So White though. Real talk though. Woolie seems like a cool dude.

>Caribbean Canadian doesn't act like an African American
>This means he's not really black

>anime sonic MegaMan fightan games yugioh
Is this the black nerd pentagram

The only other one who comes close is Xavier Woods.

Black Americans think that all blacks around the world act like stupid niggers just like them. It's fucking annoying, no one likes black americans.


Because anime and manga are geared toward the lowest common denominator.

And black people are the lowest common denominator.

Black people love Dragonball because their strongest characters dont have good fathers

Got the video where he spergs out in front of a green screen?

It always amazes me when people use the term "lowest common denominator" without knowing what it actually means.

I thought anime and manga were just geared towards japs? And the west just latch onto it?

No, through the magic of language, Lowest Common Denominator means exactly what people use it for, when used in a colloquial context to describe pandering to the most common desires of the market. Even if what it technically describes is more akin to the Greatest Common Divisor. It's just people using a technical term because it sort of sounds like one thing, even if it's not really applicable at all from that technical definition.

>the most common desires of the market
And how do black people represent these, pray tell?

Anime & Manga is more fun, interesting, and takes more risks outside of the "norm" than western entertainment does.

Oh, and the characters are prettier and more fappable.

t. Black person.

user, it's a joke. Hence the screencap from of their videos.

>and takes more risks
Never read BD then, I take it? Unless "taking more risks" involves writing a shonen about food, as if that's different from fucking Naruto.

>Oh, and the characters are prettier and more fappable.
If you like grey aliens, sure.

Not him, but because the majority of blacks are idiots, as is the lowest common denominator.
Idiots buy stupid shit.

>If you like grey aliens, sure.
I actually do, user.
Generic graylien movies get me off.

Black people do like comics & cartoons. But anime & manga are more fun, thus black people like it more. For how much Sup Forums bitches about comics & cartoons, one would think that it would be silly to even ask.

But I can't wait for this thread to descend into Sup Forumstards acting like they have ever seen a black person, much less know what they like.

But, I love both manga and comic-books.

How do you get this mad about someone enjoying something?

Western media has been stagnating for decades, especially comics and cartoons. At least eatern shit has only been doing that for the last 15 years or so with alot of interesting weird shit happening outside of animation.

I know black people, I have TWO black friends! And I watch hour long Youtube videos online, I basically already have my Ph. D.

>All of these faggots begging for a (you)

From what I've noticed, DC/Marvel shit seems goofy to most black people I've been around if it isn't about Batman or The Avengers. Anime has a lot more mindless action, which is also a really big pull. I still haven't met a single black guy who liked anime, but hates One Punch Man or Dragon Ball.

Probably because manga piracy is far, far more vast than comicbook piracy. It's the same reason why most people outside the US will have read manga before they read a comic

>Unless "taking more risks" involves writing a shonen about food, as if that's different from fucking Naruto.
>every manga is shonen

Would this be the case if the majority of black people liked manga or whatever or are those just outliers? What's Japan's excuse or white people for that matter?

Sweetie comics aren't any better.

Exactly the same.
I'll say it again so you can hopefully understand what I'm saying: idiots buy stupid shit.
Biological differences don't stop idiots being idiots and buying stupid shit.

It's less that black people are more into manga and anime and more that manga and anime is just more popular than comics and cartoons among the casual public, especially cartoons. What the fuck is there even today?

The closest thing to comics and cartoons the general public cares about is the comic movies

I love how we have daily "Marvel is going to shit/CN is shit/Nick is shit/cartoons suck" threads but when someone tries to say something else is legitimately more popular you guys get all mad.

How the hell am I "mad"? I'm just taking apart your worthless argument.

This is also true. It's way easier to pirate an entire manga than an entire comic, and then there's the fact that there needs to be general interest in the comics in the first place which, let's be real here, there is not

i've met a lot of black comic readers. its even seeped into some of black culture. a lot of great rappers reference comic books.

Fuck you. I haven't really been into YGO since my early teens though.

Again, how am I mad?

Also, Sup Forums practically never talks about BD. It's like you read the first two lines of my post then stopped reading.

This. Black people reading comics is not anything rare. But then again, Sup Forums doesn't know the first thing about what blacks do or like, so of course they wouldn't know.

>A thread full of morons calling people mad when they have actual counterpoints

Just let the thread die, guys. You can't even discuss black interests without acting like a bunch of retards. Do negroes make you that flustered?

>Sup Forums is probably more diverse than Sup Forums

Not what I said at all.

>sperg out about character action games
>never play them because you'd expose how bad you are at them

Manga&anime is comics&cartoons.

We REALLY don't care whether someone white, black, or Asian made a cartoon. It's not even something that comes up amongst the nerdiest of us who don't hide our powerlevel in public. If it's cool, it's cool. I can read both manga and comics without once thinking about the person who wrote it. Seems like it's the same for everybody else.

Just wondering, but how many black people are in this thread?

I just want to know is there just like 90% of the posters all white guys talking for black people.

>How come comics&cartoons are nowhere near as popular with people in general as manga&anime are?

>3 fucking visual novels in a row

Fuck this entire thread and all of you idiots posting here, but goddamn if that's not the best cat-beast ever drawn. Fuck you Morrison and I'm glad he's not a cat any more, but I loved when Sanders drew him

We had a really good thread a week or two ago about black Sup Forums characters that lasted for a really long time, and even shrugged off the Sup Forums posters. Apparently there are a lot of black anons on Sup Forums, more than most think.

As a blackanon I can't really fucking answer that question. I think you could tie it in part to how black/hispanic culture still have really strong concepts of "macho" and masculinity, traits that in a lot of nuAmerica have been watered down, misinterpreted, overemphasized, or otherwise cast aside.

In other words shonen is too spicy for mayofags so they settle for bland super sweet moeblobs to fill the gaping cultural hole in modern day suburban white America.

>it's a "Sup Forums babby thinks comics are sophisticated and smart" episode

I didn't imply that was your point.

I met Woolie and called him the Great Black Otaku. He didn't seem amused. I shoulda called him Hellpockets.

Matt's gets irritating, but Woolie's childishness is cute as long as he stays away from comics.
And Pat's just the cutest mental breakdown to ever exist.

>RPGs and VNs from guys who are supposedly all about action games
Just play W101 for real and lose all of your subscribers because it's obviously inferiors to Chip's playthrough already

What's the worst thing that Woolie has done?

What's his worst opinions about stuff?

Matt is a piece of shit and has ruined much of the BFs relationships; i.e Liam

They simply only work on a "professional" level

>How to fix SBFP
Remove Matt

Why haven't one of the Best Friends done a voice or acting cameo for a project yet? All the other LPers or famous YouTubers have had at least one major studio gig for something. But not the Zaibatsu.

>Snail souls continues to be boring
>RE7 comes up and it's really good
>Tony hawk LP comes up and it's actually pretty good
>Start to think they finally got their shit togheter
>Batman game comes up and it's sort of there but hey yakuza zero
>Yakuza zero becomes "OMG it does so much damage!!!" on the last half
>Night in the woods comes up and it's pretty much the batman game 2.0
>L.A. Noire comes up and gets boring rather quickly
>Literally why by telltale LP
>Another fucking indie visual novel
It's like they want their channel to die


I didn't even mind his DKC2 mini play through. DKC2 is a hard game too.

Just have him do stuff he actually likes.

Explain yourself.

>that pic

What a pure soul. He can steal my pies any day.

Even Xavier Woods thought he was white

technically, Pat, Mat and Woolie recorded lines for a Skyrim companion mod and the really short lived series by 2Snacks that isn't full of equine.

>How to fix SBFP
>Remove Pat


Just remove them all
Watch the NLSS instead

Hi matt

so would you rather a Woolie/Billy podcast or a Pat/Peach/Fuggins podcast

Go back to bed, Rob. I'd say Nick, but he's too sensitive to be on this shithole of a site

>Ryan is still on the isaac boat
>Bear is now on the DD boat

Remember that time Matt got SUPER salty?

Woolie and Billy without a doubt.

Is the boogeymen meme real or not? When does tumblr and reddit swoop in?

I thought they asked 2Snacks to do a series for their channel, not the reverse. I was wondering why it never continued, it gradually got better as it went on.