How old are the Pizza Twins?

How old are the Pizza Twins?

Steven is 14, and Kiki clearly wants to fuck Stevonnie.

They're at least enough to drive, which is 17 in reality but 16 on TV.

If Steven went to school, the twins would be in high school with him.


>17 in reality but 16 on TV.
Huh? It's 16 in reality too

Not where I grew up. But apparently for most of America it really is sixteen. Huh.

15 1/2 with adult, has either twin drove?

For me is was 16 and a half with driver's ed, 17 regular, and six months as a "junior operator" either way. A junior operator can't drive other kids around, only adults.

Also my state didn't have a DMV, we had an RMV.

What the hell comic is this?

Jenny has a pizza car she drives sometimes.

Why do people want to fuck a disgusting hermaphrodite? Straight men don't to fuck something that has a penis attached to it and straight women don't want to see another vagina when they have sex

I wanna fuck stevonnie too

>Straight men don't to fuck something that has a penis attached to it

Plenty of states have requirements of driving school and graduated licensing programs that can make getting a full unrestricted license something that doesn't happen until 18.

Don't worry about it. At least you're not one of those idiots who thinks the age of consent is 18 in the entire country.

Why do connie and steven keep on fusing if they knew they going to be hit on by older people.

You can drive as young as 14 in some states.


Stevonnie is canonically VERY attractive to all sexes, regardless of the down stair situation.

they should fuse with her
thats the thing they do

It's a school dance, some finger-blasting should suffice.

>A Hermaphrodite is attractive to normies
Smells like Fanfiction tier bullshit to me.


I don't think Stevonnie's a hermaphrodite. If anything, she's more like a gem than Steven is on his own. My guess would be that fusing with Connie emphasizes Steven's feminine side (yes, I know) and the result is a fully female fusion.

Unless you're on /d/.

I think the intention was Stevonnie is attractively androgynous. Masculine enough that some girls might think its a skinny pretty boy. But Feminine enough some guys might think it's just a skinny cute chick.
But the artstlye is too simplistic so it just reads like a girl.

>mother wants to hang out
>they both have a panic attack
Why exactly?

Oh... look. More dykes. Yaay.