Do people still find minnie attractive?

Do people still find minnie attractive?

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You can fap to anything if you're crazy enough

I didn't know anyone ever did.

Always have, always will.

I'm sure in the 30's people waifu'd her along with Betty boop

why would I waifu mickey mouse in a fucking bra.

a BAD bra at that

Mickey's sister is better

Minnie has a beautiful soul.

I have a lipstick fetish So I could fap to a lot of shorts with Minnie in them.




When she wears that tiny green bikini in Runaway Brain?



Enough for Minnie-on-Daisy action

You can draw her attractive NOW, but the original Minnie wasn't.







I do.
This though.

Why do neckbeards obsess over lolis so much?


Somewhat related to the pic, was the Mega with the Mickey Shorts just Youtube rips? It's hard to tell nowadays with the kind of quality you can get there.

Ask the japanese artists who drew those. She does sound insanely little and high pitched like Mickey does though.

>She does sound insanely little and high pitched like Mickey does though
I think that just used to be a female voice archetype, it has a certain old timey tone to it. It's just been grandfather in as tastes in voices changed.

Mickey had a Sister?!
When was this?!
How have I never known about this?!

Mickey has had nephews forever. It kinda makes sense that he'd have a sibling.

Donald has even more prominent Nephews, and I don't think we've even heard of his siblings.

Sure, but I'm saying that we know they exist. Same with Mickey.

Minnie looks like Mickey in drag

Daisy doesn't have that effect though

>I don't think we've even heard of his siblings.

Della Duck is Donald's sister and Huey, Louie, and Dewey's Mom and was in some of the comics.


What happened to her though

goofy gets all the chicks

My first guess would be duck rape.

Unca Scrooge raped and killed her and the family covered it up because he was the rich relative and everyone wanted to be in his will it was fucking awful

>You can't divorce Minnie just because she's crazy
>I didn't say she was crazy, I said she was fucking Goofy

Daisy gets to go pantless.

Boop is fucking ugly. I'd rather smash Minnie than her.

what the fuck

>cucking based Pete
not cool man

There will always be people out there in this crazy world that will find cartoon animals sexy.

>was the Mega with the Mickey Shorts just Youtube rips?

If you keep posting pictures like that, there will be even more.

We used to have a lot of Minnie Mouse threads one year (2014).

Mods likely scared everyone away.

I think she either died, or was literally lost in space (at one point she was an astronaut but I don't know if that was her solid thing). I dunno, last time I tried to find out, it's usually just stated that she's dead.

Of course Minnie Mouse is attractive, especially the way most fan artists draw her.

Oh man user!
You've got a collection!

can we have them again?

I honestly didn't even think they were lolis, for some reason. I thought they were just petite.

You mean pictures like this?

Well sure, if enough people show up to dump cute pictures of Minnie Mouse (and other characters a little) for a few days then it could be a thing again.

But I'm a little busy during the summer and I should really spend the night sleeping. These threads used to be around at decent hours surprisingly. Ah 2014...what a good year for Sup Forums and terrible for everything else.

...Bitch, did I tell you to stop?!

>enough people show up to dump cute pictures
Well, I have about 50 pictures in my dump folder right now that afaik have not been posted

Okay so based off what I remember from was probably you, me, and one other guy. Or if you weren't around, then just probably three to four people honestly.

Those Anons were very happy.

I highly doubt it since another rubber-hose Disney girl has stolen our hearts.

>Showing off her bloomers so much.
She can get it.

And uh for content, I thought the way she was portrayed in this Hawaii skit was really romantic. Really sweet mannerisms and actions even if her appearance isn't much (the dress and hat are cute as heck, though).

Alright I'm going to bed.
Happy dreams Anons.

This looks like it's from an hentai


Musketeers Minnie is best Minnie.

Where's this Mega at?

It is. Well... kinda.



This is the last one I have


Have they ever done a cartoon where Mickey has to go in drag as Minnie? Seems like an obvious joke to do.



Minus8 version works for me.

I recall that they did one where Mickey dressed as Minnie and Donald dressed as Daisy.

Mickey also dressed as Minnie to fool his car once in one of the Paul Rudish shorts.




That's first 10

I enjoy her personality, but naked she's an exact replica of Mickey. I'm into some weird shit but even I draw the line at something not-female.

Alright you got me to laugh.

That time Mickey got some ass because he sold out to Nabisco.

Jesus Mickey. you should employ some self control. He's gonna be dead in a month.

Aside from the cartoon where Mickey and Donald had to crossdress to recreate a photograph on Minnie and Daisy (Horace saw them changing in the store it was pretty funny); I remember one cartoon where Mickey and Minnie were arranged to be married and I think maybe Goofy was singing and one line he said was about how Mickey was marrying someone that just looks like a girl version of him.

Were there some cartoons where you could actually tell that Minnie looked slightly different from Mickey physically? I think sometimes they gave her a little bit of a chest.

this is cute

How about never

>being turned on by toons

You guys have got ink fever.

I was literally created by sexual deviancy.

Minnie is for cute, not for lewd you degenerate

Guess it wasn't cropped enough.
I like Minus8's take on the character.

Well, it's gone, but since it was just Youtube rips anyway, you can get the quality they had just by taking any Youtube ripper, loading up the 1080p stream, and downloading that. I think I just saw a physical release out in the stores today, but I don't really know if that would be any better quality.

Shit I'm dumb.


Anime body
Cartoon face
Disney theme
Just why???


