K6BD - Kill Six Billion Demons

>Little known fact: Mammon's interior designer was the infamous warlock Gari Gy'Gax

War of the Armchairs

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When you make a mimic room there is no reason to not go all out.

>even the corpse is a mimic

Even the-


How many intruders does this vault get on a regular basis?
How many is enough to keep all these mimics well fed?

Does Mammon amass all this wealth just to keep his exotic collection of mimics well fed?

Maybe he feeds the mimics to each other.

Mimic ecosystem... in an infinite fortress.

I don't know what to say to that.

Still sticking to my theory that the fortress absorbs and turns everything that stays there long enough into a mimic.

The entire fortress is a mimic, and they all just willingly walked into its stomach.

>Literal paper stars

>The ceiling isn't mimics

Maybe they're just waiting for the opportune moment to drop down.

Gotta keep the sacrifice alive.

Wtf happened to Felicia's torso in panel five. It's child-sized despite everything else staying the same.

So is every trap room gonna claim one of the demon entries? That would disappoint and elate me.

Elate because it means my submissions would have gone to waste if selected
Disappointment becuase I know remember none of mine were selected.

God damnit

The ceiling is just one big gelatinous cube. It'll slide down and devour everything in the room when the mimics fail to do their job.

>Cios gone full Bayonetta with her hair all wrapped around her body

floor tiles. thats from Ultima:exodus.

>Cat Master waving a giant fucking machete sword thing slicing up multiple monsters at once
>Gold devil just waving some string around

I'm pretty sure she split apart that chair mimic.

Guys, what if the comic itself is one big mimic?

The gold devil is secretly a Hornet


>Gari Gy'Gax
Pic related

At least it's not Neutonium golems or Fractal Dragons.

Though this is K6BD, they'll show up eventually.

>Yre is referred to as the fractal treasure fortress of the Dragon, Mammon
Close enough?

Is there a joke about the interior designer?

Ok, here's what the team has to do. Tie everyone together with lengths of hemp rope and start tapping all the floors and walls with 10ft poles.

>Floor Tile mimics

Gary Gygax was the creator of D&D, where mimics (and almost every other RPG related trope) first appeared in.

Gari Gy'Gax

I got that reference, as i pack a PHB and dice into my work messenger bag for game night.

He was also notorious for challenging meat grinder dungeons

Cio's continuously growing hair is really working my fetish for ridiculously long hair.

>fetish for ridiculously long hair.
My nigga

Pretty sure the Acrobat is going like deadly sharp filament style with that spool.

Even the motes of dust floating in the air are mimics...

>Floor Tile mimics

Two of my favorite fetishes.

MAMMON is a mimic. Just a bunch of coin-mimics having come together to form one of the Kind People...

>even Mammon is a mimic

>the key is another mimic

They find Zaid and he is also a mimic.
In fact, there are many mimic Zaids.

>Zaid is a mimic.

Your boyfriend is in another castle.

Whose castle are they going to next guys?

I want them to pay Jadis or Smugbeard a visit, but I get the feeling either Gog-Agog or Incubus are next.

It's said smugbeard will be hosting a fighting tournament soon.

>Tournament Arc
My body isn't ready.

It's said demonic possession will be a thing explained/expanded upon during it.

Daily reminder that I wanna fuck cio

>Tournament arc

God no. I have more faith in you that that, Abb. Please don't sink that low.

>he doesnt like tournament arcs.

Wow user, I didnt know you were such a big fan of dick.

I'm guessing it's White Chains moment to shine.

I was actually hoping there would be a Seven Samurai deal, where they have to recruit seven washed up angels to help protect something against an attack by the Thorns. Would serve as an opportunity for people to submit characters and it would be White Chains redemption/revelation. Y'know, show that Angels are capable of doing good for the world.

They can't do the fan-character recruiting thing every fucking arc. I'm pretty sure this is a one-time thing.

Well I just figure a martial arts tournie would be the place for the martial arts guy. Allison would get her ass whupped into the ground

>An infinitely sized dungeon with Tomb of Horrors tier traps

That's a fucking understatement. Link related.

I think they have. There was the pursuers in the first arc and gods in the second arc.

Those both might have been in the first arc actually. But still.

Except each arc has had fan submitted designs user.

But only this one involved recruiting is my point. Obviously fan designs can be used in a billion different ways.

Of course, this arc has had by far the most important fan designs to the overall plot.

>infinite vault
>literally endless
>there are rooms that have absolutely nothing in them, because not even mammon can amass infinite wealth
>there are life-forms that will spend their entire lives within the vault
>they may never even know that they are in the vault, or that there is anything outside of it

Three times.

Fan submissions for the characters who would become the pursuers.

Fan submissions for gods and goddesses.

Fan submissions for devils to go on the heist.

Cat master only chopped the tentacles. The gold devil cut that chair in half.

This will probably happen

So then all the devils can get their own Zaid as part of their cut from the heist.

It all works out.

>They can't do the fan-character recruiting thing every fucking arc. I'm pretty sure this is a one-time thing.
that would be insane!wow!

>body isn't ready.

Tomb of Horrors was pretty much the only one, because it was a convention thing. The basic idea was you get to meet Gary, die quickly and make room for the next set of players to meet him.

His usual style was "Combat is a bitch, Fuck Casters, and XP is based on Gold, not how many orcs you gank."
It was also largely focused on exploring a dungeon, rather than ganking monsters in it.

old news

>yfw the entire building is a giant animal and mimics are like the bacteria in its stomach

>the whole vault's a mimic

>ends with the webpage growing eyes
>even the borders are mimics

>Mimic ecosystem... in an infinite fortress.


That's beautiful, user.

>Ys-Voya briefly appearing to ask for fan-mimics
>but Ys-Voya is a Mimic

what if one of the devils they enlisted is actually a mimic? But which one is it?

A quarter of Throne's population is mimics that have seeped out of the castle

Everyone is a mimic. Even you.

Ys-Voya is already a mimic, for she is a collection of birds who think they are a goddess or a goddess who thinks she is a collection of birds.

Not even a flock of birds, just a large assortment.

I wish to sup upon Lucky Felicia's ample brown bosom.

>training montage montage

Baseball filler arc when?

The chapter itself is a mimic

This thread is a mimic. Every individual post in it is a mimic.

are you a mimic

The biggest question of our time here.

With all these mimics around there's really only one thing to do.

I want lobster now you bastard.

Do NOT die

>the dead guy is a mimic
well they're thorough I guess.

What if the thread only mimics death?

>the thread only mimics death


Im sorry but your fucking picture made me cry laughing for some reason.

Wonder if Allison is going to pull her weight this fight.

Maybe nuke the entire room.

I'm glad my stuff still has that effect on people. At least sometimes.