What really happened to Cartoon Network?

What really happened to Cartoon Network?

They turned into MTV?



Thanks, Reddit.

problem solverz is probably the funniest show the network has had since 2007 and UG and SMFA aren't really bad either. I like SMFA's 60's aesthetic

>6 years ago


>Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
How is it back in 2011?

You forgot Megas, you know the one parody cartoon that managed to be awesome while giving you a chuckle?

Not the most creative shit out there but it was a definitive win for it's short run.

God this is so...OLD.
I remember "FAIL" threads in Sup Forums holy shit.

Great bait mate rate 8/8

They used to roduce fantatsic shows like PowerPuff Girls and Samurai Jack but now we've been getting mediocre drek like Gumball, Steven Universe and more

Is this bait?

No, it's truth

I once sent an ask to a SMFA crew member about if there were unproduced episodes of the show (I had vaguely heard that once), as CN's usual deal with cancelling shows is "don't renew it for another season". years later he sent a (private) reply.

>They actually did a whole other season of SMFA after I left that never aired. I don’t know how many were locked (final with color/animation) but there was at least 20 storyboards of unaired stories.

>This isn’t CN, Pete Browngardt, or even the crews fault. There was an adult swim producer named Nick Weidenfeld who developed 3 pilots, problem solvers and SMFA being 2 of them. He hid them from the executives and let us develop them as almost adult swim cartoons. Once Atlanta saw the final product they were furious that there was a character made of butts, heavy metal music aesthetic, etc. They never wanted to air it in the first place but I think they really liked Pete and understood what was the issue. Nick left to form ADHD afterwards. That’s about as much as I know.

Literally 0/10.


they found out that "lolrandom" characters keep 3-12 year olds entertained enough and quality doesnt matter so they were able to spend less using less real animation/writing/art

The "then" is padding hardcore with ancient HB characters that had to be moved to Boomerang due to clogging the channel

this is outdated CN doesn't have pokemon and wabbit, scooby doo and uncle grandpa was cancelled

God i wish they would show more ttg

you got autism

Not to say I disagree with you on CN being terrible now, but Gumball is actually pretty good.

Flapjack and gumball are both quality cartoons that managed to keep it throughout their runs, while AT, Chowder, and Regular show were great in their early seasons but did eventually decay into a mess

I think you best get out

Regular Show is pretty awesome though tbf

>using "fail" in 2017