I can already hear John K having a heart attack

I can already hear John K having a heart attack.

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Ren looks like its gonna come to life and slaughter my family.

I've always hated Funko Pops. Those souless eyes are the worst.

Funko Pops always look like shit. But then again, they're supposed to be cheap, ugly things for people with no taste, and they succeed at that.

John K has been having one single continuous heart attack since 1992.

Wow, they're almost as ugly as everything John K has drawn in the last 15 years.

These two are actually great, but the eyes ruined them, like always.


What's worse, that one Catdog fanart or the Catdog pop?

If not for the eyes, these are pretty good by funko pop standards.
Someone should get Ren and paint some bloodshot eyes


I don't know Sup Forums I've come to appreciate those weird little things. At least the company doesn't seem to stop in finding new toys to make.

there are handfuls that look good. I own the Deadpool X-Force one and it gets by mainly because of the eyes.

There's a Catdog pop?

Sure, cause he won't get all the royalties.

yes and it's absolutely not as bad as the other thing he's talking about

Somebody ask him to sign one.


There's some decent-looking ones from some show with talking animals, but it has really simple character design so I guess it's suited to cheap figures.

John K is a hack.

This is exactly why I kinda wanna get one.

Question for people that buy Funko Pop figures: where did your life go so wrong?


Although, I wonder why they haven't attempted to get the rights to make Gorillaz pops.

both look terrible

Ren is creepy as shit, Stimpy is actually fairly decent for a funkopop

It already did, go check.

I love actual articulated Nendos, but anime face is fucking shit.
Also one costs 5 bucks, the other 50.

They have done a Godzilla pop though?

I wonder if Funko pops will be a thing in 2020

Seriously theyre everywhere.... even the seediest Gas stations sell them

A lot of non-human and masked characters look alright. Even cute.

I only buy Pops if they don't look like Pops, and are also under $10.

Why the fuck do people like these? Is it just because they're cheap and they have figurines for lots of characters that are popular with the normies?

The only one of these I rather liked was a Q*Bert one.

I didn't even buy it though.

>they're cheap and they have figurines for lots of characters that are popular with the normies?

what do you think

Honestly, it is kind of nice that no matter how obscure a character is, they still get a figure.

Some franchises are starved for merc.

>Nendos for western characters
This shouldn't exist.

Because John K. user...

What $20 pop statue best defines ME as a person, co?

He's signed them before.


>people who get things signed to resell


John K is broke as shit and needs the money.

I bought the John Cena one because I thought it was funny.

Gonna give it to my husband's wrestling loving grandma when she comes to visit.

Yeah. I'm sure he's not crying so much as happy he can still make money off these characters. At least he's lucky enough to have retained rights unlike a lot of creators who's funkos get made and they don't see a dime.

C Martin Croker never got that Zorak Pop.

I've had to buy funkos just because their were no other figures of that character and I'm not proud

In the end, sometimes no one wins

Funko pops thread?

>This shouldn't exist.
Give one legitimate reason why they shouldn't.
All western figure companies are fucking awful, we need other countries to come in so we can get some good stuff. Because we sure as hell aren't able to do it ourselves.

>you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about

>give someone this so you can later ask them if their lover gave it to them

The faces on most Nendos aren't my thing. Too uncanny.

Some work well, though.

Why would you buy something clearly marked as damaged?

Mezco are bretty good

There a few funko pop figures that actually look pretty good

>parents tell me to stop buying these with my neetbux
>joke's on them, they will be valuable collectors items in the future.

Their original designs are pretty weak, they started slowly rolling downhill after Dredd as well. Their Superman figure is completely abysmal, for example.

>inb4 beanie babies crash of the 90's

I would never license to Funko. I'd give it to a toymaker that actually makes decent shit.


What gets me about these things is I got one when they were new and it felt like a solid lump of plastic. Every one I've seen since though the cardboard box weighs more than the figure. They are just offensively cheap.

I just sold a bunch of them for $2k. (Only paid $100 for them). Get out now why you can, desu; so many of these things are flooding the market now that it's not much longer before everything bottoms out.

>that fucking shitty paint

Is this real? Disgraceful

Yeah, Funko's back in the day were notorious for having the shittiest paint jobs ever and sometimes, they still do.

So we're both shit?

Well, that picture is like double the actual size. And what do you expect for $8 really?

>the best funko pops are the ones that look the least like funko pops
really makes you think

I got my dad Dobby the house elf for his Christmas stocking. It's his favorite thing.

The fact that these have chase figures AND SDCC-exclusive variants is even more depressing.

Pretty much this. When it comes to merchandise, it sucks to be a Steven Universe fan.

The Resident Evil enemies are cute

I got these because merchandise sales helps a character more than individual comics(I have her on my pull too)

never wanted to get a funko pop figure but this one looks so fucking great

also posting absolute worst one

Well, I mean, the armor looks better but the pose and face look like they came out of some obscure reaction image 4koma.

These ones show that they can do decent shit, it's just the stupid "on model" that ruins it

They would not be bad without the eyes, not 100% accurate, but good


>John K having a heart attack.

Good, he deserves it.

Funko POP collection is sure fire way to know if someone is a pleb.

One girl invited me over and when I saw her Big Bazinga FP collection I kindly yet firmly removed myself from premises.

Why do you think Stan is bad? I thought he and Bill looked fine, but didn't care for the kids.

>doesn't have blue/cold colors

I want that Stimpy, honestly

Stimpy is thicc.

There is a green Lich POP, but it's expensive as hell due to it being a ECCC exclusive.

nendos only look good when it's animu waifus

funkos always look awful



the pose ca be adjusted, they have lots of articulation

I think the deadpool nendoroid would be a better example iron man just looks fucking weird with the semi animu face

still better than anything by funko though

Stan is fine compared to this monstrosity.

>people defending funko pops
>on Sup Forums

those look perfectly fine in normal lighting dude, glow in the dark is a pretty blasé effect anyways

I gotta say, Funkos have worn me down. I'm starting to think some of them are all right. I'll definitely be picking up my first next month when All-Might comes out. And I'm starting to think the Nightwing doesn't look bad...
It's all in the eyes really. Some work well with the eyes. Most human characters do not.

chibi only works for girls boys just look like retarted babies

>I only buy Pops if they don't look like Pops
You mean like the dalek. That one is pretty good.



Still ,they cant do anything other then moe face so no


Why is Japan so scare of noses/lips???

50 usd figure vs 10 usd figure

Wow, that fucking Ren. I think I found a Funko more evil looking than Pearl

They're pretty much emblematic of the entire nerd culture craze. People want to have surface level knowledge of as many "nerdy" things as humanly possible while having in-depth knowledge or appreciation of none.

Getting a Funko is like getting a little trophy saying "I watched ____". The quantity you have is more important than the quality of the product.

So where you'll have a diehard fan of say, Star Trek who devotes most of their free time to Star Trek and likes to know as much about Star Trek as possible, he might drop $300 on a big, highly detailed Enterprise model. Then you have the Funko fan, who has watched the series through once and then proceeded to other things, and they'll spend $30 on a cheap little Funko Pop model of Captain Kirk to put next to 9 other Funkos of various other series and brands.

Do you think there's Funko Pop porn?

I think this is the first time I'd genuine sympathy for John K