Remember when Lucas decided at the very last minute to string a few episodes of a cartoon show with shitty...

Remember when Lucas decided at the very last minute to string a few episodes of a cartoon show with shitty, wooden low-budget animation into a "movie" that was actually released in theatres?

Remember how critics absolutely eviscerated it?

Remember how it was better than anything Disney has done with Star Wars?

And the same critics praised the trash awakens and the last white man.

I remember it actually being pretty bad.

I remember that. Isn't this the one where Ashoka and Anakin's meeting job is that they have to take care of Hutt's baby? Terrible but I did like the visual style.

yeah it wasn't good

I just started watching the series on Netfux, I'm on S1E12.

Should I watch this movie? I didn't realize it was made from episodes from the show. I like the show.

The only important thing is that it shows how and why Ahsoka becomes Anakin's padawan. But it's not bad if you enjoy the show.

You should watch the show in chronological order. The official release order is pretty retarded.

2008 > 2003

only brainlets who like PEW PEW explosions think otherwise.

Fuck, I remember when this was considered controversial among Star Wars fans. Debates were had whether it was good for the franchise or not, no one could even guess what was coming from across the horizon.

The original movie was kinda eh because it felt like the pilot it was but that show turned into something amazing. It sits next to KOTOR and Empire Strikes Back in quality.

It wasn't even Lucas' idea to release a movie. Warner Brother asked for a theatrical release as part of the Cartoon Network deal. The show was in production before Lucasfilm had a channel to air it on. The episodes they stiched together to make the movie weren't even the first episodes had they just aired with season 1 as intended.

Movie sucks. The first twenty minutes or so are worth watching but you can shut it off when it gets to the plot about Jabba's son or whatever.

I saw this opening night. Maybe 50 people in a 600 seat theater. On the other hand, I also saw the Nightsisters arc theatrically several months before it aired on tv, and there wasn't one empty seat. Todd McFarlane was sitting in front of me. Admission price was one unopened toy for charity. They showed a trailer for the Mortis arc at the end.

I remember, it was the first Star Wars movie I took my little brother to see, as he was too young when ROTS came out.

I actually liked it. There was nothing particularly offensive about it, and it was the beginning of seeing Anakin expanded into the hero we expected to see. And gave us Ahsoka, who whether you like her as a character or not, has given us other things.

Yeah, just stop where you're at and watch it. Also realize that part-way into season 3, the show improves exponentially. Story-wise and animation wise. It's jarring, but in a good way.

>shitty, wooden low-budget animation
You think Rebels looks better? Rebels looks like absolute garbage.

Is there anywhere I can stream TCW without getting a Netflix subscription? I need to stay up all night to unfuck my sleep schedule, and a comfy marathon sounds good about now.

How could I forget. I was in the theater. bathing in ignominy. still a better feeling than TLJ though.

Rebels isn't a feature-length film that was released in theaters.
