Who is the Fantano of Sup Forums?

Who is the Fantano of Sup Forums?

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kill yourself faggot and go back to Sup Forumseddit that's who

Red Letter Media or Chris Stuckmann.

Jeremy Jahns


Sup Forums- Fantano

Sup Forums - Melon pan
/ck/ - Jack
Sup Forums - Shadman
Sup Forums - DSPgaming
Sup Forums - ?

>all mentally ill people

Kevin Smith. Thanks for setting the bar so low.

Fuck I hate him. Why does he explain literally every line of the movie?

Well at one point it was definitely YMS. Don't know what happened to that poor soyboy though...

that one tripfag you always forgot to filter because although they are annoying and dumb as fuck, they aren't that distinctive, but you keep seeing people reply to them and it angers you
sage btw

YMS or Armond White. No one in RLM is a massive contrarian like they are

Probably Armond White. Contrarian who says shit that makes no sense

Because he is the Fantano of Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums Anthony Fantano
>Sup Forums RLM mostly Mike
>Sup Forums Mad Mexican
>Sup Forums MREsteve

Chris Cuckman

RLM get's 10x the views, have natural charisma, and are successful. How can you say that the Fantano of Sup Forums is RLM. You need to pick something like


We don't have anyone that autistic

>RLM get's 10x the views
Fantano gets 100x the views of the literally who you posted

The Nostalgia Critic, Doug Walker. They're both unfunny fags with shit taste.

RLM are far from perfect but at least they're fun to watch, occasionally funny, and I agree with them more often than not

I'm really curious who the Piero Scaruffi of Sup Forums is though

My point exactly. Fantano is a literal who. I forget his name and the name of his channel, I only recognise him when someone posts a picture of that punchable face.


He's actually pretty noteworthy within the music community. He's the most popular YouTube music reviewer by far. More than that, he has interviewed celebrity musicians such as Mick Jagger and even been interviewed himself by Nardwuar and others.

That said, I am not a fan of his personally

Folding Ideas

>music reviewer
Why the fuck does this balide faggot even exist?
I listen to music for the sound, not so some bald faggots can turn music into a /x/ level conspiracy theory analysis class of hidden supernatural meanings and hidden messages.
He needs a psychiatrist, and faggots who watch him need medication.

Who's the Fantano of Sup Forums?

>Film reviewer
Why the fuck do these faggots even exist?
I watch movies for the visuals, not so some faggots can turn a video into a /x/ level conspiracy theory analysis class of hidden supernatural meanings and hidden messages.
They need a psychiatrist, and faggots who watch them need medication.

The Goose or CIA

have him finally killed himself? he lost 1k in patreon bucks in a month.

cool phonepost you fucking faggot

>People saying fantano is contrarian
If that's the case then why is discovery the best Daft Punk album to him? That's the general opinion anyway.

>noteworthy within the music community
you mean planet Earth?

Don't even bring that sellout into these threads, only hack/frauds

They exist because movies exist to be criticized and start debates, while music only exists to be heard. Music is a one-track pony.

uh oh, triggered Sup Forumsppets

Armond is definitely our Piero

Pick someone who is actually successful

Nah he's still making shit.

This guy has one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen.


what'd he do

Chris Suckass?

Fantano's twitter is awful, especially his "smart" political jokes



is this a talcum x

Im not comparing their content of viewership, but that each board has /ourreviewer/ and ours is RLM and Sup Forums is Anthony.

Chris said on the TND podcast that Fantano was one of his main influences.

then Sup Forums is pure cancer? ok got it.

Yes. They are. Case closed.


At least when people review movies, they review stories, events, and interaction, and movies have proper amount of content to properly discuss.

Music reviewers meanwhile are an exercise in futility. All of them only throw buzzwords and extract as many niche vocabulary terms as possible to shit out in some pseudo-intellectual attempt at sounding like the music they are reviewing has more to it than it does, like one of those high school assignments where you are out of ideas so you try to to make up shit to fit the word requirement even if it means magic mushroom territory.

It must be tough to pretend to care about music like a teenager when you're over 30. Trapped in the shallow depths.

Sup Forums -> Fantano
Sup Forums -> RLM
Sup Forums -> Mandalore

>this man has a well paying job and a loving wife
living the dream.

Sup Forums - Fantano

Sup Forums - Jack Posobiec, Laura Loomer or Mike Cernovich (all fags)

/ck/ - Nigella Lawson

/fit/ - Scooby

/out/ - SteveMRE

/lgbt/ - moot

There's that guy on Patreon who makes 3DCG porn videos of Lara Croft getting fucked by horses, and he got $19 000 a month for it last i visited.
Animopron or something.

Take a moment to let this marinate in your mind a bit.


Aiden Gillen

I remember I once in a thread where someone posted this image and they thought it was an album.

Sup Forums - Scaruffi
Sup Forums - Armond White
Sup Forums - Tom Chick

Sup Forums - Madthad
Sup Forums - Shadman

Who is the blatantly obvious pedophile of Sup Forums?

Reminder Sup Forums UNIRONICALLY likes Kanye West.