I dont get the joke about bootleg anais

I dont get the joke about bootleg anais

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China kill female babies.

There's no bootleg Anais in that one Bootleg Gumball

The reason why was lost in translation and the real life chinese ripoff didn't have her.

You dont get it? I get it, and its funny!


but the one child policy allowed you to have a second baby if the first one turned out to be female which made it preferable to have a girl firstborn in china

Oh jesus christ that's dark.

Chinese """"""people""""""" were a mistake.

but anais is the younger sister, so delet

Anais was the second child though user. By your own words she was not preferable.

The joke is the Chinese bootleg show that episode was based on didn't have an Anais, presumably because of the one child policy.

But you have to pay dowry in shithole countries to get rid of your daughter.

How does Gumball get away with this shit?

Hold on, this episode was based on a real thing? Huh.

Also, I normally would avoid taking shots at cultures not my own, but the one child policy reeks of, well, I suppose you'd call it cultural autism. Americans have guns, British have tea, Chinese have an insistence on male heirs. Seriously, that's fucking ridiculous.

>Hold on, this episode was based on a real thing?

If you mean they have a Chinese ripoff yes. It's the mascot of some powdered milk company. Which is why Gumball at the start of the episode said "Powdered goat milk who needs that".

It's meant to combat overpopulation but ended up creating a new arguably worse problem of too many Chinese men and not enough women to go around.

Single young men are the most volatile demographic.

I'm wondering how they didn't get sniped by Nintendo for The Uncle.
Worst episode desu

The Ex was generally worse. At least the uncle had that song that was pretty good.

One child policy saved the world, user.

It's because they're overpopulated, but now (along with the fewer women problem ) they are about to have a large population of elderly people who won't be able to work and far less young, able-bodied workers.

the joke is about infantcide and gendercide in china, watch the film "It's a girl: the most deadliest words"

or something like that, it's been years since i've seen it

"It's a girl: The Three Deadliest Words in the World"

>Preferable to have a girl.

In China, most families are permitted to have only one or two children and a traditional preference for sons runs strong. The abandoning, aborting and killing of newborn baby girls is common in rural China

>Also, I normally would avoid taking shots at cultures not my own

don't be a pussy

guns and tea are just quirks, carelessly causing millions and millions of infanticides and abortions? that's despicable, i don't care that it's anyone's culture.

>look, I'm sorry, but you have to keep those millions upon millions of potential kids alive
>our poor agricultural output coupled with our overpopulation ensures that millions more will starve and the inevitably lower-class kids we saved will live short painful lives, but at least we didn't kill children or the potential of the children right out the gate
>we can die with a clear conscience now, especially since we don't have a historical precedent of famine through poor planning or anything that we could have learned from

how about just not killing the girls because they weren't boys

>Bootleg Anais is fucking dead

It'd be something else if the bootleg show actually brought it up.

Your loss.

That would be great, honestly. If China had to enforce the birth and upbringing of girls despite preference of the parents, at least they wouldn't have to deal with their gender disparity issue.

On the other hand, my JAVs can't be filmed with the delinquents and unwanteds from Japan's declining birthrate.

Or screwed it over. The One Child Policy produced an insane amount of coddling of Chinese kids that now think the world owes them simply for being around. A lot of the richer class Chinese now have to deal with spoiled brats used to being above the law because their parents bail them out.

>Chinese girl kills a guy for her black gang member boyfriend, Parents pay million dollar bond and ship her back to China to escape the death penalty.

>Chinese boy kills and butchers Canadian roomate, keeping parts in fridge, parents come and pay millions to bail him out before they can hang him.

These are the inheritors of the world user. It's gonna get ugly.

There wasn't a bootleg Anais in the original Chinese ripoff, so there isn't one here.

> On October 29, 2015, it was reported that the existing law would be changed to a two-child policy, citing a statement from the Communist Party of China. The new law became effective on January 1, 2016, following its passage in the standing committee of the National People's Congress on December 27, 2015.

basically China realized if their only alternative to loosening this policy was to allow immigrants in

> not Chun-Ni
who authorized this and when are they being reeducated

>Your loss.
I see only 3 panels

It's okay user in the actual episode all the Bootlegs died in a car crash.

I'm usually respectful of people cultures but there's nothing wrong with calling a government fucked up when it is. China is a horrible place to live and is ass backwards, not even strict Middle Eastern Sharia law countries are as bad as China.

Recently they passed a law making them censor the internet and television even more. All "unnatural" depictions or reference of sexual acts whether explicit or not is now illegal. This includes rape, incest, anal and homosexual hand holding.

And that is never okay.

>Tired lazy belly male
I can relate

And actually they died trying to copy the Wattersons in some insane stunt but failed because they didn't have an Anais to help them with the final bit.

Wait, those actually happened? Dam, I'm surprised the parents were able to take their kids out of the country so quickly.


The rich, in general, are sociopaths.

Communism is one hell of a drug.

>Chinese girl kills a guy for her black gang member boyfriend, Parents pay million dollar bond and ship her back to China to escape the death penalty.
link of article?


Yeah but Anais is not the first born..

C H I N A ' S

China is against that. abortion is legal but the doctor can't tell you if it's a boy or a girl.

>China is a horrible place to live and is ass backwards, not even strict Middle Eastern Sharia law countries are as bad as China.

You do know they have worse laws and punishments than china?

anais wasn't born first

I know you probably understand this now but i just wanted to use this image

>You do know they have worse laws and punishments than china?

depends, Islamic law is is ridiculously moralistic and conservative, but it contemplates stuff like good Samaritan acts.

Sharia is medieval nonsense but Chinese laws are literally meant for soulless automatons devoid of empathy. Chinese are culturally pushed to act like insects.