Alita: Battle Angel utterly btfo

Alita: Battle Angel utterly btfo.

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women are really upset about this..

Based on how fucking retarded the character looks I guarantee no one outside aging weebs will see this piece of shit

it's a robot that can by stylized however they want, why is blogspam choosing sides on this

Oh, you mean a weeb like Tyrone who liked the trailer so much he watched it twice?

Because it looks like shit

>Some Italian bitch lecturing us on the history of anime

Or maybe these two weebs who had never even heard of the manga
> "I've got chills, again, are you kidding me!?"

The style is fine, they just need to do more post-production work to polish it up. 6 months is a lot of time to clean up.

What are you doing

You could easily achieve big eyes without cgi with circle lenses and it wouldn't look so out of place in motion. That is if they didn't cgi it up for the actress.

I'm not gonna lie if I watch the movie it may just be for the ayymlao eye princess. Guess roasties can't understand wanting to fuck it. The movie could've saved money by hiring Camren bicondova

Looks at these two weebs who thought the trailer looked "dope".

Given how the history behind Japan using big eyes sources to Japan taking the concept from the West as an inspiration and popularizing it,
the point of the very retarded article writer eludes me.

Anime characters have big eyes because the Japanese are shit

Demonstrating the gap between "journalists" and authentic reactions to the trailer.

>Trying to imply black people are not ultra weebs.
Motherfucker every black person on earth watches Dragon Ball, the fuck you on about?

See you there opening night.

Deconstruction and cultural critique has gone through such a weird turnaround. The emphasis was originally breaking down or abstracting things in order to diffuse their sense of truth-value or normativity, and to dispel narratives as being arbitrarily constructed, but in the hands of clickbait journalists and activists, it is used more like "Oh, you don't have the CORRECT interpretation / reading of this thing? How COULD you?!"

Although I think that was always the disingenuous intention of that type of critique. Claims to be doing away with 'meaning' and 'narratives' but really only trying to then posit its own.

I take no side in this. I think you can definitely explore other sides of things, but as far as the 'correct' reading... it's not that I'm siding with deconstructionists and saying there's no real or truth, but the attempts of various agendas online lately to push their own readings of things is always blatant politiking and I don't know how anyone buys into any of it.

>doubting based Jim
Soyboys please go back.

Stop you fucking autist

Anime is 100% soy.

Wow I guess I'm a weeb too because there's like 2 animes I like.



girls are so badass

girls kick ass

this kick-butt robot babe is taking theaters by storm

alita: ass kicker, female, battle angel

Nope, but anime is.

This girl is japanese so by definition she can't be a weeb.

>caring about fujishits opinions

Kill all soyboys they will never surpass the ova fuck em.

Some cunt wop trying to tell me about fanook cartoons. Why isn't this tomato slurper checking on the red sauce instead of writing this gay shit. Her father was clearly half a man and her husband must have no dick.

...and no one said a word


>That's certainly what we needed

What did she mean by this?

No, really what the fuck does she mean?

Are Japanese people retarded?

Trailer looks 100x better than Flop in the Shell's trailer did.

I swear these broads are just mad the character is prettier than them.

what the fuck is wrong with italian women? why do they hate anime so much???

>because that's certainly what we needed
what does that even mean, do they just have a mild_disapproval.doc template they change the nouns in occasionally

Dude all the Italian women I know are into weird shit like ASMR.

just looks like more realistic disney character. if you think alita is uncanny then disney 3d animation should be there too

what the fuck

no one thinks the character is attractive though.

> She looks Japanese
What did they mean by this?

Pic is author of article.

yes, and?

t. white boi with yellow fever

Now that's a face only a ______ could love

> no one
What did she mean by this?


The retard hasn't even read the thread.


Asian girls are cute but pasting giant CG eyes on a white girl in a live action movie looks like a dumpster fire

I've seen all the threads with the marketers attempting dog-wag people into thinking movie alita doesn't look retarded.

The characterization was totally botched.

>jealous roastie journalists don't like that a cgi character is cuter than they are so attempt to sabotage box office preemptively

But no one thinks the character looks cute. Everyone agrees it's totally botched.

>white girl

who cares, cute didn't save GitS

There was nothing cute about gits

they were pretty faithful to the animes in that way. Not so much the manga of course.

Yeah haha who likes girls with big eyes haha gross

They wouldn't be so desperate to put it down if that was the case. It's the same group that bitched about how women were portrayed in Blade Runner 2049 and are rallying the Mouse Defense Force trying to deflect from The Last Jedi box office expectations flopping by blaming the fans.

your false equivalency has been noted.

I haven't watched any anime since I was a teenager but this movie seems cool so I will see it.

or maybe they aren't desperate to put it down and honestly think, like everyone else who's seen it, that it looks terrible?

Trying to turn this into an us vs them scenario requires an "us" that is composed of something other than marketers.

Me especially when they're robots that are more human than real girls

See you on opening night.

nothing makes white women more butthurt than asian women.

>ur gunna watch it neway

my days of thinking Sup Forums is totally infested with shills are definitely coming to a middle.

But that's wrong.

It was BTFO the moment Hack-ron decided to base it on the shitty OVA
>but the comics' plot was too long and convolu-

>responding to truth with "no ur wrong"

i like this maymay

d i a n a d e w

>there are "people" not liking Tim Burton's Alita

yeah maybe all this shitty clickbait is actually written by honest people, good point


Really? it wasnt the billion SW threads and Reylo general? It was the one single Alita thread of the day?

what was retarded about this? This were right about nearly all of those characters for the most part.

guarantee none of these people even knew what Alita was till 2 weeks ago

Two months more like, but you're right. I don't give a shit about anime. I'm not a weeb. I think this looks like a great movie, and the talent behind it is promising, plus James Cameron and LightStorm doing the SFX. Weebs are the ones shitting on this because it won't autistically be a frame-for-frame anime recreation done in 2D. They know if this is successful, capeshit will die and anime will be pillaged. They're afraid.

read the post again, very carefully.

>dumpster fire


>Gunnm looks weird and unrealistic unlike real women!
>Gunnm's big eyes are culturally appropriation!
It's like the inverse of TLJ shilling.

Nah. > is more your speed, go have a conversation there.

Even JoJo?

>have horrid reading comprehension
>double down on it

i like this maymay

as long as the movie has cyborgs beating the shit out of each other it doesn't really matter.

James Cameron shat on these same journalists last year.

What the hell is wrong with whites really?

the eyes in gunnm were of roughly uniform size. Gally looking 100% human until thoroughly inspected is a central plot point numerous times.

> reddit spacing in all your posts
> "i like this may may" attempt to fit in
Nah how about you go back?

I don't really like that maymay. But I do like your utter devotion to remaining an idiot.

I'm not autistic like you or James cameron so I haven't read the meme titled "Battle Angel: Alita" (not sure what this Gunnm is you're talking about). As long as the movie is good, I'm happy.

The #1 tactic of a shill is to derail a thread, which you are trying very, very hard to do. Back to your containment thread.

battle angel: alita is what a manga re-publisher called gunnm

but hey, I know, familiarity with shit is for autistic people, right? lol losers. I'll never know anything, that makes me cool.

I like the shills who try to confuse people with partial hangouts.


*breathes in.....

Why are these threads always nothing but shills spewing false equivalency?

... oh right, because no one is actually interested in this.

jesus christ white people really are racist