Whats the Sup Forumserdict?

Whats the Sup Forumserdict?

I only like will forte when he's playing angry screaming man bit parts like in snl and tim n Eric's billion dollar movie.

Pure dumpster fire.



cringe overload

Whats her name again? Id fuck her. Thats my thoughts.

that's unfortunate


Pretty much only the pilot is good

started off kinda interesting with a man living a life of total seclusion with interesting set pieces looted across the country but then by the end of the episode theres three people and soon Sup Forums started calling it Last Cuck on Earth and it wasn't as factitious as you'd think

a very amusing and comfy show where the characters carry the story. also as a frequent drinker, i like that mary steenburgen is not depicted as having a moral failing and judged as evil by the other characters

this image looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and seeing quite a few shops in my time

will forte is good but the show suffers whenever he is actually not the last man on earth (which means only the first 45 minutes of the first episode)

>last man on earth
>still gets cucked

sadly it has worn out its welcome.

First episode drew me in until the first other person came in the show. Well I thought, 'adam and eve might be okay', but then a THIRD PERSON

One of the few shows that get worse by the episode rather than gradually each season.

absolutely retardt

i honestly cant believe this is why teevee hates this show

no, "the last man on earth" is a more interesting concept than "cool situation, standard drama". If I wanna see relationshit I can pick up any other sitcom that doesn't lie in its title. My friend watches it and now they're living in a hotel, there's a lot of characters, and it's about how they can't just fuck off away from each other and do interesting things, they have to bicker and cuck

dumbass the relationshit is implicit in the title: "not if you were the last man on earth" is the entire premise of the fucking show.

bumping this thread just to re-shame the idiot who didn't understand the premise was in the title