What are some flicks about living with hemorrhoids?

What are some flicks about living with hemorrhoids?

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Grow a pair and pop them in the shower


The Dark Knight Rises

Idk what's a movie about living with newly appeared brown dick bumps that could be hpv/genital warts?



Is anyone elses upper back in constant pain, like honestly i am in agony every day and it's a deep pain.

lose weight, gain height, get some sun and for the love of god I'm begging you PLEASE have sex

Symptoms? How long has it been occurring? Any injuries or other events that may have caused it?

Idk, but I have them and it fucking blows. Completely changed pooping for me forever.

what does sex have to do with back pain?

It's like a deep muscle pain that just constantly aches and I have to ''click'' my back to get any kind of temporary relief from it

why don't you go to a doctor? or is american healthcare so expensive that getting it checked would bankrupt you?

thanks google

General physician didn't know. Prescribed me some.cream in case it was and gave me a referral to a urologist I'm waiting to see.

Could be a herniated disk or some other issue.

I would see a doctor as soon as possible.

Waterloo (1970)

It pushes them in so they don't hang

youtu.be/tWdgAMYjYSs essential hemorrhoidkino
Note that the subtitles are wrong, he says "my piles" not "my files".

What are some movies about diagnosing others on buthanese bird billard bulletins

What are some flicks where the protagonist wears reading glasses and while taking them off accidently gets the end of the frame into his eye and now fears going blind or getting pinkeye

google image search got completely castrated
don't bother with it

Was it being problematic and they had to neuter is because reality doesn't fit the narrative?

Tineye now?


What's some movies about having a mental breakdown and now completely dissociated from reality.

>being this entry-level on hemorrhoids
Flex your butthole every few minutes and get up every couple hours, mine went away in days.

user must be trolling. That's like saying pop those varicose veins
>TFW listen to user then see blood in stool and get sepsis and die

is that a man?

That's a nice alliteration user

What are some films about fapping your dick raw and having to put iodine ointment on it as a result for it to recuperate

Also what are movies about crazed narcicisstic mothers throwing all kinds of shit into the bathroom ranging from clothes to random items which she all places on the toilet seat at random fucking times just to piss you off along with plastering the whole fucking house with random unsolicited notes

jesus, google. wtf

They hooked it up to their AI so when you search for a picture then type in a description for it it'll learn. Same deal with the captchas teaching it to identify shit on the road for their self driving cars. It makes it a worse search engine but who gives a shit? It's not like you pay them.