Why does this film not receive more praise? I can't recall ever seeing it discussed here and it divided the critics...

Why does this film not receive more praise? I can't recall ever seeing it discussed here and it divided the critics. I thought it was beautiful and tragic. One of Gilliam's best.

You plebs never saw it?

forgot about this movie, had it queued up during a gilliam binge but never watched it.

is it streaming on anything at the moment?

it sucks monkey dick, stop pretending otherwise.

It's currently on the UK Netflix
How so?

It doesnt suck at all. Its classic Gilliam kino.


It's a bonafide pleb filter.

I liked this version better

Shit script and one of the worst endings in the history of cinema.

Its kino

Most people aren't able to appreciate kino thus why kino are the movies that mostly dont get praise.

what's so good about this film?

>one of the worst endings in the history of cinema

>he didn't get it

>forgot about this movie
Me too and I watched it twice.

> mfw he didn't get it

>moronic regurgitating of philosophy 101 mixed with some nietzsche
>implying there's anything to get

>He wants Gilliam to spoonfeed him

Heh, maybe Spielberg is more for you, kid

I liked it. Wouldn't call it his best but it was interesting. Honestly I don't remember much about it though, it faded into obscurity really fast.

The world building
The philosophy
Gilliam's unique style

>moronic regurgitating of philosophy 101 mixed with some nietzsche

>copypasta pat analysis
>waste of trips

>Don't believe in a God
>Don't wait for a divine intervention
>But reject nihilism
>Find meaning in your own life
>Become your own God

What's not to like?

I was really hyped for it and it was incredibly underwhelming. It didnt have anything amazing to say, and what it did say was rather bland and underdeveloped.

I’ll freely admit I lost track of what was going on and stopped caring shortly thereafter

wow so deep 2existential4me