I’m so hyped I’m scared!

I’m so hyped I’m scared!
I want it to succeed Sup Forums!

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't freeze

good then, enjoy it
but be aware of possible consequences
when it succeeds they gonna push more and more niggers into movies
good option would be it gets +/-400 M BO, with mostly from USA, so studios still think of worldwide releases and don't flood everything with niggers

>ordinary human with claws
what an interesting superhero

Yeah I want the privileged white/Jew male Disney execs to get even more money too

>I'm hyped!
>I'm scared!
>I'm mentally impaired!


>a nigger

How much better will it do than Star Wars?

whats with the gay wojak face?

I never freeze

We'll know it failed when the shills start accusing people of racism for not seeing/likingit

1/3 or SW boxoffice, maybe 2/5
SW had fanbase hype, and short legs
this one got no fanbase hype, normies don't even know him, even MCU faggots don't really care. he's literally a token black for amerimutts audience

What are you even taking about?
Just look at this Black Excellence.

You don’t want niggers to behave and do well?

You’re the problem Chad...

Blind racism automatically disqualifies your opinion from having any merit.

Not only because you are racist and trying to force reality to bend to your desires. But also because you are fucking wrong and it has already set records for pre-sales. The question is not will it do better. The question is how much better will it do.

So fuck you stormfag. And go fuck black tranny hookers in the backseat of your VW.

Hmm...sounds like you were paid to post here






>Blind racism
Since when open eyes, with no SJW bullshit propaganda stuff, is blind racism?

I am kang

Hol up nigga

Presales hype paid PR.

>normies don't even know him, even MCU faggots don't really care. he's literally a token black for amerimutts audience

When normies are probably more hyped for this than they were over last jedi. It's just another impotent faggot crying about "niggers".

Nigger! I said it again because my mom doesn't know I post here!

This movie is going to do gangbusters at the box office and get a 90%+ fresh rating. I can taste the autism now. Screencap this.

>Da jews!


Better pre-sales than Civil War which was the former record holder. And had a 150 million opening weekend. So I ask again... How much better will it do than Star Wars?

I don't think it will fail in the us. Plenty of shit skins think this movie means that niggers aren't worthless and the biggest burden to this country.

They need fiction to feel equal. Meanwhile mediocre blacks get jobs over more qualified asians and whites because of their race

It's not blind, it's accurate.

Your response is a perfect example of black fragility.

Why do you defend a comic book movie so much? Should put this energy into solving black cultural failure.


I want it to succeed too. If (when) it does, I'm gonna WE OWN YA post the everlovin' fuck out of absolutely everything. No board will be sparred from my torrent of shitposts.

I'm surprised Sup Forums doesn't love this movie. T'Challa is literally a segregationist and nationalist. He's also extremely anti-immigration and forced equality. If he was white, he'd be Sup Forums incarnate.

Samefagging negro. I'm sure you'll show us when a maybe movie makes money. I bet you'll have a smug smile in your public housing.

even so, Marvel/Disney would ruin this and make into some cheezy stuff
they got no balls to go serious, they got no balls to kill villains, so why would they change now?

>Sup Forums
Muh boogeyman.

I literally just entered the thread and posted friend. I'm just now reading it and seeing you're very upset over somebody disagreeing with. I want to let you know it's okay to be angry and perceived injustice, but channeling it on an image board isn't the best way.

I hope you find peace and gain the strength to develop better arguments and not default to ridiculous tactics using buzzwords like "boogeyman" "reddit" while pushing discourse away with assertions like "samefagging" and "it's all paid shills".

God bless you and I hope you have a lovely evening.

Nope. Different dude, not planning to see the film, and white as an onion. I just really, really love shitposting.

Do you not see the double standard? If you switch the skin color to white it doesn't work.

What do you mean? You mean people would be upset? Yeah. They're idiots. I don't think anybody outside of brain dead people and hardcore leftists would disagree with you.

>White sensitivity

Then you're just a faggot.


I can't wait for Sup Forums to be SEETHING over this LITTY film. Whiteboi's are gonna be BTFO worldwide. It'll make more than your white-centric nu-wars trash.

>shitpost in thread
>get weird (You) from user

Is this movie for free? Blacks can't afford the tickets, right?


They take EBT

Yep. Truth be told, I might see the film for Michael B Jordan. I want to crush my testicles in his taught, vice-like ass.

>Black Panther is literally an an alt-right power fantasy brought to life
>They all hate it because black people


This is unironically the only reason I’m going to see it

At the end of the day the movie will make money but those that like it are still niggers.


Keep cryin' whiteboi. Your era is OVER.


Not only a faggot but a nigger loving faggot.


so tv will die sooner than i expected

I can't wait for niggers to stop whining and crying about whitey oppressing the after this movie is released. Because we all know thats what's going to happen

Off topic, but are there no black people you find physically attractive? Like, none? Surely there's at least one black girl you can look at and say "Okay, I'd give that chick a couple of beige-bies".


Niggers well never stop.
They're entire culture is based on failure and whites are the blame for that in their eyes. In many ways they are right. The white left had been the case of many of their problems from feminism destroying the black family to the great society destroying black businesses.

Wtf is a black business





Obvious agenda pushing also turns people off

So a black business is just some jews that be jewin

Well, I don't know. I'm a proud Aryan racist, but I like superhero films. I always thought BP had a rad costume. I mean, if the basic premise is people who can fly and shoot lazer beams out of their asses, I can't see getting too buttmad about some nigger country being depicted as capable of space travel.

It's the (admittedly few) SJW-type films that always depict whites as bumbling genocidal thieves, liars, and cheaters that rustle my swastikas, especially when they feature a nice blond getting speared by some fucking chocolate jungle thug.

But I give films a chance and think them through before raging out at the Hollywood kike establishment. Like 3 Billboards. I'd heard going into it that it was a film about a BLM-type dyke trying to BTFO some racist white cops. Not really that at all. Very good movie.

My fellow Aryan assassins at Sup Forums have to consider that even a stopped clock is right twice a day: some women do get harassed or raped, some blacks do get fucked by the system, and some whites are real scum. lest they think I'm going soft: Heil Hitler, and I'll catch y'all on the DotR.


Your age is showing.


No one cares mutt.

>2 people care enough to respond
No one cares

How much does it cost to rent out a whole screen for a private viewing? I want to do this for my gf and a couple of her friends

>f-fuck you millenial

t. Mohamed Buttmadius, Greco-Turk "citizen" of Belgium

I used to do it for a bag of weed and a 20 bill when I worked at a theater.
I was a manager so I had the keys

It's expensive, you literally have to purchase every seat in the house. Be prepared to hunt for a theatre that will sell you a private screening. It took me 3 months to find a theatre willing to host a private screening and cost me 1200 American. A proposal. She said no.

Based racist

t. Black Supremacist

>She said no.

>Making conjectures
What a retard

>asking someone to marry you without having discussed it and knowing she'd say yes.

Let me guess, you enjoy PTA films?

That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard

Made even worse by

Bullshit. That is a circumcision rite, which was performed by priests.
Why do you feel the need to lie?