Why didn't you guys tell me this was so fucking fun?

Why didn't you guys tell me this was so fucking fun?

It's LITTY. I unironically really liked it.

who is this titmonster

say it with me tv


jack black

the blue chick from Guardians of the Galaxy and one of Dr Who's whores.


jack black

Le man of stone meme aside this movie was actually fucking litty. I really liked the way that they made it a direct sequel rather than a reboot and that the game kept Alan's house even after changing forms.


>when the rock said OY VEY

it was a fun flick

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has those glorious, muscular mantits.

>You got a little situation over there

fuck off reddit.

Went to see this with my wife's son and was literally PISSING myself at all the RAUNCHY, PG-RATED humor. Another classic example of the disconnect between OUT OF TOUCH critics and FANS.

That girl's total enthusiasm for having a dick is one of the best parts of the movie. I really thought I'd hate her character the entire time but once she's off her phone she really grows on you.

Also, Jack Black turned in the performance of the year in this movie. Daniel Day fucking Lewis couldn't have done a better teenage girl.

was pleasantly surprised even though I went for Gillan 8==D though I expected nothing

>oh my god this is so much easier!
>it's like having a handle!

Jack Black did a great job at being in character

thanks bros gonna look her up

You not suppose to wear shorts in the jungle, those razor sharp leaves will eat those knees up

gonna need a link for this scene

Saw it first day with low expectations. Was enjoyable. The entire part of the movie before they enter the game is downright awful though. Came home and found my old Karen Gillan folder for a good fap.

No decent torrent yet that I know of.