Did you know, Mr. Torrance, that your son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation?

>Did you know, Mr. Torrance, that your son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation?
>Did you know that?

Other urls found in this thread:


_ ______?


why did he appear in the picture at the end? what did it mean?

An African American?

>white mans burden
what did he mean by this?

what was kubrick thinking?



It means that institutionalized racism never ends! It doesn't just die off but take another form

Back in 1920 the word Nigger wasn't offensive

he mixed some meds he shouldn't have the day this was filmed

second bathroom scene is Europe only

It's his mother.

The other day there was a huge snowstorm which dumped some of the hardest driving conditions I've driven through in the past decade; roads were almost impassable at one point. Also I regularly listen to "The Caretaker", of an evening:


So I've been feeling a Shining screening coming on.

Grady is terrifying because of how rapid that transformation from servile bald chump to sinister evil fuck happens and how you see it all in one shot, with his face and voice just twisting into this warped shit right in front of you. Imagine being Jack, alone in a bathroom with what you thought was a dipshit ghost, and suddenly you’re alone in a bathroom with a fucking demonic butler from hell whose talking about niggers.

It's not, the European version is the extended version, i watched the US version recently and it was in it, unless you're talking about another bathroom scene entirely (the nigger cook one was in the US one I watched)

Who opened the freezer door?

Everyone is talking about a transformation and I don't see it. He's the same person in all his appearances.

The wolfman

An artistic turn of phrase which explicitly refers to the Kipling poem, and clearly juxtaposes the film's (almost exclusively) white characters, living and dead, above all with the absent Indians who were repelled in the hotel's construction. As a non-example, it really doesn't have anything to do with the Scatman character. It can also be understood as the simple ramblings of a drunk guy at the bar (Jack is in the process of being seduced and intoxicated by the hotel as he sits at the bar, even before he takes a "drink").

My interpretation of the line as it is used in the film at this point, is that Jack/his-previous-incarnation-speaking-out/whatever you want to call the character at this point, Jack is acting out an older American frontier mentality to some extent, which includes a hatred of the injuns. Booze is a burden that white men are /able to bear/, while Native Americans are one of the very few human cultures not to have organically learned how to get some sort of liquid slightly spoiled, drink it, and then get fucked up on it, and learn how to function as a society with this new thing in the mix over centuries. So when whitey shows up and gives them some fire water they don't have any concept of, they get hooked on it and go out to reservations in between getting steamrolled by whitey. Jack is doing a white triumphalism by using the phrase humorously, something more acceptable in the 1920s (because he's being sucked back into that era).

It's also worth noting that Jack speaks of his wife in a very vulgar way at this point, it's one of the meanest things that is /said/ in the course of the film: "the old sperm bank upstairs." He really hates his family at this point, and it's dripping off him so hard that it's difficult to imagine any human being keeping Lloyd's poker face on. But the hotel is feeding on this, helping it along, encouraging it.

Yo check it the big brain on this guy

>encouraging it
literally stopped reading RIGHT there

nicely done

The Killing
>Something wrong?
>You're wrong, nigger!
The Shining
>A nigger cook
Full Metal Jacket
>no boom boom with soul brother, soul brother too beaucoup
>All fucking niggers must fucking hang
>I want the most beautiful
>I'll take the big black one
Barry Lyndon
>I'm a man who would rather be known as a cuckold than a fool.

I rest my case

>Full Metal Jacket
>There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless.


It’s just his face and the way it’s lit and the tone of his voice. It isn’t a literal transformation, but he clearly switches from jovial helper to a batshit psycho. It’s the speed of that transition from one tone and face to another that’s terrifying. If you’ve ever been alone with someone who’s unstable and they do that shit it’s horrifying. One second you think you’re fine and the next you’re worried you might not get out of the room.

Well put

How does "me sucky sucky" play into this?

I wonder if the 2nd prostitute did say no to the _____ for the reason said

Soukie foukie, smoshk shigerate n da pusshie!

Oh shit