
Holy shit this movie is terrible. It's like an experiment designed to be the most twee indie movie ever made and every aspect of the writing is terrible.

It's napoleon dynamite meets Rushmore but for girls.
So if you're a guy it's nothing special, if you're a girl its like SOOO revolutionary.

Whether or not Greta Gerwig is actually talented only time will tell.

Damn I was planning on seeing this tonight...

Guess I'll go see 12 Strong instead

The canonization of Greta Gerwig for doing absolutely NOTHING of value only shows the lack of achievement by female hands and their catty attempts at historical revisionism

If she can make another intriguing movie without the obvious self-insert I'll shut up but until then it's all bluster.

meh it's a decent coming of age movie

don't hate it just because it's getting critical praise

I like the part where they listen to Reel Big Fish

>Holy shit this movie is terrible. It's like an experiment designed to be the most twee indie movie ever made and every aspect of the writing is terrible.

I liked it the first time when it was called Juno.

>Opens imdb
>Searches for "Ladybird"
>Checks director
>Close browser

user, you knew what you were getting yourself into.

Does it have anything about being jewish?

Its a fun movie i can understand hating it if you can’t relate to women though

She's raised catholic and it strangely has nothing to say about that. Fair enough I guess, considering she's Greta's self insert.

It is user. Its so fucking overrated its gross.

it is not decent. Its shit. Nothing decent in it except Laurie Metclaff performance

How much screen time did Laura Marano get?

So 'I'm a proud poltard that can't get films' The Thread

More like 'men don't get a film made specifically for women which is totally fair' the thread. It's like women and master and commander, not their fault.

Only retards like this directless flick. Watch more movies.

It was ok.

I'll never watch this or any future movie Greta Gerwig makes simply because she's only making movies because she sucked Noah Baumbach's dick and now has the nerve to call herself a "talented director"

You're not, you're just a whore who fucked some jew

I'm genuinely curious if you're a virgin. I went to high school during the same year she ws in it in this movie and it was perfect.

It encapsulated our era so well. The characters, besides her 2nd boyfriend were not only realistic, they developed.

There was the constant worry of something going wrong: Pedophilia, dad suicide, sexual assault, etc. Yet it never happened, because the movie didn't need that.

The only 2 people I know that didn't like it were people that went to high school during that era and had no friends.

Congrats! You're old as shit. At least ten years older than the median age of this thread. Go start a family, fuck

I thought it was going to be like Frances Ha but it's just all the same shit we've seen before and didn't ask for.

This guy nails it:

Is it just me or did nothing happen in this movie? Isn't something suppose to happen? The characters are meant to have arcs and overcome obstacles.

There was a film from a few years ago called Margaret that does what this is meant to be doing and so much better.

That was my problem as well. I didn't think Lady Bird actually learned anything by the end. Girls I've talked to have said "yes but that was the point" and to them this counts realism I guess.

I have a wife and shes pregnant. lmao

yet you are.... crying about a movie you couldnt relate to?

I wish we did more of those threads about films women didnt get, but instead they made it about people born in 92+

>Whether or not Greta Gerwig is actually talented only time will tell.
The opinion of a brainlet who can't tell

It’s a slice of life movie not a morality tale

So much wrong with this.

She grew up as a shitty teenager that "hated her small town and parents". In the end she realized her "small town" is beautiful and full of love-- and that places aren't just better because they are bigger and popular.

Do you remember the first time you drove around sacremento?

Well no because armond white liked it and he always hates anything that has connection to the "mumblecore" groups

I'm not crying about shit it's just not best picture. Solid B+ imo

Females are only good when they're being told what to do. That's why you see more female actors than you do directors. There is no complex formal construction in any of Gerwig's direction. Once again, she, a female, only gleamed superficialities from her influences. She is not consciously intelligent, she's an aesthete of naturalism which is the biggest cliche of modern indie flicks, ultimately a poor and shallow storyteller.

stopped after the first sentence. youre definitely a virgin

That's ok it's just felt so specific. As if it's only just based on her life an experiences.

I laughed a few times at this movie. But its really nothing special. Honestly I think the best movie of the year is either Raw or Bladerunner 2049

This isn't a serious comment, is it? Nobody here actually trusts Sup Forums's opinions on movies, right?

You're the one going around and calling people virgins for not liking a film, user.

You had no friends growing up. This movie is so good at identifying people that were lonely in high school

samefag. i bet you like marvel movies. i bet you had no friends growing up. i bet your parents almost divorced or did

Decent bait, made me reply/10

I had a couple friends in my neighborhood, but yeah I guess you're right otherwise

Its still a good movie though

big mad

What a shit thread this became, the people who liked this movie have done a terrible job defending it.

i like the guy who's main thing is "if you didn't like it you're a loser with no friends"

and that's a good thing