Of the Best Picture Nominees, which ones have you seen and how would you rate them?

Of the Best Picture Nominees, which ones have you seen and how would you rate them?

They all look like boring Oscarbait.

shape of water should win
monster movies are never nominated, while war and/or drama oscarbaits are common thing


Shape of Water
Three Billboards
Call Me By Your Name

Get Out
The Post

Phantom Thread

Dunkirk is 7/10 but it beats the shit out of everything

>Actually Good:
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
Call Me By Your Name

The Shape of Water

>Actually Bad
The Post
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

>Academy Should be Ashamed of Themselves:
Get Out
Darkest Hour

I think whatever our political tendency is, we can all agree that The Post is the black sheep of the list. The true definition of Oscar bait, another BRAVE Meryl Streep portrayal and never a serious contender for the critics, yet it still manages to slide in the Oscar race. I wonder if Meryl is holding a majority of AMPAS hostage

Saw them all except call me by your name
>top tier
Dunkirk, Phantom Thread

>pretty good tier
Shape of Water, Three Billboards, Lady Bird

>obligatory tier
Darkest Hour, Get Out, The Post

To be sure they're all solid films. I personally think announcing more than 5 candidates was a mistake.

OP Here, thinking about it I might switch Dunkirk & Darkest Hour. It might be recency bias talking (As the only two I saw before two months ago was Get Out/Dunkirk, and I know Get Out doesn't deserve it)

1. Phantom Thread
2. Call me by your name
3. who cares

I'll just put a top 3 in random order, I'd be satisfied if any of those win
>Phantom Thread
>Call Me By Your Name
But in reality, I'd imagine the white AMPAS vote will be split and eventually Get Out will win

Who the fuck numbered that shit it's pissing me off!!

I'm going to rank them based just on the posters instead:
Three Billboards
The Post
Call Me By Your Name
Shape of Water
Lady Bird
Get Out
Darkest Hour
Phantom Thread

No way the winner isn't going to be Three Bilbos or Shape of Water

Haha I haven't seen any of these. I laugh at what they want me to think are the best films of the year.

2017 was a shit year

How come The Florida Project wasn't nominated?

If the academy wants to be edgy they'll give it to phantom thread. I'm starting to think it could happen.

Let's talk odds
>Dunkirk: of the nominees, deserves best picture but won't win
>Three Billboards: of the movies that have a chance, the one that deserves it but I think lack of diversity and twitter controversy hurts its chances
>Call Me By Your Name: terrible movie that romanticizes homosexual lust for underage boys, has a decent chance to win because faggots, pedophilia and degeneracy
>The Post: awful not-so-subtle fuck you to Trump with a historical parallel starring rabidly liberal, anti-Trump Hanks and Streep, probably won't win
>Get Out: has a decent chance to win because niggers
>Lady Bird: boring, not many saw, not diverse enough, won't win
>Shape of Water: good chance to win because diverse (good guy spic, nigger, homo, fish vs evil white man), Hispanic communist director
>Phantom Thread: nobody saw it, it just came out too, has small chance because Day Lewis and it's pure oscar bait


Only sensible post so far ITT
I'm predicting a Shape of Water win, and they will give DDL the oscar for best actor for that sweet sweet milestone of oscars won

I've seen:
>Phantom Thread
>Lady Bird
>Three Billboards

And I would rank them in the order I have ranked them above^

and Darkest Hour
>little to no chance to win best picture, but Oldman has a shot at Best Actor

I haven't seen any of them but I'm going to say that Darkest Hour and The Post should be disqualified for being Oscar bait.

how are the foreign films this year? Has a good Iranian film come out?

>call me by your name

>darkest hour
good but boring


>get out
mandatory diversity nomination

sucks ass

>phantom thread

>the post

>the shape of water

>3 billboards
cliche edgy oscar bait

Honestly, Get Out looks so utterly out of place. Wind River, Killing of a Sacred Deer, hell, even fucking Wonder would be a better fit.

Thanks for reminding me Wind River got Weinstiened

as said,
It actually is the token black nomination. It would have had no chance before social media chimpouts mandated such things

The only sensible way to see who will win is through observation on the award season, which is between 3B and Shape of Water. Not through buzzwords spouting

Maybe it's just a tough year, but France's BPM and Israel's Foxtrot should be there.

>Nathan is a young man who joins an AIDS activist group in 1990s Paris. As he attends the weekly meetings, he learns that some members prefer a more radical approach to their protests.
Yes definitely sounds awful enough to be there.

>A man and his wife cope with grief after learning that their son died in the line of duty.
This too.

I understand Sup Forums's total ignorance of Oscar and I agree it's a very mediocre film, but saying Get Out is just a token black nomination is just pure idiocy. I would share the same sentiment if, say, Girls Trip got nominated for being black, but it's not remotely the same case. Even before Golden Globe, SAG and PGA etc., Get Out is recognised in regional critics award and even won some. In fact, it would be very weird, statistical-wise, if it didn't get the Oscar nod.

It's literally just because racism.


>The Post
>Shape of Water
>Three Billboards
All disappointments I don't want any of them to win.

Phantom Thread > Three Billboards > Lady Bird > Call Me By Your Name > Dunkirk > Get Out >>>>> The Shape of Water

Of those I only saw Lady Bird and Dunkirk

Dunkirk was super boring. Lady Bird made me laugh a few times but wasn't anything special

If I had to guess the only movie that deserves to be there is Phantom Thread

>dunkirk was boring

>okay i can see why you're here
Three Billboards

>you're okay but you don't belong here
Get Out

Lady Bird
The Post

>wannabe R-rated Tim Burton that deserves nothing but derision
The Shape of Water

>where the fuck are you, bro???
I, Tonya

Still need to watch Darkest Hour, the gay movie and Call Me By Your Name.


There's literally nothing of great impact on the writing or setting in the movie. Actually, there's nothing of great impact at all, it is just another teenager high school bullshit, Saoirse Ronan is the only thing that makes it watchable. Did the critics became weeaboos? Because that's the only kind of people who have the lack of shame to point at something with high school setting and call it original.

You forgot phantom thread, the only true kino of the year.


Get Out
Three Billboards

Darkest Hour
Lady Bird

Shape of Water
Call Me By Your Name
Phantom Thread


Get Out being recognised by Oscar has nothing to do with my state of mind. It's just a simple trend observation

Tumblr: the opinion



Darkest Hour is such shit. If Oldman beats Day-Lewis, it's going to be a bad day for the Oscars. Only thing Darkest Hour should win is makeup.

How did Get Out get nominated over I Tonya?

Are Darkest Hour and The Post worth watching or just oscar bait?

You thought I Tonya was best picture tier? Was it the snappy direction?

Mostly bait, darkest hour was worth it for Oldman, the post for its direction.

Yes I enjoyed it more than most of the films nominated

Well thank goodness your retarded pleb ass doesn't choose the nominees.

But was it because of the filmmaking? Would a documentary on the subject not be equally enjoyable?

Did you not see the horrendous CGI on her fucking face during the skating scenes?

The acting was okay but it wasn't a particularly memorable movie. Definitely not best picture worthy. At least The Beguiled had great set pieces and was super comfy.

I've seen Dunkirk, it was alright but overrated by normies. Wouldn't bother watching the rest.

I thought I was going to hate Ladybird but I ended up liking it a lot. Pretty solid film.

I have like 54 more films to watch before the oscars though.

Will Sup Forums riot when Timothee doesn't win Best Actor? He deserves it.


I've seen none of them

CMBYN: 7/10
Lady Bird: 6.5/10
The Shape of Water: 6.5/10
Three Billboards: 6.0/10
Get Out: 5.5/10
Dunkirk: 5/10
The Post: 5/10

Still need to see Phantom Thread and Darkest Hour.

Darkest Hour
Get Out
Lady Bird
Phantom Thread
The Post
The Shape of Water
Three Billboards

By far the worst lineup of best picture nominees I've ever seen

Saw The Post today. Very bland.

1 Call Me By Your Name
2 Phantom Thread
3 Dunkirk
Everything else.

I’ve seen them all. The first two are legit kino. Dunkirk is good. Lady Bird is like a hundred other girl coming of age, not nearly as good as Fish Tank. 3B has one great performance surrounded by McDonagh’s nihilist shit. Get Out is there because of woke millennial whiteys. Darkest Hour is dog shit, young punk Oldman would be ashamed of how thirsty he is now for a trophy.

I've seen literally 0 of these. Am I out of touch or is the academy retarded?

What are some actual good 2k17 films that didn't get any nominations, Sup Forums?

Both. I mean if you haven't seen any one of those what are you even doing here?

I can understand not seeing them all or half but really

Good Time
Florida Project
The Square
A Quiet Passion

Don't worry, only retards watched these films.

This is correct, CMBYN should win

I'll be happy if Dunkirk, Phantom Thread, or Darkest Hour wins best picture. But I will be seething if Gary Oldman does not at least win Best Actor. Fuck Day-Lewis, Oldman was incredible in Darkest Hour.

Great: phantom Thread
Good:get out
Kinda boring but has redeeming qualities:the post
Aggressively bad:Dunkirk
Still have to see the rest

>But I will be seething if Gary Oldman does not at least win Best Actor
Literally why, it was so hammy with no subtlety and reaked of starvation for an oscar. Albert Finney blows the shit out of his Churchill.

Oldman is a good actor but this performance was grating. DDL was much better and Chalamet as well.

reconsider your choices in life son.

Phantom Thread -- Great
Lady Bird -- OK
The Post -- w/e
Dunkirk -- w/e
The Shape of Water -- shit

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
The Shape of Water
Get Out
The Post
Phantom Thread
Darkest Hour

Haven't seen Call Me By Your Name or Lady Bird

It was one of those performances that just felt natural. Like he was the character, rather than an actor portraying it. Plus I had no fucking clue it was Oldman in the trailer until it said he was Churchill, which pretty much sold the movie to me.

I watched Dunkirk, Get Out and Three Billboards.
Dunkirk was aight, technically impressive but better things have been done about war.
Get Out was really enjoyable, but not something I would consider worthy of an award
Three Billboards was shit. Of course it has chances of actually winning

Haven't seen the rest due to bad rips/haven't arrived to my country

I watch ladyboy porn from time to time, not sure if that's similar to ladybird

Phantom Thread, Dunkirk and CMBYN are good.

Fuck everything else especially 3bb and get out

Zama, The Other Side of Hope

>CMBYN should win
I don't think they give a fuck anymore for oscar campaign. They're doing European tour now

>I had no fucking clue it was Oldman
Oh please, they would have named this movie Gary Oldman's Darkest Hour if they could have.

I don't think it felt natural, that voice and that fat suit, it was just off and seemed like a parody of what someone will do for an oscar. Again I have massive respect for Oldman but it was grating, and compared to Albert Finney's, far more unnatural and forced

The BLACLED catalogue

>Call me by your name
Homo propaganda

>Darkest Hour
not worth my time

The worst kind of boring
This should have been a British student film not a Nolan Hollywood film

>Get Out
Oscars so diverse Nom
Mediocre comedy flick

>Lady Bird
Oscars so #MEETOO and #GirlPower Nom
Mediocre coming-of-age flick

>Phantom Thread
PTA,DDL on soy
A bad film

>The Post
The worst kind of propaganda film
The worst kind of Oscarbait
An embarrassment for the entire Academy

>The Shape of Water
I like weird shit Del Taco part 9
A 6/10 on a good day
Also we have no idea what we're doing anymore so whatever just give it all the Noms

>Three Bilboards
Postmodern garbage and Oscarbait

only thing close to a decent post ITT

I should be asleep right now but whatever good enough

only get out
it's got great character development for a movie, good symbolism and foreshadowing, but it's not as scary as it could have been and it's way too predictable

>shape of water and dunkirk are better than three billboards

lolwut. Dunkirk was just eye/sound candy and nothing else. No engaging story or likable characters. Shape of Water was basically just an SJW version of E.T.

>hey we suddenly made this guy gay and have a scene where another guy is intolerant to him about it, not that his sexuality has anything to do with anything in this movie
>oh and in the same scene lets have the same anti-gay guy be racist to black people in case you didn't realize that racial discrimination was a thing back then.
>lets also throw in a couple scenes with the main character shlicking in the bath, how progressive!

Three Billboards at least had an actual interesting plot that went in directions you didn't expect it to go.

>Killing of a Sacred Deer.

I honestly had to turn it off after about five minutes because it just annoyed the hell out of me with the way the characters talked.

why live if youre going to be this contrarian


I have seen none of them and I'm not interested in seeing any of them.

Out of curiosity, what movies from last year did you like?