Could someone recommend me some good blatant eye candy movies? Not really fussed about plot...

Could someone recommend me some good blatant eye candy movies? Not really fussed about plot, just wanna see some cute/sexy girls doing stuff.

pic unrelated

what you find sexy then?

It's a great movie but Ana De Armas literally looks perfect in BR2049

Hot chicks being badass, like in those Resident Evil movies.

Michelle Rodriguez is hot imo

Lady Bird


>ywn be in a 3 some between her and Cara

>Not really fussed about plot, just wanna see some cute/sexy girls doing stuff.
So assume RE movies are out.
Note, mostly of these are RE-tier craps.
There we go:
Underworld series
AEon Flux
Atomic Blonde
Kill Bill
Tomb Raider
Nikita (1990 movie, not TV series)
Sucker Punch

Secret diary of a call girl.

sUcker Punch. It was great

The filmography of Andy Sidaris. Bullets, bombs and boobs.

Thank you.

>Cute sexy girls doing stuff

Have you considered watching anime?

>No Dead or Alive

THIS my negro. You will be watching these with your dick out. You could buy the entire set for like $5

haven't seen it, so cant recommend

I like her doppelganger actress

Bitch Slap
bonus points for having half the cast of Hercules and Xena in some capacity

You are gayer than she is lmao.

how about those underworld movies with that kate backanslide slut

Wild Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things Wild Things

Yellow fever - 2046 by Wong war wai

Why not just watch porn, jerk off, and watch good movies instead.


I dunno, there's a certain charm point to it. Porn is just something I use to quickly get rid of my urge so I can get on with my "life", and there's no charm to watching another guy fuck the woman you wanna fuck.

Not Another Teen Movie is one of the hottest films ever made

The Dreamers

not the same. sure, porn with roleplay is similar but it's hard to find that done well and it's not always convenient to fap.

fat wobbly asses

The Fall

I ate 4 grams of mushrooms a few nights back and just watched this knowing nothing of the plot, just that it was supposed to be good to watch on psychedelic

This is the most eye candy movie I have ever seen. It's also one of the most technically well shot films I've ever seen also.

Total hidden gem- couldn't recommend more

Blue Crush
bikini and surfin kino

>it's not always convenient to fap
Try before and after work.


Just watch br2049. I literally had trouble following the plot because I was so distracted by Ana.


My nigga, The Fall is one of my all time faves, unbelievable how under the radar it flies. Did you get tripped out during the stop-motion part?

I became the movie at one point it almost felt like. I remember being in such awe of it, and the stop motion just happens with no warning.
The nightmare fuel aspect of the stop motion may have tripped me up harder if I wasn't just so stunned by everything else happening even story wise. It makes sense too why it would do the stop motion- everything about that film was poetry.

Its criminal how under the radar- I totally agree. Tarsem self-funded the whole thing apparently and it made under 10 million in theatres. I really actually view it as a crowning achievement in all of art. Not just film.

Its honestly a next level kind of experience.\

I've recommended it everyone I know since seeing it. A psychedelic to go with it- enhances everything

spring breakers

Have you seen Street Fighter: the movie? Just replace all the actors with attractive women. There. You have seen the Dead or Alive movie.
For real though OP, Dead or Alive will be right up your alley.

>tfw small dick
>tfw big ass cuts possible sex positions in half

I also recommend Suckerpunch

Amélie or Moonrise Kingdom

No eye candy films for ass men?

>tfw small dick
>dick can't reach pass ass cheeks


Is it really worth it though? The sheer absurdity of every scene in that movie neuters the eye candy factor completely.

>>Nikita (1990 movie, not TV series)
And the series. La Femme Nikita had long stretches of dull, but the Maggie Q series had tight plots and asses.

rec me anime user