So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?

So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?

Real world:
>“Someone in the car looked over and said, ‘Gee, look at that, it’s a mugging,’ ” Trump said. “I said to my driver to stop the car because it was brutal-looking.”[…]
>“The guy with the bat looked at me, and I said, “Look, you’ve gotta stop this. Put down the bat,”‘ Trump said. “I guess he recognized me because he said, ‘Mr. Trump, I didn’t do anything wrong.’ I said, ‘How could you not do anything wrong when you’re whacking a guy with a bat?’ Then he ran away.”
>Trump said the incident occurred at 8 p.m. as he, [Marla] Maples and another couple were heading toward the Lincoln Tunnel on their way to the Meadowlands in New Jersey for a Paula Abdul concert.
>Kathleen Romeo, a 16-year-old student at St. Michael’s Academy in Manhattan, said cries of “There’s Trump!” went through the crowd of onlookers when the erstwhile deal maker emerged from his limousine in front of a Smiler’s deli.
>“A lot of people were surprised that he got out to see what was happening,” Romeo said, adding that the bat-wielder ran off just before Trump actually appeared, and that Trump, “just looked around and went back into his limo.”

Marvel universe:
>Donald Trump's limousine blocked the way of an ambulance responding to an emergency. Luke Cage lifted the vehicle out of the way and carelessly put it back on the street, prompting Trump to threaten Cage with a lawsuit. Cage violently told Trump to get back to his car, scaring him and causing him to quickly jump back into his vehicle and roll back up the car's window.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you ignoring the Punisher Max comic where Barracuda recognized Trump as his old prison bitch?

God shut up you soggy diapered pansy.

>Tumblr will take this bait

>"tumblr bait" is the truth

This is a really weak pasta. Back to the kitchen!

Maybe if you had read the actual comic instead of the one page that gets posted here occasionally, you'd know it was just some accountant that looked like him.

Marvel's writers are very petty. Not only with Trump, but with anything really.

See their twitter, their tumblrs or whatever social media they have. They behave in such a way that you have to wonder if this people ever got over High School.

>"totally not trump" who looks exactly like trump


We had a 500+ thread a few days ago. Weak bait it is not.

Come on OP, couldn't you at least keep it fresh, like use the Calexit comic as your pic?


Such a stupid idea. My God.


What a coincidence, so was the comic.

>SJWs ruin comics with their dumbass politics
>people complain about dumbass SJWs injecting their politics into comics

Literally kill yourself.

You realize how far away 8 years is, right?

I'm not OP and I didn't comment on the material within the bait itself. I'm just saying this is objectively not weak bait.

Something new happen or muh russians?

Muh russians, with Donald Junior.


Apologize for what? Fuck Donald Trump. You should be grateful Luke didn't lay his ass out right in the middle of the street



>Republican majority in both parts of Congress
>Republicans very likely to maintain majority in Senate even if the HoR sways
Trump's impeachment is as inevitable as Clinton becoming president.

Also SJW have been "ruining comics with their politics" since the Golden Age. Golden Age Superman would've beat Trump's ass.

Do you really want this?
>Wanting Mike 'like it in the crapper, you get the zapper" Pence

This fucking thread again, weren't the last times you made it enough for you?

When you apologize to your parents.

>two seperate events which have nothing to do with each other are seperate events

quelle shocker

But why are they lying about blatantly obviously true events?

Because it's Marvel. That's why.

Look mom, I made the thread again!

Like a nigger would?

Are Trump shills working overtime lately?

What shills, OP is copypasta.


Works of fiction are not lies because they do not purport to tell the truth. Your mommy really should have explained this to you when you were a toddler, but then you are a Trumpcuck.

that's what we call "deniability"

it's easier than being sued by someone who's going to lose anyway

Yes. With the clear purpose of making Trump look better.

Is this what bait looks like?

My mommy didn't tell me what hilariously dumbass opinions look like.

That kinda looks like bait to me.

You are overestimating Trumpcucks.
There is no grand strategy behind their constant whining, they're just butthurt because someone said a mean thing about muh trump and constantly complain about it.

>be you, a complete fucking retard
>your mommy takes you to New York
>where is Luke Cage, the man with superhuman strength and unbreakable skin?
>where is Spider-Man, the man who soars across the skies of New York using his webs and superhuman acrobatics?
>none of the stories depicted in Marvel comics really happened!
>Marvel lied to you!

I wish I could assume you were baiting, but you probably are just so stupid you don't understand what fiction is.

Not him, but I'm legitimately curious if you could project any harder.

Tell me about your hopes for 2018.

>Donald Trump is a fictional character.
What a waste of trips.

I'm sorry, but does anyone think this WOULDN'T happen? Donald always had a weirdly inflated sense of self worth, and that's before becoming president. Plus he was born rich, so you know his ability to empathize with other humans is already in the toilet.


You're gonna be real disappointed when you realize that Abraham Lincoln: Vampie Hunter was a "lie."

Thanks for you input, CNN.

Now go fuck yourself as you decay into nothingness.

Not because of your treatment of Trump, but because of your treatment of information.

Go back to /shit/.

>I am just throwing shit out and seeing what sticks at this point.


I'm sorry I triggered you. Should I point out that he also tends to refer to people like objects?

>I have no idea what "triggered" means, but if I project hard enough, I'll have a counterpoint.

Go back to playing with your stuffed animals.

And for a serious question, why is it that liberals are not only Alex Jones-tier conspiracy theorists these days, but have no comebacks beyond projecting?

>go play with stuffed animals
>Alex Jones is literally a mainstream right-wing commentator

It sounds like the only projecting being done is by you.

>alex jones is now mainstream

Funny how he's suddenly mainstream as soon as liberals start pushing literally insane "trump is a top secret KGB agent" conspiracy theories.

Thanks, libtards, for making insanity mainstream.

>witnesses say Trump didn't get out of the car until the attacker had already left and got back into the car without saying a word
Yeah, the "truth"

Actually it was Trump who did that. Interviews, praise offline and on, a group of people who doggedly go along with anything Trump says. Is it any surprise that Alex Jones got so popular so fast?

Yes, I do.

I don't care about "muh homophoby", I want a USA prez that is not a fucking joke and does not suck Russian dick.

You do know that all of New York except for the mob hates Trump, right?


This single post is far more insane than Alex Jone's entire career.

>You do know that all of the sheep in this predominantly libcuck shithole except for the people hate Trump, right?

>(((they))) hate Trump
but why?

>i am literally retarded and do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality

You've already proven that. You don't have to keep posting.

That single post was an objective statement of fact. Jones rode the Trump train into the mainstream with his insane conspiracy stories about Clinton murders, the vast NWO/media conspiracy against Trump, and other such crap.

So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?

Real world:
>the band KISS is composed of human beings who were born from human vaginas in the usual way

Marvel universe:
>KISS emerge, like Athena, fully formed from a woman's skull and strike rude poses before an anthromorphic duck

>Real world:
>>the band KISS is composed of human beings who were born from human vaginas in the usual way
FAKE NEWS Marvel actually got it right.

Do I need to call your tard wranglers for you?

You're literally making zero sense.