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That was some serious bad luck

I am torn between this ending so soon. On one hand, I like his writing and have gotten surprisingly invested.

On the other hand, it's nice to have a short and sweet comic that isn't dragged out, and ends before a fandom can really form around it.

I don't know if you can stop fandom. If it happens it happens. This concept lends itself to small stories about the normal people.

There's already a bunch of art and tumblrs forming around this. Internet moves pretty fast. That said, the fact that it's wrapping up this week will keep the fandom size to a minimum.

Don't expect a Satellite cosplay explosion like Homestuck, basically.

Good night sweet prince ;-;

So what is this?

It's a story about satellites and immortality

And, tangentially, football.

I think you can go from the beginning from here: sbnation.com/a/17776-football/

That would be a pretty weird cosplay regardless

So is there a better place to discuss than Sup Forums? It seems like no one gives a shit here

The current themes I've seen in fanart has been human satellite-tans, robot versions of satellites, & humans with satellite heads.

Doable by internet dudes and ladies. I've seen weirder cosplay at cons.

There's been a few threads, but also freaking out over it being Not Sup Forums. Media stuff like this and podcasts have problems fitting into a lot of the sections here.

Just got to chapter 2. This is weird, but kinda cool.

No idea, most of twitter seems to just be people saying others should read it.

I like it a lot but I'm kind of at the point where I need to see how it ends before I try to discuss it. I'm not really sure where it's going yet.

Well a 200 pound football shot from a cannon on top of Denali just obliterated a 15000 year old national landmark, is that discussable?

It was posted to Sup Forums when somebody compared it to Homestuck.

Personally, I don't mind it being here. It seems to be too Sup Forums for /lit/, and it's too /lit/ for Sup Forums, and I dunno anywhere else it would fit. It's almost like podcasts; where the hell do you talk about podcasts when they're too X for Y and too Y for Z?

With three updates left it doesn't seem unreasonable to think that the lightbulb breaking is the catalyst that puts the 'plot' into the endgame. However I also thought yesterday's update ending on the topic of children would lead into more backstory shit and here we are.

I think most podcasts would go to the parent board, like word balloon interviews get talked about here when relevant.

But this is too visually involved to be /lit/ and Sup Forums isn't really for fantasy style fiction. I don't get people arguing that it shouldn't be Sup Forums just because the animation is very simple and mostly edited images.

That is weird because I had assumed the nanos would protect it like they seemingly have with the buildings and shit. But I'm not sure what it might mean.

I've said this in a previous thread, but I REALLY want to see more from this universe. It's so creative and lends itself to many creative stories and offshoots.

Honestly, I'm okay with fanfiction, but knowing its audience it might just be the satellites comings out as a genderfluid demiqueer or some shit.


It's kind of gotten a hold of by some of that audience. But yeah, I'm digging what lore there is.

I still keep imagining Europe using soccer to promote/relegate communities into towns or cities, or other social-political decisions. Or spiral into zoning nightmares like Denver vs Pittsburg.

Other random 17776 thoughts: Think Ten had similar hopes as Nine several millennial prior, before morphing into rage then finally cynicism as she realized that this was humanity's final form.

>I'm coming out as a pansexual.
>ten you're a satellite
>even if you were able to break from the natural programming of binary
>you know
>you have a computer for a brain
>you still don't have a cooch

On that note, why did Ten awaken Nine in the first place? Is she trying to wake up all the probes?

They haven't explicitly stated that the nanos are keeping the buildings together, but if the firemen's reaction is anything to go by, probably not.

Ten might have periodically sent messages to Nine just to test if he had reached sapience.

They probably just wanted it to stay up on its own, you know? Keep at least a little bit of the city human.

There's probably not much pre-Immortality stuff left that hasn't been reconstructed either by people or nanos.

Thanks to the magic of the internet, Ten can be a 9' tall girl-type robot.

Where are the writefags when you need them.