Marvel Legacy CABLE

CABLE #150


The time-traveling mutant known as Cable has made it his one-man mission to preserve all of time itself. But when a disturbance in the timestream sends Cable back to the recent past, he’ll find a mutant killer he won’t be able to handle alone. Cable’s led teams of X-Men before and he’ll have to turn to some old allies and new friends to stop this deadly threat. Get ready for the newer New Mutants!

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>Malin not on Marvel Two-in-One
The evil is contained.

>Greg Land on Incredible Hulk

Now we only have find out which one will be the Deodato containment book.

>Malin not shitting up anything I care about


are you going to make a thread for every single series?

> Sexy Blink is back...
Fuck Yes.
Frantic screams of "dear god no" intensify.

Sweet! Armor is on the team.

>Ed, your take on Cable is going to be different from, say, Rob Liefeld or Chris Claremont. The same could be said of Nathan Summers. Who you see is going to be different from the 20/20 vision of Louise Simonson. So who do you see when you put Cable/Nathan under the microscope? What layers do you want to peel away to reveal more of this time-traveler’s psyche?

Ed Brisson: The thing that I find most interesting about Cable is that he’s a man without a place. He doesn’t have anywhere to hang his hat — be it a literal home or even a specific year. He was born in our present, then promptly shot 2,000 years into the future.

Hell, even at his conception, he was a pawn in a war between Mister Sinister and the X-Men. His sacrifice was meant to open a hole between Limbo and earth. As a baby, he was torn between good and evil. Through his life, he’s split between the future and the past.

What that does to his identity, to his own sense of who he is, is something that I’d like to explore as we get into the series. What’s it like to be a man without a place, without real roots, constantly fighting to maintain the lives of those who do.

>Cable is a formidable opponent, to say the least. The man is a telepath, practiced in telekinesis. He's also an expert marksman, and has a leg up given his cybernetic enhancements. So being self-sufficient is not a stretch for him. Yet he has to recruit "newer New Mutants" to help him take on a mutant killer that is too much for him alone to handle. So how does he reconcile his limitations while still putting on the air of a leader? At what point would he not want to let his guard down, given that he doesn't want the students to see that the teacher would also have a hard time passing the qualifying exam?

an alternate reality I'm guessing

In this arc, Cable only knows that someone has leapt to the past and killed a mutant in New Orleans. As he peels back the layers of the case, he starts to understand the larger picture of what he’s against and begins to recruit members based on what he needs to accomplish. The team, consisting of Longshot, Shatterstar, Doop, X-23, Blink and Armor each provide a very important skillset needed to find this killer and stop him or her. You take one of them out of the equation and the mission is doomed.

One of the interesting things in writing this is that we’ve set it in the past, which allows Cable to bring in members who he’s worked with 10, 20, 50 years into the future. He knows that they’re capable of things that they may not even be aware of.

>Mark, your job is particularly sticky in that Cable steps through time. With that in mind, there are land mines everywhere that he can step on once he intersects with previous continuity. If we got a chance to sneak a peek into your office or study, what particular references do you keep on hand to help you navigate the long, winding road of Marvel history? What books would you consider bibles?

Mark Paniccia: It’s going to be dependent on what each story calls for. For this particular arc we’re cross-referencing a lot of different stuff and that takes time for me, associate editor Mark Basso and assistant Chris Robinson. But like you say, it’s a mine field and you’re gonna get a toe or two blown off no matter how careful you are. Comics history is a very unique thing, ever-flowing and changing. That doesn’t stop us from giving you a great story, though.

>Alright, gents. If you could go keyboard commando, and rank Cable in the hierarchy of heroes for the Marvel Universe, where might he place on the pyramid of importance? Given how he can traipse through counter-clockwise crosswinds one moment, and spring forward the next, is he closer to the top of the food chain? How hard does he tow the line for the Marvel universe?

Ed Brisson: Considering that Cable has gone toe-to-toe with the likes of Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, Magneto, Bishop, Hulk, Juggernaut, and The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and lived to tell the tale should show that he’s no slouch.

Given the above and how many times his time-traipsing adventures have saved the Marvel U, I’d put him near the top of the Marvel U food-chain. However, he probably doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves. Like all preventative measures, no one notices when they work.

Mark Paniccia: Yeah, he’s a cop and time’s his beat. So just like real world policemen are super important to our safety, Cable is crucial to the safety of the Marvel Universe.

>Make x-23 the new wolverine
>give her the wolverine treatment and put her on all the books

well at least they are going back to the old costume

Eh he draws nice bimbo women. Its funny the lie-flied clone is doing cable.

It's laura from the past.

Your comment just made me realize that Laura teaming up with her old child assassin self might make for a cool time travel arc.

>>Sexy Blink
Are you implying there was anything wrong with this cutie pie

Ew. Glad they made her hot in legacy again.

The cover looks good though. I guess it's due to the new colorist.

Christ, Robinson didn't last long.


Also, that's obviously AoA Blink, not 616.

Wow, way to be a pleb.

Good, Robinson is really boring.

I think Brisson is writing the current Iron Fist. It's pretty good.

Lol. Retards with shit taste. I bet you like dyke carol too. I bet your wife fucks you with a strap on.

Anyway Aoa bkink in regular marvel us what fans wanted.

All new mutants post morrison suck, and are sales cancer.

>I bet you like dyke carol too. I bet your wife fucks you with a strap on.
Nice, strawman AND ad hominem!


Putting Kid Liefeld on a Liefeld inspired arc is actually a sensible decision on Marvel's part.

Yeah I was going to say. I wonder if he'll sign exclusive with DC again.

Morrisons run is over rated as fuck. Even Whedon's run was better.

Well he DID just jump on to the new Wonder Woman ongoing...

>I bet your wife fucks you with a strap on.
I wish. Bitch won't even finger my ass.

Kill it with fire.

They might give him JSA back too. Although I don't think he'd really want that.

He'll be DC exclusive, or at least he's done with Marvel. He said so on his twitter.

>Malin on art
I mean, I guess that's appropriate for Cable.



Everyone hates prime blink. Everyone.

Glad shitty robison is gone. All of his modern work is cancer.

This feels good on the benis

I think Robinson's largely mediocre and his best stuff is in deep past but holy hell are Marvel retarded to let him walk away. He's better than almost all the guys they currently have.

No, he was just another writer shitting up the bullpen. Everything he wrote at Marvel was hot shite.

You must not like good artist. Is it because it is not some shit artist people do not like that you and Sup Forums can try to make sound like a god? Hipster central = Sup Forums

This is AoA Blink right?
I wonder if she and Longshot remember being on the Exiles together

And I hope the fact that Shatterstar is Longshot's son and Longshot is a clone of Shatterstar is brought up

This cover is good, I don't understand the fuss about the artist. Btw my first thought was Selene and Karma, not X23 and Armor. Then I noticed their hands.

Hi, Deodato. How's your Brazilian ass doing?

Calm down, cheesecakefag. No need to samefag.

>writer change already
>completely random-ass team
Good to know the X-books will remain terrible.

Strongly disagree.

Non of it was great, but it was consistently okay.
Which made him one of Marvel's best writers.

He wasn't writing anything terribly offensive. If you want to get rid of shit and mediocre hacks, start at the bottom.

>Robinson and Pacheco already out

Sincerely please stop calling people this. We are user for a reason and you (presumably only you) have used this term like 4 times this month and 2 of them genuinely wasn't me.

This was me... As was me yelling defensively about Stuart Immonen in the Marvel solicitations thread. (which didn't even have anything to do with cheesecake for god's sake)

and some Catwoman thread you used the term in I found in the archive were not.

I am actually fine with the New Mutants outfit, I was thinking of the one were she was possessed/Influenced by Black Qween which was just a generic black leather 1 piece.

literally Exiles Force
>''young'' Laura
even without the rights Marvel can't restrain themselves from synergy

>New New Mutants
>Clearly an Exiles thing

They aren't even new characters for fucks sake

Malin on Cable is hilariously appropriate

Laura hooks up with Longshot

>better line-up than any of current X-Teams
>art by Malin

Longshot probably doesn't remember anything. He is easy to reset so you don't need continuity things when you don't feel like it.

Cable goes back to the past in this arc.

The arc happens before X-Factor reveals.

Shatterstar should still know that Longshot is his dad/clone

Maybe they'll do an Arrested Development type-deal, only here Shatterstar will drop "subtle" hints that he is Longshot's son, as opposed to the other way around.

Is that 616 Blink? Did she grow her hair out?

Thank God Longshot looks normal again.

>Longshot and Shatterstar on the same team
The father/son/son/father dynamic will be interesting.

Imagine Liefeld and take away whatever sliver of talent remains within him. He's awful, this book is dead. Also I guess the toxicity of Exiles is washed away enough for Real Blink to return and 616 Blink gets shunted back to limbo where she belongs.

I'll never understand Armorfags. How is it possible to love a character who has literally zero personality?

Nobody cared about 616 Blink. Blink got popular because her AOA self was a badass hot pink elf warrior. 616 is Le Wacky Girl and thus shit.

> Blink and Laura lezzing out.

>Imagine Liefeld and take away whatever sliver of talent remains within him.

Don't you think that's appropriate for an arc that's an obvious throwback to Cable's early years?

fans of the X-men anime


She had a good thing going with Wolverine. She's like Kitty without the sense of moral superiority and propensity towards giant robot forms.

>the absolute state of marvel right now


got a chuckle

While I generally agree with the sentiment, I don't think this is a team that would really jell together. It's just too random of a selection.

I dunno. Armor and X23 aren't strangers and Blink rounds out the X cuties. Id have liked to see someone like Domino to give a more "ADULT" female on the team but this is basically just Armor and Blink joining X-force plus Longshot which is nice because Im sick of Gambit

Doop and Longshot should totally be my thing but I won't touch a Malin book with a fifty-foot pole

What's Malin got under their belt I kind of lost track of what shitty creator is who

>Zubbolts woth Malin NEVER

Looks good, except for the green thing and the whole "time displaced" thing with at least Laura.
If it were a team with their last decent versions to stay that would be perfect.