Other urls found in this thread:

I miss Tommyposting. He really was the ultimate Mary Sue
>the anti-hero bad boy
>can take all the other rangers at once
>two different costumes
>kim is wet for him
>gets his own megazord, a fucking dragon

>two different costumes
Try five.

The original pink ranger was my sexual awakening

And later you can upgrade to a real waifu.

After the huge success of Chad Thundercock in that bullshit series Shit Things Season 2, will we get to see a new Power Rangers movie in the coming years?

Who the fuck put these costumes so out of order?

There are still talks of doing a sequel. The last one didn't do amazing but it made money and was well received. A second one with more of a focus on the action would be great.


You are ok.

Still can't get over the fact that the evil Lord Zed was voiced by Terry Bruge-Hiplo.

I feel they did a good enough job setting up the stories of each character, it wasn't great at all but still acceptable given that you have 5 main characters, so it's hard to give much screen time to all of them, it certainly would have made a good background for a sequel, but then the movie didn't make that much money and pretty much my hopes went down the drain.


I met Robert Axelrod at a convention a few years back, he is a strange man and I don't think he is all there.

Fun fact: The Power Rangers Super Legends game revived Zedd by saying that he fell into a pile of Time Crystals.

Robert Axelrod fell into a pile of crystal meth.

>ranger outfit is clearly swan themed
Why is Power Rangers so retarded at adapting Super Sentai?

Great show and theme song. Didn't the Magma Defender have a kid with the exact same armor?

>was a cat at one point
What did Saban mean by this?

Nostalgia dollars.

Yes, swans are well known for their pointy triangle ears.

Was he senile? Drugged out of his gourd? Zedd scared the fuck out of me as a child, the less intimidating he is now the better.

Is there a link for the new episode?

Probably both.

Those are wings you stupid mother fucker.

That's not even the best Kat though

Yeah because swans have fucking wings on their head, retard?
Oh my lord zedd...

I'm pretty sure that cats don't have wings. Dumbass.

Sad to hear, but for some reason not totally unexpected

[citation needed]

*rapes your waifu*

Who am I kidding. No one waifus any of the Samurai rangers

That's why the outfit is swan themed, retard.
Since the person that originally wore it was named Swan.
Since when do ranger helmets ever just have stylization for the head?

friendly reminder

Wingless cats are much, much more common.

>Since when do ranger helmets ever just have stylization for the head?

Fine. Then what animal is this supposed to represent genius?

Thanks for proving my point.
Ranger helmets aren't always heads.

>what animal is this supposed to represent genius?
That is a stylized representation of a Turbo Tiger. A high-speed nocturnal tracker.

Did someone say Zhane thread? Because this is now a Zhane thread.

Reminder that Tommy is so powerful that his donut steel OC became canon.


>9 years old
>love ninja turtles
>hear about new power rangers show coming out
>watch first episode
>watch this exact scene
>wtf awful dogshit is this?
>turn it off and never watch again
>constantly make fun of any faggots that watch it and still do
What absolute shit, glad I skipped it.

Is that a fucking Power Rangers gacha game?

It's not gacha it's a fighting game, and a surprisingly decent one at that.

Kim < Kat
How will womanlets ever recover?

It looks like a phone game and it looks like you pay to unlock shit, so its a gacha.

It is a phone game and you don't have to pay to unlock anything if you don't want to.

So its a gacha. Right.

I'm not a weeb so I don't know what a "gacha" is. But if it means "phone game with microtransactions" then literally every game is a "gacha".

Tommy is like that guy in the neighborhood who exclusively hangs out with high schoolers. He was pretty cool at first but as he got older it just became sad.

>gacha is a weeb term
>being this stupid
Nigger just google the term.

I will give anything for Lupinranger Vs Patranger to actually get turned into a Power Rangers show.

>wanting more shows to get butchered

Sentai fags please go. This is Power Rangers thread.

>power rangers thread
>posts Sentai

Why was she so purrfect?

She is a spicy little minx.

Threadly reminder that Tommy is a bum and Jason was a better Ranger.

Yeah well, you know what they say about dogs and swans.

Is it wrong I still wanna fug her?

you are right, it's really not that great though. pretty much what you'd expect boxes with timers, grind or pay money, top tier characters are exactly that. combat is pretty much rock paper scissors etc etc.

>it's really not that great though
Ok, I didn't want to play it.
I was actually disgusted that such a thing existed. Although not surprised given the jewish nature of the company.

>Is it wrong I wish to have sexual relations with an attractive adult?

It got named (or nominated?) as one of the top 1 mobile games of the year, mostly because it's real-tine pvp.
And because it has pro tournaments.

>Mary Sue
You clearly don't know what that term means.

>everyone in the Sup Forums twitch marathon making flashpoint batman jokes


>It got named as one of the top 1 mobile games of the year
>as if that means anything
Phone games are generally garbage.

At San Diego Comic Con this year I played an exhibition match against Jason David Franke in the game. I beat him despite the fact that he was cheating and he was not a gracious loser. David Yost and Walter Emmanuel were awesome though.

Wrong Kat friendo


Everybody prefers different breeds.

How can you cheat in a fucking phone game?



Since it was a special exhibition thing they made him max level and stats while everyone playing against him was low level, so he had about three times as much health as all of his challengers. They also made it so we couldn't use Green or White which are arguably the best of the characters we could choose from.

green ranger goat anybody who disagrees can kiss my 12 inch taint

My nigga

Power Rangers is a gay Super Sentai ripoff for 7 year olds.

Super Sentai is also for 7 year olds.
But you are right that Power Rangers is terrible.


Legal adaptation, friendo

Time Force is the best one don't @ me

My hopes went out the window when Pink Ranger was cast as Jasmine in the live action Aladdin. Yellow has a singing career and the movie didn’t make much - Jew Saban is nothing if not shrewd; They won’t pay to have HyperForce published (tabletop RPG currently streaming every Tuesday @ 9pm PST) They won’t pay for better writers for Super Ninja Steel, it KILLS ME that they probably wont pay for more movies
>Sequel is Green Ranger saga over 2 hours
>3rd movie White Ranger saga and new rangers - skips ninja & kidshit
>4th movie BASED ZEO directly to IN SPACE when it ends Zordon being taken by someone
>Power Rangers Guardians of the Galaxy kino

Jesus Christ you have awful ideas.

>it made money

So you WANT to include kidshit timefuck & TURBO?

How about they just don't do anymore movies?

>broke even +made HALF of what they spent.
>”This is substantial profit”
How’s that business degree comin, bud?

I'd rather they move into more original content.

Actually it looks like they LOST money.

That’s interesting, what were you hopin for?

Yeah about 30million

>100 million dollar budget plus marketing
>143 million dollar gross
>estimated $80 million dollars earned after the theaters take their cut
>lost about $20 mil not even taking marketing into account
>How’s that business degree comin, bud?
Better than your reading comprehension or math.

>But muh toy sales will save it


That's a weird way of spelling SPD.

OMLETTE....du fromage.

Oh no no no no...

Hopefully the next time a power rangers movie is made they get it right this time. Because there was some real potential in that decent 6/10 movie.

Is this some custom bash job?

>they get it right this time
This is the third try. 3 strikes and your out Saban.

>implying the first two movies were bad
Get out.

>MMPR The movie
>not bad
Neck yourself faggot.